Clam fart! Oh my God... What did I do?!

<p>I haven't heard yet... my dean just said to wait it out and hope that they have a sense of humor. I got into Michigan a while ago</p>

you made so many of our days, thank you for being such a good sport about it. according to me, you should come up with some interesting explaination for clam farting, open a website ( or something) and make a cronicle of your clam farting experiences for the past few months and refer to your 17 year history (say your parents did it).</p>

<p>then DELETE this thread. </p>

<p>this way, when someone googles it (and someone WILL google it) they find YOU! yay!</p>

<p>and dont worry, we've all made mistakes, yale is forgiving(:</p>

<p>maybe clam farting = searching for clams? searching for something thats rare, and never giving up. thus yale student=clam farting= never gives upp? like it could be an analogy or something(:</p>

<p>OR. you could just leave it, and let them have a good laugh(:</p>

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Practicing clam fart techniques for the last 17 years has been extremely rewarding; it has provided substantial socioeconomic stability for my family and I, in addition to being a rather enjoyable pastime.


<p>Dude, I'm sorry, but I think this is really going to hurt you. I mean, "...for my family and I"? It should really be "...for my family and me."</p>

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<p>OP, at the minimum you've created a new word. During the app process most of us probably put "blah blah blah" in the essay download space to test it out. You put the clam fart paragraph. </p>

<p>clamfart (noun): meaningless verbage inserted into blank text boxes to test the download feature. "That's not my real essay, that's just a clamfart."</p>

<p>clamfart (verb): the act of downloading meaningless verbage into blank test boxes to test the feature. "I clamfarted that application, and it seems to be working properly now."</p>


<p>My friend had drawn a picture of a HUGE ***** on the back of one of my teacher rec forms before I gave it to a teacher to fill out and send to Dartmouth.</p>

<p>I guess they'll have no trouble identifying my gender.</p>

<p>Those asterisks mean to replace a word that is synonymous with the expression "male phallic symbol."</p>

<p>Oh my god, as another poster said, this might be the first real laugh out loud I've had while reading here. And it's still at the top of Google for searching "clam fart"!</p>

<p>But you've been dedicated doing it for 17 years...I'd apologize for the mistake profusely if it comes up. Anyhow, if I were an adcom I'd have to laugh quite a bit after reading application after application. That's worth something.</p>

<p>don't you know? clam fart is one the most popular activites at yale. They are know for it throughout the world.</p>

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<p>I think there will be Clam F<strong><em>ing clubs forming across the nation. There will be decals: "I (heart) Clam F</em></strong>." Stuffed Clams. (Umm. Like beanie babies.) </p>

<p>OP - getting accepted at Yale is a roll of the dice even if you are fully qualified. Smile. You have helped more people than you will ever know by what you did and your posts about it. You have done something WONDERFUL in the world. Own that. </p>

<p>Now, as to college. Wherever you attend, have a wonderful time. You sound like a great kid and a great friend and a joy to be around. Yale or not, F*** on.</p>

I think there will be Clam F<strong><em>ing clubs forming across the nation. There will be decals: "I (heart) Clam F</em></strong>." Stuffed Clams. (Umm. Like beanie babies.)</p>

<p>OP - getting accepted at Yale is a roll of the dice even if you are fully qualified. Smile. You have helped more people than you will ever know by what you did and your posts about it. You have done something WONDERFUL in the world. Own that.</p>

<p>Now, as to college. Wherever you attend, have a wonderful time. You sound like a great kid and a great friend and a joy to be around. Yale or not, F*** on.


<p>LOL, thanks??? I wrote clam fart... not clam "eff-you-cee-kay" (sound it out). </p>

<p>Just curious, what do you mean that I helped people? I hope no one does what I did! It is utterly embarrassing, and if I don't get in, I think that will have at least played a part in it... I mean, I wrote CLAM FART for God's sake!!! Think about how you'd feel if that were you. I didn't even withdraw my application because I didn't want to talk to the admissions officer on the phone! What if they had already read it, and they were like "Guess what?! I just got off the phone with the Clam Fart Kid..." to their colleagues. Oh my gosh, I have to go... I can't even think about this without getting a knot in my stomach.</p>

<p>^You really did help people - you gave a lot of really stressed-out people a good laugh, and that does more good than you can imagine.</p>

<p>I know you feel embarrassed, but relax. There's nothing you can do about it, and it's entirely possible that the adcom at Yale has a sense of humor. ^^</p>

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<p>Sorry, OP.</p>

<p>A lot of us are stressed out about decisions. Then, we see an applicant that accidentally made a huge mistake (clam fart lol). Maybe seeing someone else in a more panicky mood makes us feel that the situation isn't so bad. I mean, "If she can wait a few more weeks, then so can I." </p>

<p>It's funny, so we laugh. Maybe it's comparable to America's Funniest Home Videos. Some guy just got hit in the balls by a little girl with a baseball bat. We laugh. But, the man isn't laughing. His nuts hurt.</p>

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<p>I don't know if you'll make it or not, but you'll surely give the adcom a hearty laugh.</p>

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<p>I just read this (I'm in class...yeah...) and I showed it to my table-mate, who has applied and is going to our local state university. We were seriously laughing so hard that we were crying.</p>

<p>Then I showed it to my friend sitting at the next table over, who is actually applying to Yale, and she was completely mortified. No laughing.</p>

<p>This, of course, made it even funnier.</p>

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<p>So, I don't feel like reading this whole thread.... did the OP choose to leave this in or not?</p>

<p>It seriously made my dad...</p>

<p>Made your dad, huh? ;D</p>

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I just read this (I'm in class...yeah...) and I showed it to my table-mate, who has applied and is going to our local state university. We were seriously laughing so hard that we were crying.</p>

<p>Then I showed it to my friend sitting at the next table over, who is actually applying to Yale, and she was completely mortified. No laughing.</p>

<p>This, of course, made it even funnier.


<p>SEE!?!?!? The Yale applicant knows that this is no laughing matter .... :)</p>

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<p>lol every time i see this thread i can't stop laughing</p>

<p>SillBill, don't worry and DO NOT withdraw your application. Admissions officers are people. Most of them (hopefully) have a sense of humor. </p>

<p>Also, remember that your application is made up of a lot of things. One hilarious anomaly is not going to make the rest of your essays and activities mean nothing. </p>

<p>Try not to stress about it... at this point, it would be a disservice to yourself and all you hard work to withdraw your application. All you (and the rest of us) can do is wait.</p>

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