Civics Unplugged Application Advice Please!

hello! i’m currently writing an application for a summer program and was hoping to get some feedback on this one prompt. i feel like it isn’t impressive enough.
i would appreciate advice on how i can make it sound more professional and also show my expertise in understanding politics.
thank you so much in advance!!

Question: Are you working on anything right now that you would consider an innovative solution to a problem in your community, city, or country? If you are not working on something right now, how could the academy help you find an innovative solution to a problem in your community, city, or country?

I am creating a local program in which local soup kitchens will have civics education programs. I feel the people who have the most at stake in government policies are not exercising their right to vote and ergo, have the weakest voice in the government. Currently, people are not aware of even the most basic rights. Educating people about the importance of their voice in politics would give them more presence in the government. In these classes, political science professors and poll workers would educate them on concrete steps to voting such as: registering to vote, with or without a license, early voting, and encouraging them to volunteer at polling stations. We will also attempt to convince the polling officers to advocate for more accessible polling booths in these neighborhoods.

Currently, I am reaching out to poll workers, political science and government professors, and other community leaders to organize these sessions. I am also researching similar existing programs around the country, and evaluating their effectiveness, so that I can create a more efficient program. My next step would be to partner with schools and community centers to expand and promote the program. My goal for this project is to make the political landscape more equitable and inclusive.