Christmas gifts for a high school senior going off to college?

<p>I didn't know where else to post this haha</p>

<p>But my parents have really been nagging me about christmas and what I want... The only thing I really am concerned about is getting into college. What are some top gifts for HS seniors? I think I may want to do something with languages in college, but I would feel stupid asking for some kind of language program.</p>

<p>Any suggestions?</p>

<p>I'm asking for a language program, lol. Latin. </p>

<p>My parents gave my sister a huge gift certificate for Ikea and a laptop the Christmas before college. They also set up a trade account and put money in it that she could manage and use for spending money in college if it did well.</p>

<p>Is it Rosetta Stone?:)</p>

<p>I was thinking a laptop, but the only thing is... they are pretty expensive haha</p>

<p>Then again, I will need one anyways :P</p>

<p>No, I'm actually asking for textbook and workbook (yes, that officially makes me a geek :].)</p>

<p>Lol, yes that's what my parents figured... "Well, if we're going to have to get her one anyways, why not just get it now?"</p>

<p>Thanks for your suggestions:)</p>

<p>Best to wait on the laptop until you know where you're going for sure - different schools have different requirements/suggestions about speed and capacity, and if you're getting a new one anyway, you'll want to keep an eye on those specs. </p>

<p>How about speakers for your ipod?</p>

<p>I think the best would be like a laptop or something that can last throughout college</p>

<p>Good suggestion, Harriet! I am actually getting a speaker system thing for my sister's ipod. I have a different kind of mp3 player and I really wouldn't use it to play music outside of my ears. Kind of hard to explain. I am weird like that

<p>Ditto all of the responses above.
I would either get...
1) Laptop
2) iPod
3) iPod speakers
4) Digital Camera
5) Ikea giftcard (to buy dorm things in the future)</p>


<p>why would you get a laptop? The later you get a computer, the less expensive it will be and the better it will be.</p>

<p>Why would it be less expensive?</p>

<p>Well if you aim on getting a special computer, the older it is the least expensive it will be as time goes on. You can easily get a nice desktop for what $400 off Dell? </p>

<p>I would get some giftcards, too. Like what idno said, "too buy dorm things in the future).</p>

<p>I would definately say a digital camera. Something to record your memories of high school with and something to keep through college. :)</p>

<p>What about a digital frame...
Laptops go on sale big time in August + some colleges give you a break because they have a deal with whoever they want you to have. Finally the laptop you get now will be cheaper in August, so why get it</p>

<p>I think that a giftcard to Starbucks/Chipotle would be awesome. Or a shopping spree on :D</p>

<p>As long as we're listing really expensive gifts, why not get a car or something?</p>

<p>Well, chances are, the OP doesn't need a car for college (though rest of senior year would be nice), and even a used car costs much more than a digital camera or even a laptop.. But that's just my opinion.</p>

<p>to be honest, i'd love it if my parents got me like a $300 gift card to starbucks. that MIGHT last me 2 months though haha</p>

<p>DORM FURNITURE... it is by far the most practical thing mentioned in this thread so far & unlike with a laptop, the price won't go down any time soon</p>

<p>Yes, Dorm furniture is also a pretty big deal.</p>