Class of 2010. Yay.

<p>How are the seniors at your school doing? </p>

<p>And anyone going to prom?
Ours is mid-April. My dress came in todayyyy. :)</p>

<p>Class of 2010 sounds so much better than the previous classes. What I mean is that “Class of 2010” sounds better than “Class of 2009”, etc. Who agrees?</p>

<p>it does sound better. we’re on the decade what not, so it is pretty good :)</p>

<p>but pretty nervous for senior year with IB junk like EE, TOK Essay, IA’s, and what not along with applying to college. it’s kinda scary … O.o</p>

<p>Haha we were actually discussing this today!
But for Class of 2009…they can say Class of OH-Nine. But for us, do we say Class of OH-10? Class of Ten? Class of two-thousand and ten…just takes too long to say. Haha it just seems weird. </p>

<p>But I like the way it looks. I feel bad for 2011. It’s just kinda…awkward to say. Doesn’t flow you know?</p>

Exactly. 2011 seems to look the worst from 2000 up to now, including 2010.</p>

<p>And what do you mean you were discussing this today? At school or on CC?</p>

<p>haha. that’s true. but kids at our school say “class of twenty-ten” or say “class of OH-10” like that. but yah, 2011 sounds super awkward. lol. hehehe.</p>

<p>What else sounds awkward is 2013, 2014, 2015, and so on. Super awkward to say.</p>

<p>At school when we were choosing classes for senior year. The top of the sheet said Class of 2010 and the teacher said Class of Ten. And we …just started discussing it.</p>

<p>2012 looks kinda cool because of the double twos. But 2011 is just weird.
Yeah, we mostly say OH-10 but it’s kinda weird since there’s no zero in front of 10 when you write Class of '10 you know? ANd that’s usually what the OH is for. (Class of '09)</p>

<p>Twenty ten is too wordy…but it’s quite catchy. Class of 2008 is pretty lucky…it’s a good number. At least in my opinion. Class of OH-eight just flows much better</p>

<p>Imagine being like Class of 2235 or something. You would have to be REALLY creative to find something that sounded decent.</p>

<p>I’d want to be 08’, but I’m still satisfied with 10’
I think it’s pretty interesting how we are going in depth with the whole graduation year thing. It’s pretty funny, actually.</p>

<p>I say “class of twenty-ten,” and that’s how I believe the world will pronounce the year once we get there. It makes sense; it’s always been nineteen-xx.</p>

<p>2013 is just “class of twenty-thirteen” or “class of thirteen” and 2235 is just “class of thirty-five.” That’s how they said it in 1913 and 1935.</p>

<p>my friends and i say “twenty-ten” also. i’m reallyyy glad we’re not 2011, i think it looks/sounds awkward</p>

<p>Yay class of 2010!
twenty-ten sounds the best out of all the alternatives…
Can’t wait to graduate and go off to college. thats what im most looking forward to</p>

<p>Yeah, thank goodness we’re not!
I think 2010 is gonna be a great year. We’re gonna be seniors, ruling the school :), headed to college, the economy will probably be recovering. I’m excited.</p>

<p>Haha, I love how we had this in depth discussion on graduation years.</p>


<p>lol we tried to get that started throughout the our class but were unsuccessful</p>

<p>^Haha. That’s funny. We mostly say OH-ten just because the seniors this year say OH-nine and it’s just more consistent I guess? I don’t know…haha.</p>

<p>Just curious, does anyone have a Common App account yet?
My friend said I can register anytime I want and to do it earlier so I can explore a bit but I don’t want to mess anything up for when I really need it or something.</p>

<p>Ours is called The Dimes.</p>


<p>We say Class of 2-10(two-ten), just dropped the zero. Our Symbol is the dynasty sign. 2 hands 0 in the middle 10 fingers…thus 2-10</p>

<p>in my school we say 2010VE
get it? ‘love’ :)</p>

<p>When we’re cheering and stuff we generally go “one-oh!” But we call ourselves the class of 10. There used to be hand symbols for every class that the previous classes made up, but no one made one for us because they thought our year made us weird. We just make X’s with our arms.</p>