Class of '20 ~ Who's Applied and Who's been Accepted?

@Trojan2119 are there new tabs in MyBama? When you click on the link to pay your deposit, does it say congratulations?

@mom2collegekids where is that at? I’m just going under the “academics” tab, and then “check admission application status” and in that it says “decision made”. Thank you for replying by the way!

@mom2collegekids I just realized that this thread wouldnt be for transfer srtudents, (which I am) so thats probably why its different. Im sorry!

If you’re seeing an Academics tab, I think that means that you’ve been admitted. Is here a link to pay your deposit?

Student Gender: Female

Home State: Alabama

Date Accepted: Sometime in October, I think

Have you visited the campus?: 4-5 times, yes

Major: Economics

Applying to the Honors College?: Yep, and accepted

Career goal(s): Governmental advocacy

I also applied for the Blount Undergraduate Initiative and the Fellows Program. Has anyone else applied for these? I have the presidential scholarship, but I’m hoping for the Alumni Crimson scholarship, or the Fellows Program to help cover the other costs.

My son applied to Blount. Do they often give Presidential Scholars Alumni scholarships, too? That would be great.

@justathought1 Which scholarship is that? Is that awarded thru the Alumni Assoc? Is that listed somewhere? I know of a very small Alumni scholarship (about $1000), but I don’t know about a Presidential Scholars Alumni scholarship.

I think Blount has some awards as well.

did your son qualify for any of the automatic scholarships for those who applied before Dec 15?

Were you ever added to the UA parents facebook group? PM me if you still need to be added.

@mom2collegekids I was asking if Presidential Scholars are often awarded Alumni scholarships, too. Sorry my post wasn’t clear. I was responding to the previous poster’s comment saying that she was hoping for both.

@debater9017 did you apply to UFE? As for the Crimson Alumni, do you have tippy top stats?

My son applied to Blount. Do they often give Presidential Scholars Alumni scholarships, too? That would be great



@mom2collegekids I was asking if Presidential Scholars are often awarded Alumni scholarships, too. Sorry my post wasn’t clear. I was responding to the previous poster’s comment saying that she was hoping for both.



Ahhh…has your son been awarded the Presidential Scholarship? Are you asking if Blount awards more money, or are you asking if the Alumni Assoc awards merit?

I think Blount has “some” awards of $4k or so.

Are you, your spouse, or your parents Bama Alums that belong to the Alumni Assoc?

There are also some other Alumni Assoc awards but I don’t know what the criteria is for those.

I was responding to debater9017’s post

“I also applied for the Blount Undergraduate Initiative and the Fellows Program. Has anyone else applied for these? I have the presidential scholarship, but I’m hoping for the Alumni Crimson scholarship, or the Fellows Program to help cover the other costs.”

My son did not receive a Presidential Scholarship.

Presidential Scholarships are for instate students who have an ACT30 (or SAT equivalent)…or if OOS, then an ACT 32 or SAT equivalent.

I’m not sure if you’re asking @debater9017 a question or if you’re asking other regular posters.

My son applied to Blount. Do they often give Presidential Scholars Alumni scholarships, too? That would be great



If you’re asking if Blount awards Presidential scholaships…Blount wouldn’t need to award Presidential Scholarships because if the student qualifies, he/she would already get one from the university.

@debater9017 has the Presidential. If she has a parent/grandparent who’s a member of the Alumni Assoc then she’ll also get a small alumni award.
Debater…if you’re going to audition for the Forensics group, you could get more merit that way.

^ this is the first time I realised that the Pres Scholarship is different for in-state versus out-of-state students. :wink:

@mom2collegekids Yes, I applied for the UFE. I have a pretty decent ACT and GPA, which is why I’m hoping for the Crimson Alumni scholarship.

I think there are 10 Crimson Alumni scholarships awarded. @debater9017 Do you think that your stats are high enough to be one of the 10? I’m guessing that the recipients will be a non-NMF with tippy top stats…like a 1550 M+CR or 35/36 ACT.

Student Gender: F

Home State: Pennsylvania

Date Applied: Jan 16

Date Accepted: Jan 16

Have you visited the campus?:
Not yet but planning a weekend March 4-7!
Major: business

Applying to the Honors College?: no

Career goal(s): business

Any else you’d like to mention:

We came late to the party but finally took the plunge in January! She’s excited to see the campus ( as am I) and we really appreciate all the stories you have shared.
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Wow…she applied and was accepted the same day! Awesome! And welcome!!!

Will you be able to tour the campus on Monday? Weekend visits aren’t as meaningful since the faculty aren’t there to meet, etc.

Student Gender: Male

Home State: California

Date Applied:10/28

Date Accepted: 1/25

Have you visited the campus?: no

Major: Communications

thanks again for the help @mom2collegekids

Yes Monday! We’re going earlier because she’s interested in playing Rugby as a club sport ( she did for four yrs of HS and loved it!) and the girls team is playing LSU on Saturday. Ruck TIDE!
I think this will give her a great chance to experience what it’s really like, she’s going to try and book some time with the team and meet some other prospective students while she’s there

What part of PA are you from @apollo322? My son is a sophomore from suburban Philadelphia.