Clam fart! Oh my God... What did I do?!

<p>I just realized that I listed “clam fart” as an extracurricular activity on my application to Yale. dies I was filling it out while one of my friends was over my house, and she was intently watching as I filled it out (which was annoying me). So, as a shocker, I typed in “clam fart” and she started laughing hysterically. BUT I FORGOT TO DELETE IT!!! What’s worse is that I wrote that I had been doing it for 17 years!!! I don’t even know what a clam fart is!!! It’s already submitted (obviously), but I didn’t re-read the printed version of my application closely until today. Should I call the office of admissions??</p>

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<p>funniest post I've ever read on CC.</p>

<p>That's really funny.</p>

<p>Wow, I would try to get in touch with them personally -- phone, don't email -- and explain to them the circumstances of what happened.</p>

<p>I think the most serious issue here is the perceived lying that you have been involved in clam fart for 17 years. That kind of lying gets even those granted admission rescinded. Less important, but still not good for you, is the fact that you left clam fart activities on your application simply because you didn't proofread carefully enough.</p>

<p>Good luck. I hope you've learned something from this.</p>

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<p>Learned something? No, I didn't learn anything. I was joking around with my friend, and I made a simple mistake by missing it when I proofread. Do you want me to get rid of my personality? You don't have to be rude.</p>


<p>If I were reviewing your application, I would admit you just for the clamfart typo..
Even adcoms need a good laugh at a stressful time of year.</p>


<p>I believe that they will understand it was a typo and should have been "calm frat" and you must of course be joking because there is no such thing.</p>

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<p>I could just imagine them sitting there around the admissions table....None of them want to admit they have no clue what "clam fart" is....What a unique EC? Let's let him/her in to actually find out.....HaHa</p>


Learned something? No, I didn't learn anything. I was joking around with my friend, and I made a simple mistake by missing it when I proofread. Do you want me to get rid of my personality? You don't have to be rude.


<p>I hope you realize my entire post was meant tongue-in-cheek, but I fear you may not. I assumed yours was too and so I was responding, I thought, in kind. I really did not mean to be rude, but you've definitely succeeded in injecting some hilarity to CC and probably to the room where adcom members read your application...</p>

<p>The fact that it wasn't -- well, if I worked for admissions I might even let you in just for having it there. They may not be so kind, though.</p>

<p>If this was a serious post, I would just send a note to add to your file. I fear your calling to explain it might just make you a laughing stock of the admissions office</p>

<p>OMG, leave it! </p>

<p>I swear they'll put that in one of those admissions book as an example of why you should proofread your application</p>

<p>I would let sleeping clam farts lie, myself. No point in bringing attention to it.</p>


<p>funniest. post. ever.</p>

<p>(On CC, that is)</p>

<p>well, er... maybe they will take it as a sense of humor?</p>

<p>wow, if this is real....</p>

<p>My S listed my spouse's job as "faceless bureaucrat" on one of his applications. Was accepted and is up for one of the school's full ride scholarships. It's something we'll laugh about for years to come. He also had a couple of inside jokes and funny descriptions in his activities resume.</p>

<p>By late February, I am sure a sense of humor wins brownie points with admissions folks.</p>

<p>Not to worry! :D</p>



<p>HAHAHAHA!! I hope you get in!</p>

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<p>17 years? at least they'll think you're devoted to it..</p>


<p>Congratulations, you're now the number one result on Google search for "clam fart" (I even cleared out my cached history and cookies to make sure Google didn't shuttle it to the top of the results b/c it was previously viewed).</p>

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<p>hah...the admission officer that reads your application will probly google "clam fart" to find out what it is and come across this thread...</p>


Congratulations, you're now the number one result on Google search for "clam fart" (I even cleared out my cached history and cookies to make sure Google didn't shuttle it to the top of the results b/c it was previously viewed).


<p>OH THAT'S JUST GREAT. You all think this is so funny, but how would you feel if you wrote "clam fart" on a college application to YALE of all places? Yale was my #1 choice, but I guess it's even more of a shot in the dark at this point. I still don't know if I should call on Monday... I mean, I missed it when I proofread it, so maybe the admissions officer will miss it too?? Do you think that is possible?? With all the applications they get, they can't read them THAT thoroughly, can they?! OMG, I'm panicking, and I'm just so embarrassed. I feel like a total fool.</p>