<p>I got this really sweet Christmas card from Georgetown...I was wondering if everyone that got in got one?</p>
<p>My Christmas card came today. It is really nice, handwritten, and has a specific tidbit about something in my application mentioned in it.</p>
<p>Yup, D got one with a very nice, personal message today.</p>
<p>Well, my mail didnt come today… my mailman decides to take the day off all the time</p>
<p>So they include personal bits about your own application? That’s pretty cool.</p>
<p>Yes, I started a big community service project a year or so ago, and the person who wrote my Christmas card mentioned it.</p>
<p>lol the admission officer mentioned my community service too.
then next comes the dreadful tuition costs…</p>
<p>That is so sweet! I bet everyone at the admissions office has awful hand cramps now</p>
<p>Yep, I actually saw the adcoms signing the Christmas cards as we were making phone calls. I’m told they include bits of personal info (although mine last year was pretty generic). They also vary the card they send based on what you filled in under “religion” on the application. I put down Christian and got a “Merry Christmas,” which I’m told varies based on what you put down. Get used to these little letters including bits of information from your applications: you’ll be getting three or four more between here and May 1st with bits talking about why Georgetown fits perfectly with [that thing you wrote your short essay about].</p>
<p>i havent gotten one yet =[ do they send it out at diff times?</p>
<p>i got mine. s/he responded to the joke i put in the special skills section. Greatly appreciated! I know i shouldn’t be swayed by gimmicky things like this, but it honestly adds to the appeal of Georgetown. It seems like they really want me. </p>
<p>doesn’t affect the quality of education though. :(</p>
<p>are any of you guys from MA or the Northeast lol. i wanna know why i was shafteddd =[</p>
<p>Mine came yesterday in Louisiana. I don’t know why you haven’t gotten yours.</p>
<p>I got a “Happy Holidays” one. Ms. Timlin (the European reader) wished me a “Happy Hanukkah!”…I guess that’s my special application tidbit.</p>
<p>Ahh! I still haven’t gotten one, what’s going on?</p>
<p>I received mine yesterday! Ms. (or Mrs.?) Lia Glavin wrote a little note about my involvement with my school’s newspaper. How cute! =]</p>
<p>Ms. Lia Glavin wrote mine too!! She mentioned the a cappella groups on campus. It was really cute!</p>
<p>still didnt get one…<em>sighhhh</em></p>
<p>mine was generic :/</p>
<p>why haven’t I gotten mine! Maybe I was almost going to be rejected, and then they accepted me… thus, they don’t think I’m valuable enough to get a Christmas card.</p>
<p>Its Dec. 29th yeesh. I don’t think that card is coming.</p>