<p>I don’t think one off period matters as long as the rest are hard classes. I’m going to be off campus one period next year (:</p>
<p>@cheezifreako—DANG. only 2 hours? I’ve been getting to bed a lot later this year. Last year, there would be random days where I had to stay up until 2am but this year, it happens a lot more often. I usually get to bed by 11:30-midnight-ish. Once a month or so,I might have to stay up until 1am. The latest was 2:30am. THat’s pretty late for ppl around here haha. Most of them do an hour or so or hw and just stop. But apparently not on CC…</p>
<p>I feel lazy now reading about how you guys lose a ton of sleep and blah blah. My schedule didn’t get too overwhelming till recently. Next year will be a lot more eventful.</p>
<p>What’s the off campus gonna be for? </p>
<p>Yeah, I talked to my counselor and she said it would be fine but she suggested just taking another class. Like an easy class. But even the easy classes have a bunch of busy work that I really don’t want to do. I just need a period to catch up on some studying, do some hw or go to sleep. Some teachers in easy classes are quite strict so I’d rather not take a blow off class.</p>
<p>Anyone taking AP Comparative Politics next year? Sounds interesting but I heard it was quite hard.</p>
<p>Yup, definitely feel lazy now.</p>
<p>So what AP tests are you guys taking?</p>
<p>Lol, my off campus period will just be for me to leave an hour early from school. I’ll have a lot of commitments next year and I’d rather be taking 6 classes I genuinely like and be relaxed instead of adding another AP I don’t care for.</p>
<p>And I get a lot of sleep too. >.></p>
<p>I’m taking AP English, APUSH, AP Comp Sci, and AP Italian.</p>
<p>No fair, that’s really cool! If we could do that, I woudln’t have such a hard time deciding my last class.</p>
<p>AP English, AP Euro, AP Calc, AP Macro and Micro, AP Chem, AP Human Geography. I think that’s it.</p>
<p>Yeah I’m taking a release next year but I’ll also be taking college math classes, sigh.</p>
<p>AP Stats, Calc BC, USH, Geography, Spanish Lang.</p>
<p>@Smile614: hahaha, it wasn’t because of work though. it had been a bad week in general… and being nervous and trying to force myself back into a regular sleep schedule apparently didn’t help my condition.</p>
<p>thanks to that i bombed my essay and nearly crashed while working on a writing section (which, i found out later, was the experimental section, thankfully).</p>
<p>not going through that again. =/</p>
<p>Hey, guys. Life is really interesting, isn’t it?</p>
<p>I hate my senior year already. My friends will all be gone to basic/college, plus the stress of college apps and probably early-onset senioritis.</p>
<p>Oh commme ooon guys! Cheer up! Junior year is quite stressful, but we’ve made it this far. Only a little bit left to go! :)</p>
<p>Well, this year is awesome thus far. But next year? Not so much.</p>
<p>Seriously? This year is great and all, but it just seems like senior year will be sooo much better. Sure, it’s gonna be hectic first semester but I’m kinda looking forward to this college process thing. I’m kinda tired of doing the same thing in high school though but I feel like doing college apps will be different because you’ll actually be really motivated to do well on them.</p>
<p>Plus, I think I’ll grow even closer to my friends senior year because we’ve discussed this and next year…we’ll really need to have a support system. You know, look out for each other because it’s going to be quite stressing…but exciting at the same time.</p>
<p>But I will admit…it’s not gonna be a smooth ride. There’ll be looots of obstacles from now until the end of high school.</p>
<p>I really wanted to take the AP stats test, but the school I have to take my tests at doesn’t offer it. I guess when I take the college course this summer i’ll just be REALLY prepared.</p>
<p>Now i’m just taking the calc AB, bio, and chem exams. I’m taking government, psychology, and English composition at a college so I feel no need to take the exams.</p>
<p>We have to take the AP exam for us to get the weighted credit…so I have to take AP exams for every single AP class. Don’t really have a choice…Thank goodness the state pays for everything but the registration fee. We only had to turn in like $20 to register for all of them.</p>
<p>@christi–is AP stat hard? I’m considering on taking it next year (I heard it’s good if you want to go into business?) but I’m really not a big fan of graphs/charts so I might just skip that.</p>
<p>I’m taking AP Eng Lang (self-study) and APUSH. Not that bad, I guess…though I have so much to between now and then…><</p>
<p>Ugh, Michigan pays nothing. Not that I would probably apply, since i’m not in the public school system.</p>
<p>Statistics is definitely important if you want to go into business. I didn’t find it very difficult at all, but it can get a little tedious. Keep in mind that I only went about…2/3 of the way through the course and stopped when I found out I couldn’t take it.</p>
<p>woo not taking any APs :D</p>
<p>Seniors are getting decision back. It’s quite scary/exciting/nervewracking to watch them go through this. I have seniors in a lot of my classes…and I just can’t help thinking that I’m gonna be going through that next year.</p>
<p>Everyone at my school got waitlisted at WashU…like no matter how strong/weak the applicant was. Don’t know what the deal with that is. Everyone got rejected by MIT. But one of my friends got into UChicago after having to deal with being waitlisted at WashU. Needless to say, she’s ecstatic…and has totally forgotten about WashU. Don’t know all the UChicago decisions yet…but I guess I’ll find out tomorrow. </p>
<p>Quite scary…
School is gonna be chaotic March 31/April 1. I expect that some seniors will actually skip those days…</p>