Choosing Classes

<p>I'm a first generation (US) college student and I have no idea about college classes and anything about deciding which ones to take. I'll be entering LSA in fall of 08, and am currently undecided regarding my major. So how exactly do i pick the classes i'm going to take? Are there certain requirements/prereq classes regardless of what major I've indicated? How many credit hours are required per year? What exactly is a credit hour? Lastly, this whole thing about having to sign up for lectures/classes/discussions was somewhat of a surprise to me.. someone explain the deal with this?
lol sorry, I know those are all a bunch of pretty rudimentary questions, but any info would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Wow, you are worried already? The seniors haven't even chosen classes yet lol. But anyways, you will be choosing classes through wolverineaccess during orientation. You do have a lot of requirements: [l]<a href=""&gt;[/l]&lt;/a>. You should take at least 12-18 credits to be considered a full time student. A credit hour really depends on the class your taking. Each class you take, besides seminars, require a lecture and discussion. In lectures, the professor usually teaches you the material while the GSI in your discussion usually reinforces the material. I find a lot of my first-year discussions pretty pointless, so a lot of times I just skip them. So they aren't as time-consuming as they may seem. For now, you shouldn't be worrying. Orientation is devoted for you to meet new friends, learn about requirements, and register for classes.</p>

<p>thanks so much, krazyworks!</p>

<p>when you come to orientation, every question will be answered hahaha, dont worry about it too much</p>