Class of 2011/2015 Decision Thread

<p>jessi823, i applied for International Studies. i know, kind of weird i applied for an engineering school for a totally different major, but whatever, they’re program’s good haha</p>

<p>Stupid question, but for those of you who have heard, was it pretty obvious after logging into the Va Tech Information System? I can get in and view all of the application information (name, address, semester applying for, . . .) but don’t see any place where a decision would be posted. (BTW–the system was full a few minutes ago and I had to try several times before logging in successfully. Never encountered that before–I’m wondering if a lot of decisions have been posted and word is spreading??)</p>

<p>^ I get that error all the time unfortunately…and from what I’ve seen on some threads here, the decisions are posted in place of your information. So where your name and info is, all that is replaced and your decision is placed. Someone correct me if I’m wrong though.</p>

<p>After the name and address area there is Application Data … and it looks like this…</p>

<p>Application Data
Admission Term: Fall Semester 2011
Admission Type: Regular Freshman Applicant
Decision: Offered Admission</p>

<p>Ahhhh–thanks so much. At least now I know where to look!</p>

<p>mine hasn’t updated yet. was it supposed to??</p>

<p>^ Are you referring to the decisions? If so they’re posting them this Friday evening.</p>

<p>My son’s was already posted back in Feb.</p>

My S hasn’t heard anything regarding merit. This doesn’t surprise me. He has several classmates that have equal or higher stats. If you are an instate resident their COA is pretty low compared to peer schools. I don’t think VT does a lot of woo’ing via merit. Dean/Davenport (for the e’school applicants) is announced by 3/21 this year. I don’t know any timeline beyond that (honors/merit/general scholarships notification).</p>

<p>blueiguana - for oss beside dean/davenport are there any other merit scholarships that my son can just qualify for with a ACT Math 35 English 33 and a 3.8 uw 4.3 wgpa. I don’t think there is … but not 100% sure. Thanks.</p>

My son reviewed the scholarship database to see which ones he might be eligible for based on criteria posted. Some require an additional application.</p>

<p>Here’s the list:
[Scholarships</a> | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Scholarships”></p>

<p>One thing to also remember is many of the individual departments will offer scholarships to students that are upperclassmen. I know it doesn’t help much with the first year or two, but for some there is reward for doing well in that particular department and overall academically. When we talked with the Honors folks 3 years ago, they said it does help with chances at departmental scholarships if a student is in the Honors Program. Good luck to all of you!</p>

<p>What time are decisions posted online today?</p>

<p>I heard 5 o’clock. Not 100% sure tho</p>

<p>Not sure if this helps any, but the ED status was supposed to have been updated at 5p Dec 10 but wasn’t updated until around 5:45p that day so keep checking. Good luck to everyone!</p>

I am sure that it will be out by 5:00PM GMT-4</p>

<p>About the list of scholarships…Most of the deadlines for those have passed…I think the deadline was early March. If I remember correctly, out of the numerous scholarships listed (all are administered through Virginia Tech), my son only qualified to apply for ONE of them! They were VERY specific…you had to be Lebanese, or first generation college, or live in a certain county, or one of your parents had to work for a certain company etc. The one that son applied for required a two paragraph essay and I don’t think that there were any restrictions. Hope this helps?</p>

<p>Accepted, College of Engineering (Computer Science)
Caucasian Female
Public NoVA School
CR: 620 M: 680 (1300, 1970 total)
GPA W: 4.09 (I don’t know unweighted, probably a 3.8)
Rank: 51/401
APs: 8 by end of year, all honors
Plenty of EC/volunteer hours
Not much effort towards essays

<p>Decision: Accepted for Biological Science Major</p>


<p>SAT: 710/620/740 (CR/M/W)
SAT II’s: BIO M - 740
AP: 11th grade- AP US History: 4. AP Bio - 3, AP Stat -3, AP Lang -4. 12th Grade - Comp Sci, Lit, Gov, Econ, & Calc AB
GPA: 3.882 W
Rank: 28/516 or Top 5%</p>

-Essays: Good essays (Wrote 3)
-Teacher Recs: Great by Club Advisor & Lit Teacher
-Counselor Rec: Great
-Hook (if any): Asian Female? (NOT REALLY A HOOK!)</p>

<p>Location: Northern Virginia
School Type: Public, pretty competitive school.
Ethnicity: Turkish
Gender: Female</p>

<p>Got invited to Honors, applied for that and for the Dean’s scholarship.</p>

<p>Accepted! School of Business (Finance)</p>

<p>Sat: 650 Reading, 590 Math
3.79 GPA
Northern VA