I’m a caucasian female, i’m from Maryland, and i’m very interested in going to Christopher Newport. Could someone tell me my chances? 
My GPA is a 3.3
My SAT score is a 1050
(I am taking it again in October and have been doing rigorous SAT prep.)
I am involved in
-Class Council (9th-12th grade)
-Youth Group
-Track and Field
-I was a volunteer at my local health department over the summer
I am also scheduled for an admissions interview on the 13th that is reccommended so hopefully that helps my admission chances. I know my stats are below average but do I at least have some chance of getting in?
Oh and I have taken 5 honors courses throughout high school and 6 AP classes. I maintained A’s and B’s
You can download the Common Data Set here: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwi8woi2sr_WAhWhwlQKHTtAD1YQFggoMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcnu.edu%2Finstitutionalresearch%2F_pdf%2Fcds_2015-2016.xls&usg=AFQjCNHqqr280bjlHECIK5RW8r21swRveQ
You need to look at section C “First Time Freshmen.” It looks like you’re in the 25th percentile of admitted applicants. My son did the tour and had an admission interview and was admitted there but ultimately chose another university. He would have been happy there as it is right on the James River and the facilities are wonderful. I was under the impression there are not a huge number of out of state applicants so it might be to your advantage. They offer ED and EA and it might be good to apply binding ED if you know for a fact you can pay for it. Do the interview and write all the optional essays. Good luck.
Do you mind me asking what his stats were?