Class of '20 ~ Who's Applied and Who's been Accepted?

Downingtown, how about you Lucie?! Would your son be interested in saying hi to a fellow Philadelphian and potential student the first weekend in March?:slight_smile:

I’ll send you a PM, @apollo322!

Student Gender: Female

Home State: Missouri

Date Applied: 10/19

Date Accepted: November I think

Have you visited the campus?: Visiting Feb. 8

Major: Biology/ Pre-Med

Applying to the Honors College?: Y

Career goal(s): Physician

Any else you’d like to mention: Was awarded the Presidential Scholarship for NMSF, hopefully will be notified of finalist soon and receive the NMF package! This school wasn’t even on my radar until I did research about NMS scholarships, but I’m hearing really good things about it

Student Gender: Female

Home State: Arizona

Date Applied: January 15

Date Accepted: January 28

Have you visited the campus?: Nope, never been to the South

Major: International Studies

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Diplomat

Any else you’d like to mention: National Merit Semifinalist, got the scholarship for that!


To those who are NMSF, if you haven’t rec’d a rejection letter (mailed to homes around Jan 10th, then you’ve made it to NMF…and will get official notification from your school around Feb 3rdish.


@ominousmango20 If you have any Q’s about premed at Bama, ask me. My son went thru the process a few years ago, and he’s now a 3rd year med student.

@rhodesie are you going to visit?

Student Gender: Female

Home State: Texas

Date Applied: August

Date Accepted: don’t remember exactly, but within six weeks of applying

Have you visited the campus?: yes, twice

Major: Chemical Engineering and Biology

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes, already accepted

Career goal(s): biomedical engineer, research

Any else you’d like to mention: presidential scholarship

Student Gender: Male

Home State: California

Date Applied: July 2015

Date Accepted: September 2015

Have you visited the campus?: Yes

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes, and been accepted

Career goal(s): To become a successful mechanical engineer

Any else you’d like to mention: U.S permanent resident, massive soccer fan (and growing fonder of American football)


Any idea when scholarship info will come out? I applied for some of the scholarships that Alabama kept nagging me to do, and I’ve heard nothing. Alabama is increasingly becoming an attractive option to me as other schools reject or provide no support for OOS tuition costs. As of now, I will have to decide between Creighton, U of Arizona, Alabama Purdue and possibly U of Florida, Ohio State and Tulane when those three notify. Creighton and Arizona have sweetened the pot with scholarships, while Pursue and Alabama have not informed me yes or no there.

Student Gender: Male

Home State: North Carolina

Date Applied: 2/17

Date Accepted: 2/26

Have you visited the campus?: No

Major: Biology

Applying to the Honors College?: Accepted to the Honors College

Career goal(s): Primary Care Physician

Any else you’d like to mention: My grades and scores for the honors college were a 4.32 UW GPA and a 31, however, since all students eligible for the Honors College have high stats, I believe the essay is very important. My essay emphasized community, collaboration, and helping those in need. Good luck to all applicants. ROLL TIDE!

@willd23 Are you going to visit?

Student Gender: Female

Home State: Pennsylvania

Date Applied: September

Date Accepted: October I think

Have you visited the campus?: No

Major: International Studies

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes, accepted

Career goal(s): foreign service

@sarahm101, there are a few of us from PA here, so if we can offer any advice, please feel free to ask. And congrats! What part of PA are your from?

@LucieTheLakie I’m from Hellertown (near Bethhlehem), and thanks!

@sarahm101, I’m in the Philly 'burbs. Visited your area a few times (Lafayette, Lehigh) with my son when we were doing the college circuit a few years ago.

@sarahm101 – We are from Philadelphia with extended family in Bangor, PA and a second home in Albrightsville. My DD is accepted and we are visiting in late March. Good to see fellow PA folks!

We are live south of Philadelphia near Kennett Square, PA. We attended University Days last Monday with our DD. The day was very organized and informative (all day information sessions and tours). The campus is beautiful and big, but once you become familiar with it, it does not seem as large. The faculty and students were very friendly and welcoming. We flew into Atlanta because of low airfares. It was a long drive-3 hours. If she attends, she will fly to Birmingham which is not easy from Philadelphia. Not sure if the distance is going to be a factor in the final decision. Also, being a northerner, the sorority houses and Greek presence on campus are something that I never experienced before! The houses are ENORMOUS and elegant. DD is not sure if she wants to rush, but feels like she would have no social life if she doesn’t. Not sure if she wants that pressure just starting college. Definitely a bit of culture shock! We are waiting for two other school’s decisions this week, then we will make the final decision. The other two around the Philadelphia area.

We always fly out of PHL to BHM and it’s easy peasy, @ChaddsFord. Not the cheapest perhaps, but so worth it for the convenience.

Scheduled to tour on Monday 3/28 along with an Arts & Sciences orientation 3/28 and Honors College orientation 3/29 @mom2collegekids

Anybody have any advice on housing, particularly for the honors college? I know my options, but don’t know the individual perks/drawbacks for certain buildings. Tag my handle if you do!