<p>I have a quick question. How does Berkeley Approach classes that aren't at their max capacities? Specifically, there I want to take this R1B class and right now it has about 5/30 people signed up. Will Berkeley close the class?</p>
<p>I’d say you’ll be ok considering it’s still a very early time for Phase II. That R1B class will most likely fill up within the next couple weeks.</p>
<p>Also, thank you for your painfully awkward post Lucyan. As another person of Asian descent, I’m fine with their name as long as it’s not truly implied and there’s no need to pull out the PC stick so quick.</p>
<p>Don’t mock me. Where I come from, one would get skewered for throwing the c-word around. I’m just trying to ensure that the OP understands the grave implications of his username. You don’t see Africans naming themselves the n-word or k-word, and you don’t see white people calling themselves the f-word. There are many different societies across the world, and each one is as sensitive as the other. You got to be careful about what you say. Be tactful and respectful to one another, trying your best to not offend another - you know, like those charming Wall Street bankers. It takes real heart to be as considerate and generous as a banker.</p>
<p>^ I live on the Blue Planet, otherwise known as Earth, which is the third planet inline from our closest star, the Sun. I don’t know how many CCers here live on Earth, but it’s a wonderful place - or was anyways. My inhabitants on this land, the Humans, have inflicted massive destruction upon themselves and the indigenous life on this planet. Year by year, they relentlessly continue burning fossil fuels - energy-dense carbon compounds - to power their mobile machines and weapons of war. I do not deny the efficiency of the fossil fuel - it is as much of a success as the Serbian-American physicist Nikola Tesla predicted, and a hundred times superior to Edison batteries. But the Human race’s unbridled use of this energy source has intoxicated the environment and the inhabitants along with it. Oceans are warming. Crops are withering into dust. Record-breaking fires are burning both Human and Animal alive. Species on Earth are being forced into the depths of extinction at an unprecedented rate. My people, the Humans, must resolve the exploitation of pollutant energies before it is too late. </p>
<p>Just last week, I met with the leader of the Human Race, Hu Jintao. Actually, to be more specific, he is the leader of a division of the Human Race called China (on Earth, populations of Humans are divided into sections called countries, each of which have individual names and cultures - weird, I know). In that clandestine meeting with President Hu Jintao, I discussed energy alternatives that could brighten up the skies of Beijing. He suggested solar energy, harvested from the Sun. I rejected the idea, and proposed another energy source - one closer to the planet Earth than the ball of glazing fire - the Moon. </p>
<p>If you’ve ever been to Earth, you will notice that the Moon, the closest satellite to the Earth, exudes beautiful radiance that lights up the night sky. But along with its seductive beauty is another asset left to be desired - helium-3. The extraction of helium-3 from the Moon and the concomitant production of fusion energy may seem like a difficult task; but after discussing the costs and manpower needed to harvest the Moon’s energy, President Hu and I realized that the long-term benefits would significantly outweigh any obstacles posed by extraction. Mr. Hu agreed to the plan. I was exhilarated. Hu realized the importance of protecting the planet the whole Human race lives on - Earth. Mother Earth.</p>
<p>And that my friend, is the planet I live on. What about you?</p>