<p>Yayyy! My fav time of the year is almost here!!! =]</p>
<p>One BIG question though:</p>
<p>How many of you guys are getting presents for all your teachers? Or just the ones you really really like?
I was going to buy ones for the teachers I know really well...but teachers talk to each other and they're always standing out in the hall so I feel bad not giving one to every teacher.</p>
<p>I mean these ARE the teachers that'll write our recommendations next year...</p>
<p>And what about your counselor?
Give him/her a present and introduce yourself if you haven't already or is that too over the top?</p>
<p>However, I should probably getting my GC something. I waste so much of her time. Maybe I’ll get her a new keyboard. I just found her e-mail address and already sent a few… Whoops.</p>
<p>I got most teachers a box of tea or chocolate. My precalc teacher will also receive one of those cute but nonfunctional Asian pencils because she said she really likes them. And my AD coach gets two boxes of tea because I like him better than everyone else (to be quite frank). Cheers.</p>
<p>If I decide to give cookies to my friends and I have extras, I might give some to teachers. usually when I have cookies, if teachers are around I give them that. But other than that, I think I’ll just give the ones who give me recs a plate of cookies or something at the time.</p>
<p>Hmm so far I’m thinking a box of chocolate for all my teachers…bigger boxes for the ones I like haha I mean who doesnt like chocolate right?</p>
<p>I really need to introduce myself to the counselor though. Is this the perfect time to do so? …she might still be really busy with seniors. I just can’t think of another time to go talk to her. I guess I’ll make up some questions to ask her when we get our PSAT scores back or when we decide on next years classes?</p>
<p>Thanks you guys for all the responses so far! It seems like my school is more about gift giving then some other schools.</p>
<p>i always give $25 Office Depot/Staples gift cards to my teachers. they always need to buy new supplies for us, so they like them as gifts.
lol but some kids go overboard and get the teachers $100 gift cards… that’s way overboard, in my opinion.</p>
<p>^That’s a really good idea! I’ll definitely remember that for next year! Thanks a lot!</p>
<p>Oh god, 100 dollar gift cards? that’s crazy…I got 7 teachers and a counselor so nooo way.
But maybe I’ll get them for teachers that write my letters of recommendation next year…they’ll definitely deserve it!</p>
<p>My teachers loved hot chocolate with special cute cups.</p>
<p>sqdwfe13–Candles are always nice! I know some teachers who like to light candles so the room smells amazing. There are some great Christmas candles that are affordable and pretty. Vanilla/cinnamon/gingerbread always works!</p>
<p>Or some funky pens. I also got some for a couple of my teachers…colorful pens, ones that smell really nice, Christmas pens…etc. to make grading papers “fun” haha!</p>