Choosing Classes

<p>Tomorrow students who did not go to orientation will be able to choose their classes through their portal for UCSC. I did not go to orientation, so I will be one of those students. I have no idea how to pick my classes. I’m going in as an undeclared freshman. Any tips/advice for choosing classes? Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>First of all, which college are you in? One of your classes should be your college’s core class. Second, do you have an idea of which major you’re going to declare for? </p>

<p>I’m in Kresge. I remember reading somewhere that my core class is determined based both off of my college and my AWPE score. Is this true? If so, then I guess I should wait until welcome week to pick my core class? Because I will be doing my AWPE during welcome week, since I haven’t done it yet. And no I have no idea what I’m going to major in. It would be ideal for me to enroll in a class that could potentially act as a prerequisite for more than one major. If that’s even possible. Thanks for the response, I appreciate it.</p>

<p>I believe that while you take the same core course the section you’re in depends on the AWPE score. It looks like whatever section you have you have a summer assignment, so you should get a used copy and read it before classes start: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;. One thing they told the parents during orientation week is they’d rather students not feel the need to overload themselves and burn out during the first quarter, so if you’re not sure about your major you might want to make sure to take some general ed requirements. This might be a better strategy if you’re inclined towards humanities requirements. With some majors, biology for instance, you need to focus on taking major requirements ASAP, esp. as there’s a lot of classes with pre-reqs (math, etc.). Also remember that you can take courses at your local community college over the summer (check out the site to make sure courses are transferable) if you need to make up for missing pre-reqs or gen ed requirements. Good luck! </p>

<p>Very informative! Helps a great length. Thank you!</p>