<p>Just thought I'd set up a thread for those who are applying for admission into the class of 2013. This way we can get a feel for our fellow CCers who are applying and see what this year's class might look like.</p>
<p>I’m gonna apply for the hell of it. No idea how much of a chance I have though.</p>
<p>I’m applying, although I feel it is a long shot. :)</p>
<p>So who’s turning in their applications by 12/1? I don’t see any point in doing so, since my HS transcript won’t be finished before Jan 17th :S However, I will submit the other parts when I feel that my essays are done - still not satisfied. The one I really like is like 850 words… :S</p>
<p>me me me me me!</p>
<p>question: if we turn in everything (supp., transcript, teacher recs) except the common app. by 12/1, are we considered as making the priority deadline…or is everything needed?</p>
<p>I’m applying, just for kicks. =P I’d love to go, and it’s an incredible school. I’m planning on submitting everything by 12/1, also.</p>
<p>What happens if you turn it in by 12/1, as opposed to the real deadline (12/31 or 1/1 whatever)</p>
<p>I’m wondering about that too. And will they read my application (if I submit it early) even though my transcript is missing? :S</p>
<p>I’m kinda suspecting that those who apply early and are qualified are the ones that get the first batch of likely letters, perhaps as early as Jan?</p>
<p>i’m applying. wooo the name “class of '13” gives me shivers.</p>
<p>My S would too - pretty long shot to no shot. You are right Noitara. Just the pharse itself is shiver inducing - and I am not even the applicant !!</p>
<p>I’m applying.</p>
<p>sammmee herreee, but good idea to submit by dec. 1 or not?</p>
<p>I know right!!</p>
<p>My mom even told me to quit school for 1 year to skip that stupid number</p>
<p>question: if we turn in everything (supp., transcript, teacher recs) except the common app. by 12/1, are we considered as making the priority deadline…or is everything needed?</p>
<p>help please :)</p>
<p>The priority deadline is just so that they can create our files and set up interviews… it’s not the worst thing in the world if you send it in even a month later.</p>
<p>That said, i turned mine in a month ago!!! :D</p>
<p>YEEEE Harvard, i know an admissions officer so im excited</p>
<p>i have the same question as you’llsee. i wanna edit my common app essay more lol</p>
<p>i’m applying for the heck of it… i have the stats (4.0 GPA, 35 ACT, national merit semifinalist…) so hopefully my ECs are good enough… but granted many others will apply with my exact same stats… but i’m giving it a shot… what can they say? “no”… ok, that’s not too bad, considering about 93% of the people receive a big “no” in the mail</p>
<p>I’m applying too.</p>
<p>But I’m applying 11/30 to get a leg up =D.</p>
<p>i’m applying the first week in december</p>
<p>they say get it in as early as possible so that they can read it longer (more advantageous to you), but i’d rather have a near-perfect app turned in dec. 8 vs. an almost near-perfect app turned in dec. 1</p>
<p>im applying. i don’t have the 4.0 UW gpa, but I think my ECs and other honors will make up for it.</p>
<p>totally doing the jan 1st deadline. probably will send it in a week before to avoid the massive submitting near jan 1st.</p>