<p>My son knows that boarding school is a huge financial commitment to our family. We still play the Santa game as a way to give one big gift. This year, he asked "Santa" to help with boarding school costs. We love this thoughtfulness and want to recognize it with a fun extra. So, we were going to make him do his own laundry at school -but think it would be great if "Santa" gave him laundry service for his first year. But, we have no idea what that cost of laundry service would be. Can anyone give us a general idea?</p>
<p>Thanks for any info - need to have a good idea of the cost by tomorrow.</p>
<p>[Welcome</a> to E & R Cleaners](<a href=“http://www.eandrcleaners.com%5DWelcome”>http://www.eandrcleaners.com) is the laundry provider for several BS in NE.
Around US$600 per year.<br>
Well, laundry service is a good idea for first year.</p>
<p>We got our student the laundry service for the first year (9th grade girl). We thought that we didn’t want her to have to spend so much time on a chore, especially the first year. Turns out, doing laundry was somewhat of a social thing, no one else in her very small dorm got the laundry service, and we ended up canceling it…may be different for boys, though.</p>