CHP Irvine vs. Santa Barbara w/ Regents

<p>I still need to see if I get into other schools, but for now I’m very conflicted.</p>

<p>The honors program at Irvine seems better than the honors program at Santa Barbara, especially for my major (biology). However, I got Regents at SB and not at Irvine. I prefer the location of SB (still need to visit). I liked Irvine’s campus, especially their dorms, but the campus was empty (I went on a weekend).</p>

<p>I intend on going to grad school, so will it make a difference which school I attend (quality of education, recognition by grad schools/employers)? If the quality of education at Irvine is better, is it worth it to go to turn down the scholarship at SB?</p>

<p>UCI has more resources for biology so I'm assuming it has a better reputation than UCSB in that field. They're still ranked the same according to USNWR, although I think UCI will probably surpass UCSB. I go to UCI, I'm from Santa Barbara, I'm familiar with both campuses, and yes I like UCI more (thats why I chose it).
If you're not from central CA then it might be interesting to live at UCSB, and it would be great to have it paid for via Regents. Still, I can't recommend it over UCI, just because of all the resources we have here.</p>

<p>How are the marine sciences at UCI and what do you do during the weekends (seemed pretty lonely)?</p>

<p>My d is in your exact same situation; ie. Regents at UCSB; CHP at UCI and waiting for others. UCD is a guarantee with ELC and waiting for the top tiers. We had a discussion about UCI, UCSB, UCD as if she did not get into UCSD, UCLA, UCB and she worked through what she wanted and what would be best for her amongst those three. If money is a tipping point amongst the UC's then Regents should be overwhelming in favor of UCSB. If money is not a factor, then try to figure out which school you'd be happiest at. Rankings are frankly not that important or significant amongst UCI or UCSB and you will succeed where you are happiest. Irvine is suburban and not easily accessible without a car to surrounding areas. UCSB has its own character...where would you feel "at home"? I think it is a good idea to try to figure out your safeties now before the other schools send out their acceptances so you know which direction you want to look at more carefully if SD, LA or B don't come through. Hope this is helpful.</p>

<p>I love the ocean and want to possibly become a marine biologist. Money is also important. In terms of rankings, the schools are equal, but biology seems much better at Irvine. I don't know if that's true or not, especially for marine sciences. I also loved the dorms at Irvine but I didn't care much for the city. I guess I'm leaning toward UCSB, but I still have to visit. </p>

<p>I don't think I'll go to Davis because it's too far from home for me, but it's still an option. What did your daughter pick as her first choice? And what did she think of UCSB? How did she compare it to UCI?</p>

<p>I wasn't too impressed by UCSB's campus when I went there. Granted, it was during the summer (lots of mosquitoes, which I wasn't expecting) and wasn't an official tour.</p>

<p>What didn't you like about it? How would you compare it to UCI if you've been there?</p>

<p>Well you cant just major in general marine biology, you have to pick which aspect you want to study (plants, animals, etc).
UCI</a> School of Biological Sciences
As far as what is there to do in Irvine, theres:
Irvine Spectrum, The District (shopping)
Verizon Wireless Ampitheater (concerts)
Parks and golfing
Boomers, Dave and Busters, and bowling
and then on campus is the (really big) student center and the University Center just off campus as well as the state of the art Anteater Recreation Complex.
And you probably arent wondering if there's anything to do in Orange County since its the home of Disneyland, Laguna Beach, and the Anaheim Angels.</p>

<p>I want to major in general biology for undergrad and possibly study marine bio in grad school (still undecided, though).</p>

<p>Did you apply to UCSD. Acceptances in the next week or two and that might be a great option for you. Between I, SB and D my d is leaning towards Davis. She has been to Irvine (has friends there) and likes the campus but it is a bit too suburban for her taste. She has a "thing" about Santa Barbara and really didn't want to even apply there, but I think we'll go take a look and perhaps she'll change her mind. She liked Davis because it is solid academically and she likes the campus, etc. A bit afraid it might be too "rural". Unlike you, my d is not set on a major so her choice will have more to do with the general campus, etc. We are also in So Cal.</p>

<p>Yeah, SD is my first choice, but I don't know if I'll get in. I also hear some negative things about it (boring, antisocial, not a college town). I'll visit, though, to see if I like it. I felt the same way your daughter did about Irvine. I heard campus life at SD is similar to Irvine. What doesn't she like about SB? The party school rep.? I wasn't sure I wanted to go there at first, but now with the scholarship it's pretty tempting. Did she apply to SD?</p>

<p>UCSB has an UG major that touches on marine biology, but something else you should look at is the College of Creative Studies, focusing on biology. Seems like an honors college within the university to me, with a lot of freedom to design your curriculum and do research as an undergrad. Great stepping stone to grad school.</p>

<p>College</a> of Creative Studies, UC Santa Barbara - Majors in CCS</p>

<p>specifically, biology: College</a> of Creative Studies, UC Santa Barbara - Biology</p>

<p>And here's the College of Letters and Science major involving marine biology.</p>

<p>Ecology</a>, Evolution and Marine Biology at UC Santa Barbara</p>

<p>A friend's son is enrolled in CCS in chem/biochem and is getting a fabulous education. If you love the beach, how could you not want to go to UCSB? Not to mention the additional $24,000 in your pocket.</p>

<p>I'm definitely leaning toward SB. I'll look into the CCS. It sounds like something that I would really enjoy. I think that's different from the honors program though.</p>

<p>konakai: I didn't like the buildings, the arts department especially was just a big concrete block, from what I remember. Also, the dorm rooms were tiny, as compared to UCI's (yes, I've been there). The food in the cafeteria wasn't bad, though.</p>

<p>I applied to UCI and not UCSB, based off visiting both (in fact, I've been to every UC except UCSF), taking guided tours, and visiting the departments that I plan on majoring in.</p>

<p>Yeah, I loved the dorms at Irvine. What's your major?</p>

<p>who cares if your "conflicted"....
The rest of us are still waiting for our decisions...</p>

<p>(hahaha jk I don't mean to be so mean, I'm just getting kind of impatient and nervous)
sorry :)</p>

<p>Philosophy. I just got my status changed today. I'm in at Irvine.</p>

<p>I plan to double major in Psychology and Philosophy! :D Cools.</p>

<p>Locke19-My brother is majoring in philosophy at UCI, prepare to do A LOT of reading.</p>

<p>^ That's good, I like reading. :D</p>