Class of 18 Roll Call...who's applied and who's been accepted

<p>Thanks robotbldmom!</p>

<p>Roll Tide Roll…Goog luck to all of you</p>

<p>Student Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: NC</p>

<p>Date Applied: July</p>

<p>Date Accepted: August</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Yes. He visited his older brother and got to party on the strip Nov. 17th.</p>

<p>Major: Chemical Engineering</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yes.</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Medicine.</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: Thanks to M2CK. It can’t be said enough. Presidential/Engineering Scholarship unofficial letters arrived today. Woo Hoo.</p>

<p>Student Gender: Female</p>

<p>Home State: Alabama</p>

<p>Date Applied: August 17</p>

<p>Date Accepted: August 24</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: No, I plan to in the upcoming months. </p>

<p>Major: Biochemistry</p>

<p>Applying to Honors College: Undecided</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Medicine</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: I got the letters in the mail today. I’m so happy! Now I just need to improve my ACT score a little more.</p>


<p>If you do visit, first set up the campus tour online…try for an early morning time! Don’t bother with the “info session”, you’ll get that info here pretty much on the Alabama forum on College Confidential which is VERY active.*
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>In the email include:</p>

<p>Student’s name and contact info</p>

<p>Date and time of the Campus tour that you’ve reserved.</p>

<p>GPA and test scores (include likely NMSF if applicable)</p>

<p>Likely majors*</p>

<p>Career interests (including med, law, etc)</p>

<p>Anything particular that you want to see. *If you have an interest in seeing the new Science and Engineering Complex, let them know.</p>

<p>Honors Recruitment
Allison Verhine
269 Nott Hall
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Susan Alley
Assistant Coordinator
270 Nott Hall
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Allison and her assistant will arrange the rest of the day…meeting with faculty, honors people, touring honors dorms, etc.</p>

<p>Sometimes mail goes to their SPAM folders, so call them if you haven’t heard back within a few business days. These ladies do an excellent job and work very hard</p>

<p>Student Gender: Female</p>

<p>Home State: Colorado</p>

<p>Date Applied:8/24</p>

<p>Date Accepted: 8/30</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Yes, loved it! Went to February '13 University Days</p>

<p>Major: Exercise and Sports Science</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: I meet the requirements but I’m undecided. Most likely </p>

<p>Career goal(s): anything sports related, possibly with a nonprofit and/or children. Could take the physical therapy route but I’ve got time to figure that out!</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: 31 ACT…31.25 actually, so really trying to get that 32 for the Presidential! Will be taking the ACT again in September and if needed, in December.</p>

<p>Student Gender: Female</p>

<p>Home State: Texas</p>

<p>Date Applied: August 22 is when transcript was sent from school</p>

<p>Date Accepted: August 28</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Yes. It was beautiful and the people were friendly.</p>

<p>Major: Pre-med neurology with a Spanish minor</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yes, will probably receive automatic acceptance through national merit</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Radiologist or surgeon.</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: Roll tide!!</p>


<p>Student Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: Kansas</p>

<p>Date Applied: My documents were all received by September 3</p>

<p>Date Accepted: The Student tabs popped up with the arrival of my docs, the physical letter arrived Sept. 9</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Yessir</p>

<p>Major: Mechanical Engineering</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yep</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Find something I will never get bored with</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: Props to Mom2ck for convincing me to convince my parents to visit Bama. It seemed to make mom feel more comfortable about sending me across the country for school.</p>

<p>Student Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: CA</p>

<p>Date Accepted: A few days ago, with Presidential Scholarship. So excited!</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Yes, last spring break. We were very impressed.</p>

<p>Major: Computer Science/Business</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yes, as well as CBHP or University Fellows.</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Entrepreneur :)</p>

<p>Anything else you’d like to mention: Roll tide!! When son saw acceptance, he said as far as he was concerned, he didn’t need to apply anywhere else. Between fantastic merit aid, tremendous opportunities, generous AP credit, and those amazing honors dorms, he is sold! As parents with a higher EFC than we can reasonably afford, we are delighted that DS is stoked about his (financial) “safety school”. Thanks to everyone on this board who put 'Bama on our radar!!!</p>

<p>Student Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: New Hampshire</p>

<p>Date Applied: Sept. 5</p>

<p>Date Accepted: Today</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Not quite yet</p>

<p>Major: Computer Science</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yep!</p>

<p>Student Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: Outside of US (one of the SEA countries)</p>

<p>Date Applied: August 26 2013 (applied for fall 2014)</p>

<p>Date Accepted: Still working on the scholarship tab. Will a blank resume still be eligible for a Presidential Scholarship? I do have some EC’s, like volunteering at Home for the Aged and at the American Center Student Council. “List any other activities or information you would like a scholarship committee to know about:” Should I try and explain how my country’s high school scores aren’t internationally recognised so i had to take outside tuitions and classes to answer the O levels (homeschooled) ?</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: No.</p>

<p>Major: Computer Science</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: probably. care to explain what it is? </p>

<p>Career goal(s): Work at NASA</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: I’m at a lost now after knowing that only high school seniors graduating from 2014 would be eligible for the 2014 fall scholarship. I graduated at a really early age (by graduating i mean finishing the GCE ‘O’ Levels) and spent the next few years prepping up for SAT I, II and TOEFL while I wait to turn 18. GCE O level scores were 4 A’s and a B, don’t know how it translates to GPA but will Bama accept O level as a high school replacement? SAT I math+CR score 1340, TOEFL 640, TWE 5.5. I emailed my stats to <a href=“”></a> and here was their responese: “Please read about scholarships from [Undergraduate</a> Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“”> You may not be eligible since you are not a graduate from 2014 for Fall 2014. Graduates from 2013 would be awarded scholarships for Fall 2013. The deadline is Dec. 15. If you are dependent on a scholarship to enroll , we encourage you to identify financial resources before applying.”
Sorry for my bad english.</p>

<p>Presidential Scholarship came in today! Does anyone know how long it will take to hear from the engineering department?</p>

<p>Student Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: Texas</p>

<p>Date Applied: 8/26/2013</p>

<p>Date Accepted: 9/12/2013</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: No</p>

<p>Major: Psychology and Environmental Studies</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yes</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Pediatrician</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: Out-of-state presidential scholar, missed NMF scholarship by 1 point :(</p>

<p>Student Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: Pennsylvania</p>

<p>Date Applied: 9/1/13, all information in by 9/9/13</p>

<p>Date Accepted: 9/11/13</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Not Yet</p>

<p>Major: Mechanical Engineering (Might attempt double majoring in biology)</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yes</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Either become a Medical Doctor, Biomedical Engineer, or become a mechanical engineer.</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: Really excited to get my first acceptance letter, especially on the day they beat A&M. I hope to check out the campus either this fall or next spring, so does anybody know which would be a better time to visit?</p>

<p>Welcome! Fall is nice to visit. If you visit this fall, it’s probably best to visit on a weekend where there ISN’T a home game. Hotels for home game weekends are already booked up and the city is just crazy busy at those times. </p>

<p>So, pick a weekend of an “away game” or after the first of the year. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Spring would likely be too late.</p>

<p>Student Gender: female</p>

<p>Home State: PA</p>

<p>Date Applied:Transcripts sent on Sept 13th</p>

<p>Date Accepted: Sept 17th </p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Mutliple times - Brother is a sophomore there</p>

<p>Major:Construction Engineering (or aerospace engineering?) and Physics (or math?)Not exactly sure yet</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yep!</p>

<p>Career goal(s):Not sure yet
Any else you’d like to mention: Might audition for the MDB’s colorguard; interested in Alpha Delta Chi and Young Life</p>

<p>Student Gender: female</p>

<p>Date Applied: July 2014. GC sent transcripts on Sept 11th</p>

<p>Date Accepted: Received letter today - 9/23/2013</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Will be visiting next month</p>

<p>Major: Mechanical Engineering</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yes</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: Interested in Army ROTC</p>

<p>Welcome! </p>

<p>Midwestheart…have you contacted the HC to help arrange your visit?</p>

<p>Student Gender: Female</p>

<p>Home State: Alabama</p>

<p>Date Applied: Transcripts received 9/17</p>

<p>Date Accepted: Certificate arrived 9/20</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Older sister is Junior at UA so she has been on campus a couple of times. Doing an official visit through the Honors College next week that I hope seals the deal for her :)</p>

<p>Major: Food & Nutrition and possibly Environmental Sciences</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yes</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Not certain, but she is fascinated with the relationships between food, environment and health. Especially the medicinal use of herbs and food.</p>