Class of '20 ~ Who's Applied and Who's been Accepted?

Surely they wouldn’t label a ‘bad’ student with ‘Crimson Tide’, don’t you think?

Sorry, I meant to put Crimson Edge, I’m on a mobile setting so autocorrect got me.

@collegebound1908, there’s a recent thread discussing the Crimson Edge program. It sounds like the university just wants to make sure you get all the support you need to be successful.

SAT: took it last saturday (PRETTY SURE I GOT A 1700-1800)
ACT: 23 composite
GPA: 3.15 unweighted
Rank: 69/135 (about 50%)
Other stats: I took no APs, but 10 honors classes throughout HS (Is that competitive)?

Major: Journalism and communications or engineering
Essays: Good
Teacher Recs: Great
Counselor Rec: None yet

State or Country: Illinois
School Type: Private
Ethnicity: Middle Eastern (Palestinian)
Gender: Male

Other Factors:

Extra Curriculars: Green Club (9,10)
Sales Associate at a cell phone store (11,12)
Cashier at a Grocery Store (11,12)
Model United Nations (12)
Shamrocks for Life (12) (Its a club thats prolife. We prayed in front of an abortion clinic and it closed)
St.James Farm Community Service (9,10,11)
Chinese Club (12)
Varsity Soccer (9)
130 hours of tutoring (Arabic)

General Comments: Anything I can do to improve my chances?


@Abuaqel98 did you apply? You’d likely be accepted since you have a 3.0 and your ACT is ok.

I’m working on it @mom2collegekids

Any tips @mom2collegekids

@Abuaqel98, get the application submitted ASAP. Your stats are pretty solid, so the best thing you can do to increase your chances is get everything in as quickly as possible since admissions are made on a rolling basis at UA.

And make sure you run the net price calculator to determine your costs. Good luck!

Do I Have a chance at the Honors College @LucieTheLakie

@Abuaqel98, it looks like your current GPA and ACT are too low to qualify as a freshman, but you can always apply as a sophomore if you earn a 3.3 GPA:

You can apply to the honors college once you have a 3.3 GPA. I don’t know if you’d be allowed to apply after Fall Frosh grades are received. Maybe.

Your stats are too low to get into the HC as an incoming frosh.

Tips? Get your app in TODAY…it will only take 5 minutes. There are no other tips since there aren’t any essays. Just fill it out TODAY, and you’ll have your admittance about a week after your test scores and transcript are received.

Get that app IN.

I just applied and am about to send in my scores.
Besides my ACT score, I have SATII’s of Bio E 800 and Literature 750. The UA college board page doesn’t say subject tests are considered if submitted, so should I bother sending them, or are these ignored in both admissions and scholarship decisions?

Also, is there a separate Honors College application (like part of the scholarship app or something) or are applicants considered automatically.

Student Gender: F

Home State: Illinois

Date Applied: n/a

Date Accepted: 10/9/15

Have you visited campus?: No

Major: International Studies

Applying to Honors College: Thinking about it

Career goal: Go onto law school, become corporate lawyer


Also, is there a separate Honors College application (like part of the scholarship app or something) or are applicants considered automatically.



Yes, once you’re accepted, the link will show up in MyBama for you to apply.

Student Gender: Male

Home State: New York

Date Applied: 9/7/15

Date Accepted:10/7/15

Have you visited the campus?: Yes I was there for LSU game it was great

Major:Political Science

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Either a Lawyer or politician

Any else you’d like to mention: Frat houses are huge

anyone applying to the University Fellows Experience?

My DD applied two weeks ago, but her school finally got her transcript out yesterday to complete her package. She has a 4.0 unweighted GPA, a 2350 SAT/35 ACT, and is a NMSF, so she is aiming for the CBH program. The problem is that she is running out of runway to get her CBH application in, and she needs to be accepted first. Any idea how long it will take for her to get action on her application?


I think your DD should email Jane Batson and tell her that she’s waiting to be accepted, but would like to start on the essays…and politely ask for the essay prompts and any other relevant info. She should include her stats and her NMSF status in the email to Mrs. Batson.

I think the CBH application due date is early Dec, so your DD would want to get started now on.


Thanks! Will do.

Just received a Presidential Scholarship in the mail! Took me by surprise. Will be applying to honors and UFE asap!