Choosing Roomates

Hello, I have found 3 people I want to live with next year in Presidential Village. I already have accepted to be roomaytes with one guy, and the other 2 guys have requested each other. Me and the other guy have the date to choose our room on May 3rd, so we will pull the other 2 guys in. How likely will it be to live with all 4 of us in a suite if we choose on the same night?

In order to have the best chance for all 4 of you to be together the two with the earliest times need to match with the 2 with the later times. If the two with the earlier times are close in time on the selection date and pull the 2 in with the later date/time it should work out. There still should be empty suites on 5/3, although you may not have your top choice of location. If you are flexible with what floor/location you want to be in, you should be fine.

Can I ask, how did you find your roommates? Is there some kind of link or website for this? My daughter is looking for roommates for honors housing. Thank you!

My son found his via the Bama housing site where the students supply info about themselves. You should also check out the F***book “University of Alabama Parents of Class of 2022” group.

My dd went to the student fb page for her class year and from there joined one (several?) of the group me pages. She found some wonderful, smart girls who joined together with the two earliest time slots and are in a suite together. She also met a few other pairs and single girls and once on campus she has a small group of new “friends”. They all get along, three are friends and one is “friendly”.

My son let UA choose them!