choosing housing

<p>I just put the $500 dollars down for the deposit and I'm wondering what to do next. They talk in tha packet they sent about "first come first served", but do i get to choose?</p>

<p>You can put in a request but unless you know someone in housing it won’t matter. If you do want to be say in Lower Cents which has co-ed dorms you can put in an application for air conditioning. You will need a note from your doctor that you have allergies or sweat too much. There are limited A/C units so get your note in as soon as possible.</p>

<p>Lower cents is mostly co-ed by floor, only one or two of the buildings are co-ed by room. Not all of the air conditioned rooms are on the co-ed floors. Just get a doctors note saying you have allergies or something if you want AC. AC is REALLY nice to have when it gets hot out, like the time of year you’ll be moving in. ;)</p>

<p>You’ll be receiving more information soon regarding how to sign up for housing. Basically it’s done on the portal, you just fill out the roommate assignment sheet by putting in some general interests and putting a name in if you know someone that you want to room with (both parties must put the name of the other in to automatically get assigned). You do not get any other choices such as what building you would like to live in. They are all so similar anyway, other than location. IMO, Lower Cents location is best because you don’t have to go up as many stairs to get to it. It’s located on the east side of campus instead of all the way at the top. However, the party kids tend to like the McClintic-Marshall house location the best due to it’s close proximity to The Hill (frat/sor houses).
But, you don’t get to choose anyway. lol.</p>

<p>ar31, are most freshmen room arrangements one room doubles?</p>

<p>JohnAdams, yes, most fresmen are in doubles, with few singles and triples. You can see room layouts on Lehigh’s housing website for details on dimensions and contents of the rooms in each building.</p>

<p>ar31, are the triples in one room or two rooms?</p>

<p>I believe the triples are set up to have one double bedroom, one single bedroom, a living area, and a bathroom. But they might vary from building to building (I think the one’s in Richards/Dravo/Drinker are just one room with 3 beds). The only triple I’ve been in to see was one that only 1 kid lives in. lol. He got lucky.</p>

<p>EDIT: Yeah, here is a triple room in Dravo:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>More layouts and info here: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>ar317, thanks for the info…</p>

<p>I imagine that most incoming freshmen are put in one room doubles and really don’t get a choice of dorm building.</p>

<p>You would be correct making that assumption.</p>

<p>what dorms do ED kids usually end up in?</p>

<p>oreopie: As far as I know it doesn’t matter. It DOES go by deposit date (when you accept your admission offer), and it’s supposed to put the people who send in deposits first in the bigger rooms. All in all, the rooms aren’t that much different in size anyway. You can look up the dimensions on the housing website.</p>

<p>@ar31791. you are wrong about deposit date.</p>

<p>I was ED II. I live in lower cents. most people here are EDs.EDers get better housing (well better as in not up the hill).
Most EDers will end up in lower cents while others will end up in upper cents, richards, etc.</p>

<p>The rooms don’t matter that much because they are all basically the same unless you get screwed in m&m or something. I will say this, lower cents have quite crappy facility (ping pong tables, pool tables, TVs, etc) while dorms like Dravo (for people doing CHOICE) have really big lounges and top notch stuff.</p>

<p>But im pretty sure everyone would agree that it’s better to not have to hike so much everyday versus having say a 50 inch LCD tv.</p>