Class of '20 ~ Who's Applied and Who's been Accepted?

@confusedteen The scholarship isn’t changing. It’s already been announced. :slight_smile:

Do you know how to set up your visit?

HONORS COLLEGE CAMPUS VISITS (for those who will likely qualify for the HC)

If you do visit, be sure to set up a campus visit and then email the Honors College with the info (tour time, major, stats, etc), so that they can set up the rest of your day.

If you also have an interest in Computer-based Honors (CBH) or University Fellows Experience (UFE), indicate that in the email

Set up your tour here:

Don’t delay setting up your campus tour! The tour is a mix of walking and riding in a small bus, so each tour is strictly limited to the number of seats on that small bus. Sometimes people delay and then they’re disappointed to find that there aren’t any tour spots available.

In the email to the below listed HC people, include:
Student’s name and contact info
Date and time of the Campus tour that you’ve reserved.
GPA and test scores (include likely NMSF if applicable)
Likely majors
Interest in Computer-Based Honors and/or UFE
Career interests (including med, law, etc)
Anything particular that you want to see. If you have an interest in seeing the new Science and Engineering Complex, the TV or radio stations, the B-school or what-have-you, let them know.

Honors Recruitment

Susan Alley
270 Nott Hall

Kayla Fields

They will arrange the rest of the day…meeting with faculty, honors people, touring honors dorms, etc.

Sometimes mail goes to their SPAM folders, so call them if you haven’t heard back within a few business days. They do an excellent job and work very hard.

Applications for FALL 2016 do NOT open until August 1st

You can put in some info but when it comes to the drop down menu to select which term you are applying for,
FALL 2016 is NOT one of them.

I called Admissions last week after hearing some were applying, nope, NOT OPEN.
I had my DD sign in and we went thru the process and right when you get to the point to select the term to start at UA, FALL 2016 is NOT an option.

I am a parent of a rising jr at UA.


FYI: The only college application that I do know is open is Ole Miss. All others open August 1st.

Sorry for your difficulties, @TxNewCollegeMom , but my son has submitted his application as cited above, and I confirmed again this morning that with new applications for First Time Freshman, Fall 2016 is an option (along with Fall 2015, and Spring, Summer 2016).

I have heard from admissions that there won’t be any action taken until Labor Day, so we aren’t expecting swift movement. Not sure why you’re not seeing the same options as I and others have.

Roll Tide

Not being argumentative, but I am currently looking at the application with Fall 2016 selected.

The options currently shown on the application for first time undergraduates right now are:

Fall 2015
Spring 2016
Summer 2016

and FALL 2016

Last week when I saw that some were saying they were applying, I had my daughter pull it up and we attempted and there was no Fall 2016 option. I then called Admissions and they told me that it was not up and it would be open August 1st.

I did just call and they did say it is open at this time.

Student Gender: female

Home State: NC

Date Applied: 7/13/15

Date Accepted:

Have you visited the campus?: Yes. I’m currently on campus until august 1st because I’m doing the early college program

Major: Nursing

Applying to the Honors College?: maybe

Career goal(s): nurse anesthetist

Any else you’d like to mention: roll tide

Student Gender: Male

Home State: Tennessee

Date Applied: 7-22-15

Date Accepted: N/a

Have you visited the campus?: Yes

Major: Chemical Engineering

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes.

Career goal(s): Undetermined.

Any else you’d like to mention: #BBN

Thank you for the help! I am scheduled to visit over Fall break and will also be able to attend the Tennessee game which is a plusz thanks for info on honors!

I was told at my information session in June that the application for admission for fall 2016 would open July 1st, but I checked every day through July 6th and it was never open. I emailed my recruiter and she said it would be open mid-July. I went out of town and checked again when I got home (July 21st) and it was open so I applied.

Student Gender: Female

Home State: Mississippi

Date Applied: 7/21/15

Date Accepted: n/a

Have you visited the campus?: Yes - I did an official campus tour in late June

Major: most likely pre-nursing; I might major in something else with plans to go to medical school

Applying to the Honors College?: maybe

Career goal(s): nurse, doctor, or surgeon - it’s really out in the open. I’m not really sure what exactly I want to do yet I just know that I love the medical field

Any else you’d like to mention: I’m trying to decide between Ole Miss and Alabama. I have been a die-hard Ole Miss fan since I was in diapers and it’s hard to imagine going anywhere other than Ole Miss, but I really love both schools (I might make another thread asking for advice about my decision if I am accepted to both schools).

Student Gender: F

Home State: Texas

Date Applied: 7/29/15

Date Accepted: -

Have you visited the campus?: Not yet, still waiting to see if I get accepted since it’s so far.

Major: Nursing

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): become a pediatric nurse

Any else you’d like to mention: Alabama is my dream school and I am so anxious to find out if I get accepted or not!

(this is for my son)

Student Gender: Male

Home State: Florida

Date Applied: 8/4/15

Date Accepted: n/a

Have you visited the campus?: No

Major: Computer Science or Computer Engineering

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Cybersecurity, artificial intelligence

Any else you’d like to mention: Very happy to learn of the scholarships provided to qualified OOS students; thank you @mom2coIIegekids ! Hoping son can keep up his grades this last year of high school. We have many UT(ennessee) and UF fans in our family, as well as Virginia Tech - so this could get interesting! :stuck_out_tongue:

Student Gender: Female

Home State: Alabama

Date Applied: 7/27

Date Accepted:

Have you visited the campus?: Yes, multiple times

Major: Nursing

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Become a nurse practitioner

Any else you’d like to mention: I’ve grown up knowing nothing except Tuscaloosa. I can’t wait to start college at my dream school!

Student Gender: M

Home State: Texas

Date Applied: Aug 6th 2015

Date Accepted: N/A

Have you visited the campus?: Nope

Major: Political Science

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Become a lawyer

Anything else you’d like to mention: Theres a lot of texans applying!!

Student Gender: F

Home State: New York

Date Applied: 8/18

Date Accepted:

Have you visited the campus?: not yet

Major: Biology

Applying to the Honors College?: no

Career goal(s): doctor

Student Gender: M

Home State: Illinois

Date Applied: 8/7/2015

Date Accepted:

Have you visited the campus?: Yes

Major: Computer Science

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Software engineer

Welcome, my son is currently a sophomore at Bama as an ME major-aero and math minor, also stem MBA student. He has had amazing opportunities already. Landed a great summer engineering internship paying $25/hr. He was contacted by a prof he did research with last year through the emerging scholars program and now has a paid research position this semester working for Boeing. He loves his friends and the entire Bama experience. The best part of all this is he’s a NMF with an amazing 5 yr scholarship!!! Son #2 is applying now! Roll tide!!

Filling in for my son

Student Gender: Male

Home State: Nevada

Date Applied: 8/23/15

Date Accepted:_____

Have you visited the campus?: Not yet

Major: Civil Engineering

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Engineer

Any else you’d like to mention: As a parent, I am impressed with the amount of AP credit that can be carried into the U of Alabama. My older son who is leaving for college this week was only allowed to receive credit for 2 AP classes where he is going. Feel like I wasted a lot of money on tests his Senior year. Very excited about this school and the full tuition scholarship with his stats. Roll Tide!!!

Student Gender: Male

Home State: Texas

Date Applied: 8/22/15

Date Accepted: N/A

Have you visited the campus?: No

Major: Engineering (maybe mechanical?)

Applying to the Honors College?: Yes

Career goal(s): Become an engineer and be happy with my job

Any else you’d like to mention: Super stoked for full tuition, about a 60-70% chance I’ll be attending!

Student Gender: F

Home State: NC

Date Applied: 7/22/15

Date Accepted:

Have you visited the campus?: yes

Major: General Business and Marketing

Applying to the Honors College?: yes

Career goal(s): Business

Any else you’d like to mention: When will acceptance letters come out? At UA this summer, they said they would start coming out in mid-September, and I need that to get to the Honors College application which will give me access to the University Fellows Experience application!