Class of 18 Roll Call...who's applied and who's been accepted


<p>Student Gender: Male</p>

<p>Date Applied: July 2014. Finally got transcript sent from high school on Sept 10th.</p>

<p>Date Accepted: 9/17/2013</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Yes</p>

<p>Major: Mechanical Engineering, also considering STEM to MBA</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yes</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention:</p>


<p>Student Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: Missouri</p>

<p>Date Applied: 8/10</p>

<p>Date Accepted: High School Transcript (the last piece of the puzzle) received 9/3, student tab appeared 9/4, Congratulations letter arrived 9/7</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: yes and SITE attendee</p>

<p>Major: Aerospace Engineering</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yes, accepted, Presidential offer received</p>

<p>Career goal(s): want to invent something</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: Thinking about STEM-MBA and maybe CBHP. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>^That is honestly the best career goal I’ve read yet. “Want to invent something.” I don’t know why, but that made me smile.</p>

<p>Student Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: Texas</p>

<p>Date Applied: 8/23</p>

<p>Date Accepted: 9/21</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: No</p>

<p>Major: Economics</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yes</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Economist/Politician</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: Should receive Presidential Scholar Scholarship</p>

<p>Student Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: Georgia</p>

<p>Date Applied: Mama is proud she doesn’t even know – he managed it all on his own. Like many of you, we had to wait for transcripts (thanks to budget cuts, our counselors are swamped!!!). </p>

<p>Date Accepted: 9/19</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Yes – official Honors College Visit over the summer. Older DD is a junior, so many visits to see her as well. Returning next week for E Day. </p>

<p>Major: Computer Science, with possible minors in History or a Foreign Language</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yes</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Seeking a position either with the Defense Department or the National Security Administration </p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: Presidential Scholarship letter came today!!!</p>

<p>mom2collegekids - Yes, we have been in contact with the HC and they are setting up our day. I’m really looking forward to it. DD got her Presidential Scholarship letter over the weekend. Today, she got the invitation to apply for the University Fellows. I would think you have to be the tippy-top applicant to be competitive for that, so I don’t think she will apply for that.</p>

<p>Student Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: Tennessee</p>

<p>Date Applied: July 2013</p>

<p>Date Accepted: August 2013</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Yes. SITE participant</p>

<p>Major: Electrical Engineering</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yes</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Engineer</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: We’re thankful for the Presidential scholarship which will allow our son to attend Alabama! Thanks also to everyone here on CC for the wonderful information ya’ll provide. This is our first to attend college so we are learning as we go!</p>

<p>Student Gender: Female</p>

<p>Home State: North Carolina</p>

<p>Date Applied: 7/2/13</p>

<p>Date Accepted: 9/27</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Yes – I LOVED IT!! top choice!</p>

<p>Major: Business, Law, or Social Work…haven’t decided </p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Maybe</p>

<p>Career goal(s): I’d love to go to graduate school and become a cooperate lawyer. I haven’t decided exactly what I want to do.
Any else you’d like to mention: I want to be in Greek Life!</p>

<p>Welcome bamagirlnc! I have a Bamagirl in NC too. She isn’t on CC though! Where are you from? Have you joined the FB group?</p>

<p>Hi NC mom! I haven’t joined the FB group yet! Whats the link? Im from Charlotte, North Carolina!</p>

<p>We are from the Outer Banks! Here is the FB link. </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Student Gender:</p>

<p>Home State: Alabama</p>

<p>Date Applied: ?</p>

<p>Date Accepted: September 18</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Yes</p>

<p>Major: Communicative Disorders</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yes</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Become a Speech Language Pathologist</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: I am also looking for a roommate. I do not drink or smoke. I like to go out and have fun, but I also like to sleep. I am a member of the Honors College, but will not be staying in the Honors Dorms. I am super excited to meet new people and have new experience in the dorms. I will be staying in Burke, Tutwiler, Somerville, or Parham. Email me at <a href=“”></a> if your interested</p>

<p>^what’s your gender?</p>

<p>Oops… I’m Female. =)</p>

<p>Student Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: California</p>

<p>Date Applied:7/21/13</p>

<p>Date Accepted:8/16/13</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: No, visiting after Marching Band season is over.</p>

<p>Major: Mechanical Engineering</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yes applied 8/30/13 and was accepted on 9/2/13. Applying for UFE and Research Honors.</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Automotive Design / Automotive Engineering</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: My regional recruiter Jason Hale is the bomb. Great guy. Great school. Roll Tide. 4.375 GPA, #1 of 468, Presidential Scholarship. Applied for Bert Bank Scholarship.</p>

<p>Student Gender: F</p>

<p>Home State: Alabama</p>

<p>Date Applied: 7/2</p>

<p>Date Accepted: 8/12</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: many times, sister is a senior in chemical engineering</p>

<p>Major: math, chemistry or engineering</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: yes</p>

<p>Career goal(s): undecided</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: considering Ole Miss for their forensic chemistry program</p>

<p>Pitt…you’ll also get the eng’g scholarship.</p>

<p>Welcome to all the new posters!</p>

<p>Thanks Mom for the news on the engineering scholarship.</p>

<p>Student Gender: M</p>

<p>Home State: Texas</p>

<p>Date Applied: Late August</p>

<p>Date Accepted: Sep 10</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: Yes</p>

<p>Major: Business</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yes</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Sports Management</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: Also strongly considering Texas A&M and possibly Arkansas (already admitted to both)</p>

<p>Student Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: Texas</p>

<p>Date Applied: October 12th</p>

<p>Date Accepted: October 22nd</p>

<p>Have you visited the campus?: No</p>

<p>Major: Mechanical Engineering</p>

<p>Applying to the Honors College?: Yes</p>

<p>Career goal(s): Engineer for a top sports car racing team</p>

<p>Any else you’d like to mention: 31 ACT, so I qualify for the UA Scholarship + Engineering tuition supplement and $2,500 annual stipend. Also applied to Texas A&M but I doubt they can offer enough scholarships to make it worth it for me to go there over Alabama</p>