<p>[li]Name: ** Kendall[/li][li]Gender: ** Female[/li][li]Age: ** 17....18 in may[/li][li]AIM sn: ** kendizzle01[/li][li]Major: ** poli sci but i might apply to haas[/li][li]Ethnicity: ** my dad's white and my mom was adopted so no 1 really knows....probably spanish[/li][li]Born in: ** Houston, texas[/li][li]Live in: ** Encinitas, California :)[/li][li]Personality: ** crazy, hilarious, outgoing, unpredictable, always laughing[/li][li]Languages: ** english, sign language, some spanish[/li][li]Music: ** hip hop/rap....i'm an OG. i just love 2pac, what can i say. and fitty. daaaammmnn homie.[/li][li]Beliefs: ** well i'm pretty much atheist. [/li][li]Party: ** PARTY?!?! WHERE?!?!? just kidding, Moderate Republican/ Independent[/li][li]Dorm: ** Hopefully Unit 2[/li][li]Hobbies: ** Field hockey, track and field, softball, attempting to play lacrosse, flute.....i do everything[/li][li]Other cool stuff: ** i'm pretty much the atypical berkeley student. but you'll love me, i promise. [/li][/list]</p>
<p>wow, i sure blew it with the internet coding. kinda embarrassing.</p>
<p>Name: Sam
Gender: Male
Age: 17....18 in end of May
AIM sn: Maddog102
Major: EECS and Business
Ethnicity: Russian
Born in: Palo Alto, CA
Live in: Atherton, CA
Personality: Easy-going, love to party, love to meet new people, IM me anytime!
Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian, some French
Music: anything and everything, no techno though
Beliefs: Jewish by blood (haha Russian jew!), atheist by choice
Party: Moderate/Republican, Don't be hating just because you lost!
Dorm: Shooting for the units, maybe an apartment, if i find someone...
Hobbies: track/cross country, skiing, snowboarding, surfing
Other cool stuff: ready for Cal...hopefully the gals aren't as bad as the reputation</p>
<p>skiing fool: we have a lot in common. we should be friends</p>
<p>Hey my name is Emily and I live in Rancho Santa Fe...and i'll be going to Cal next year! We have really similar interests, and you seem like a cool girl so IM me at wisegirl4u if you'd like! I'd really like to get in contact with you (especially since you live so close!!!) </p>
<p>Hopefully I'll talk to you soon!</p>
<p>GO BEARS! :)</p>
[li]Name: ** Alex[/li][li]Gender: ** Male[/li][li]Age: ** 17...18 by the time i'm at berkeley[/li][li]AIM sn: ** alexskate54[/li][li]Major: ** History and either Haas or economics[/li][li]Ethnicity: ** White (Greek/Polish)[/li][li]Born in: ** San Jose, CA[/li][li]Live in: ** San Jose, CA[/li][li]Personality: ** pretty easy going, like to party a lot[/li][li]Languages: ** English, used to speak Hebrew a bit[/li][li]Music: ** Country, Classic rock, Emo-ish rock, Rap[/li][li]Beliefs: ** Jewish[/li][li]Party: ** Independent but I identify myself with moderate Rupublicans[/li][li]Dorm: ** Hopefully one of the units before moving into a frat[/li][li]Hobbies: ** Partying, Playing drums, Working out[/li][li]Other cool stuff: ** Hopefully will be a member of Rally Comm and The Bench[/li][/ul]</p>
<h1>Name: Coleman</h1>
<h1>Gender: Male</h1>
<h1>Age: 17</h1>
<h1>AIM sn: Coleman Maher</h1>
<h1>Major: Eventually Business</h1>
<h1>Ethnicity: Half Irish Half Chinese</h1>
<h1>Born in: San Francisco</h1>
<h1>Live in: Daly City (directly south of SF)</h1>
<h1>Personality: Aggressive, I've been told "very curious" from an observer's POV</h1>
<h1>Languages: English</h1>
<h1>Music: good music</h1>
<h1>Beliefs: I seek truth</h1>
<h1>Party: Republican or Libertarian/Independent</h1>
<h1>Dorm: I dunno</h1>
<h1>Hobbies: Movies</h1>
<h1>Other cool stuff: I'm 6'2"+</h1>
<p>Name: Emily
Gender: Female
Age: 18
AIM sn: wisegirl4u
Major: Poly Sci or IR
Ethnicity: white
Born in: Berkeley, CA (haha!)
Live in: San Diego (RSF), CA
Personality: i love to party, meet new people, and just have a good time...
Languages: English, used to speak Japanese (lived there for 2 years when i was a baby), and a bit of Espanol
Music: EVERYTHING (well, as long as it's good)... I love music.
Beliefs: Christian
Party: Conservative Republican (can't believe i'm going to CAL haha)
Dorm: AH I HAVE NO IDEA?!? Any tips? What are the good ones!!
Hobbies: Swimming, bball, h20polo baby! community service, and like i said before...partying and having a good time. ;)
Other cool stuff: I got in for Spring of 2006...but I'm planning on doing the fall extension program. Are any of you guys going to Cal day on April 16th? If so i'll see you there! Drop me an e-mail or im, i'd love to meet you.</p>
<p>I'd say Hi but I'm still contemplating between UCSD and Cal</p>
<p>EMILY!!! my best friends name is emily. obviously were like twins and were gonna be bff for life. roomies?!?! thats awesome u live in rsf, do you go to rsf high school? i live off rsf road, quite a coincidence. in olivenhain. we should definitley hang out and i added u to my buddy list! yay go berkeley republicans!</p>
<p>p.s. i'm in for spring too and im doing the extension program. and im going to cal day on the 16th and probably staying a few extra days w/ my friends who live there</p>
[li]Name: ** Eric[/li][li]Gender: ** Male[/li][li]Age: ** 17[/li][li]AIM sn: ** Palaver87[/li][li]Major: ** Pre-Business[/li][li]Ethnicity: ** Half Japanese, Half German[/li][li]Born in: ** San Jose, CA[/li][li]Live in: ** San Jose, CA[/li][li]Personality: ** Quiet, Hermit, Boring[/li][li]Languages: ** English, Japanese, some Spanish[/li][li]Music: ** Rock[/li][li]Beliefs: ** Atheist[/li][li]Party: ** Liberal, some Socialist leanings[/li][li]Dorm: ** Most likely Foothill[/li][li]Hobbies: ** Listening to music, chatting, reading[/li][li]Other cool stuff: ** I'm going to Berkeley![/li][/ul]</p>
<p>hello friend. freaking smoothies man. strawberry and raspberry and cream and all that stuff. cc definitely cancelled my account for my "vulgar" language in our super cool forum. so now i am "2vulgar4cc" haha you like? ROOMIES!</p>
<p>hahaha kendall! yay for bananas and smoothies! yeah that forum was too cool for the easily offended ucla admits. OH HAHA I JUST GOT YOUR NICKNAME (i'm kinda slow, can't ya tell?) haha from a glance i thought it was some rapper street talk lol. hey you me and wisegirl emily can all be roomies yay! although the room will seriously be 10x10ft. hahaha i still can't believe you found me on lj.</p>
[li]Name: ** Ron[/li][li]Gender: ** Male[/li][li]Age: ** 17[/li][li]Major: ** Political Science (and minor in Rhetoric)[/li][li]Ethnicity: ** Chinese-American[/li][li]Live in: ** Southern California[/li][li]Personality: ** I'm unsure. I'm a tad bit shy when I first meet people but I open up pretty quickly. [/li][li]Languages: ** English; learning French; and not enough Chinese[/li][li]Music: ** Almost everything; I draw the line at rap (no offense to anyone).[/li][li]Beliefs: ** A moderate conservative; Buddhist[/li][li]Party: ** Republican (GOP)[/li][li]Dorm: ** Foothill or Bowles; Units not top choice.[/li][li]Hobbies: ** Politics[/li][li]Other cool stuff: ** Dunno[/li][/ul]</p>
<p>This would be a good way to find a roommate; not exactly the best way but better way.</p>
<p>clownzskareme: hehe nope you're friend is definitely not the only one. there's me, my siblings, the handful on the half asian lj community, and the other handful still in hiding...we should all make our own colony.</p>
<p>thats so awesome that you're half asian! one of my best friends is 1/2 asian we went to hawaii together. pretty sweet! we drank so many smoothies in hawaii! mmmmmmmm.....SMOOTHIES! HAWAIIAN SMOOTHIES!! anyway, kendallemilyandrea=roomies4lyfe. we should buy a house sophomore year. lets go look at houses like RIGHT NOW. i saw ur lj cuz u posted that "everyong join the berk community!" post silly little goose. and i saw the asian girl w/ chopsticks and i was like BEST FRIEND WHERE ARE YOU COME BACK!!!!! haha i told my dad i have a berkeley friend. hes happy. but we HAVE TO ROOM TOGETHER dont travel :(</p>
<p>yeahhhhh libertarians! they rock my socks</p>
<p>now find the berkeley community, click profile or info, and then click the little pen or the link at the top that says join this community. and then add others to ur friends so wecan all read eachothers lj and learn more about our new internet addicted cc friends!</p>
<p>if there are any traces of coherent thought processes left in you, i beg of you to choose berkeley over ucsd. i know it depends on your major, but you can't pass up berkeley. and i live by sd and it sucks. like, massively sucks. bad times. BERKELEY!!</p>