<p>I'm a rising senior in high school, so I should be done with my BS by 2018 and probably masters by 2020. How is the economy going to be for Civil Engineers by that time? I'm worried because I want to stay in California.</p>
<p>Also what do you guys think about job outsourcing? Especially for Computer Engineering and mechanical.</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.calmis.ca.gov/file/occproj/cal$occproj.xlsx”>http://www.calmis.ca.gov/file/occproj/cal$occproj.xlsx</a>
1,230 average annual job openings are projected for 2010-20 (probably higher close to 2020, lower now). You could look up the number of graduates from CA state schools to get some feel for the supply/demand balance.</p>
<p>These figures probably aren’t too accurate (you can’t predict this stuff) but at least they are wrong with authority.</p>
<p>If I could predict the state of the economy 7 years from now, I’d be a very, very rich man.</p>