Class of 18 Roll Call...who's applied and who's been accepted


<p>When I was accepted by a phone call, I asked my representative about the Honors College. She said that I have a 3.47 GPA (the requirement is 3.50), but my school has calculated it as a 3.52 UW GPA. How could that be? But, she did say that, with my SAT score, it probably wouldn’t be a problem.</p>

My son received an email that UA recommends he take the ACT again, that he needs to furnish his grades from the first half of senior year, and if he does this his chances for admission are strong. His grades are being sent, and they are quite improved. He has a learning disorder and standardized tests are difficult for him so he doesn’t want to take the ACT again. I can’t blame him, he took it four times and he has not been able to break his score of 18. Do you think not retaking the ACT is a deal breaker? Also, he has received a Happy Holidays postcard, a housing post card today, and one other one. Do they send those to everyone who applies to the school or can I read something into this. Thank you for any input.</p>

<p>Welcome, @New Gamecock Mom! I have no specific idea about UA, but has your son received accommodations on the ACT? Such as extended time or assistance with the scantron? Is his LD documented with an IEP in place?
If he has not previously taken the ACT with accommodations, it might be worth another shot if these can be provided. I do know ACT is incredibly strict about this and needs full documentation - often in place for a while.
Did he take the writing portion of the ACT, since that is required by UA? Perhaps he could do the retake without this and it would at least make a shorter day for him. </p>

<p>Thanks Maryjay. Yes he has an IEP and has taken the ACT with extended time, and with the writing portion also
I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens.</p>

<p>Have you contacted Alabama’s Office of Disability Services? <a href=“”>;/a&gt;
The folks at Alabama have been so extremely helpful to their applicants, I imagine the ODS people would be, as well. </p>

<p>You can’t read anything into getting mailers. You’re on the standard mailing list.</p>

<p>“Do you think not retaking the ACT is a deal breaker”</p>

<p>Well, it could. But, you could call and ask if his mid-terms grades will be enough because he just doesn’t test well and has an IEP. </p>

<p>I do know of a girl who was accepted with that score. She had a 3.0 GPA and was admitted under Academic Probation. She has now graduated and is working in her field. She just tests badly.</p>

<p>Thanks Mary and Mom2. I suggested he call the admissions counselor assigned to his high school and ask her advice. I think he needs to send some sort of explanation as to why he is not taking the test again when he sends his current grades. He of course thinks it doesn’t need to be addressed. Argh, so different from my daughter. LOL</p>

<p>Try this…
Contact your area recruiter and see if that person can get his app thru. Tell the person that if accepted your child will enroll…that’s important for yield.
Who is the area recruiter. Don’t use the email link on the recruiter’s page. Get his name and we’ll get his direct email address for you.</p>

<p>Also, find out if they want a writing sample…sometimes they want that…and sometimes they want a Teacher Rec for cases like this. Since he has a good GPA, getting in under that special program can happen. </p>

<p>Hopefully someone will chime in with the name of that special program. </p>

<p>Mom2 the recruiter for our high school is Adrianne Dias, (we are in northern NJ). Thanks so much for your input. Are you a parent ambassador for the school? </p>

<p>Dias, Adrianne<br>
<a href=“”></a> </p>

<p>Email her directly.</p>

<p>no, I’m not an ambassador …didn’t even know there are any. lol</p>

<p>Here’s that special program. Let the recruiter know that your student would willingly participate:</p>

<p>Crimson EDGE (Education Guarantees Excellence). This two-semester program helps students manage the transition to a university academic environment. Students in this category are not on probation but are limited to 12-14 credit hours during their first semester and must enroll in an academic support class. A Crimson Edge advisor in each college will help students determine appropriate course selection for the fall and spring semesters.</p>

<p>Yet again , thank you Mom2! I will look into that program. I think it would be good for my son. I don’t know if UA has parent ambassadors either. So I’m assuming you have had one or more children attend UA and are quite knowledgeable and also quite kind to share your information. I haven’t been on CC since my daughter was a sophomore in college, she graduated in 2012. Time does fly!</p>

<p>You’re welcome. :)</p>

<p>The recruiter should be able to help with this, especially if you indicate a willingness to enroll if accepted and that your son will participate in that program.</p>

<p>Good luck and let us know how it goes.</p>


<p>Officially coming out of lurkdom :)</p>

<p>Student Gender: Female</p>

<p>Home State: Kentucky</p>

<p>Date Applied: November 11th (ACT scores and transcript sent in October)</p>

<p>Date Accepted: November 13 (At least that is when the “Student” tab appeared on MyBama. I’m so thankful to have learned about the Student tab and paying enrollment and housing deposits early from the wonderful people on CC!)</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Yes</p>

<p>Major: Double Major in Dance and either Nutrition or Exercise Science</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: No</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Dance Professor or Physical Therapist</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: Bama was not a serious contender due to the distance–DD wanted to be within 4 hours of home. She went for the dance major audition, just for the experience, and fell in love! We all did! Roll Tide! </p>

<p>Welcome! and Roll Tide! Your D’s application to acceptance may be the quickest one we’ve ever heard of!</p>

<p>Congratulations to your daughter! UA has an excellent Dance program.</p>

<p>Thank you! And thank you all so much for generously sharing your knowledge!</p>

<p>Ds has made the decision to attend UA. He is very happy with his decision. May I say that I am thrilled the entire college search process is finally over. :)</p>

<p>Congrats! and I understand your relief.</p>

<p>Congratulations! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>MOM2 looks like my son may be accepted now, just need to send them two more documents. We are scheduling a visit, any hotel recommendations? Thanks</p>