Class of 2011/2015 Decision Thread

<p>Waitlisted for engineering… Don’t really know what I should do or want at this point…Does this mean that university studies is out of the question as well?</p>

<p>@BUKLAU I’m not sure about that but</p>

<p>I request engineering as my major and was accepted (today) into university studies.</p>

<p>So your status page says that you were admitted to university studies? Then I’m guessing I’m just waitlisted in general for engineering…I just can’t believe I won’t be attending tech this fall…This is real tough to swallow</p>

<p>DS accepted!
College of Natural Resources
WGPA 4.1
ACT 29
11 APs</p>


<p>College: College of Science
Major: Biological Sciences</p>


<p>SAT: 640M, 590CR, 640W, 10E, 1870 Total (weakest part of app)
SAT II’s: Didn’t send to VT, I think…
AP: Euro, Bio, US, Psych, Chem, Physics B, Calc BC, Gov (8 total)
GPA: 4.156W
Rank: 7 or 8/399 or Top 2%</p>

-Essays: Okay I guess, can’t rate my own essays though (wrote 2)
-Teacher Recs: Amazing
-Counselor Rec: Assuming it’s good since she likes me, but I don’t know.
-Hook (if any): Antihook - Asian/Male</p>

<p>Location: SOVA
School Type: Public Magnet School
Ethnicity: Bengali
Gender: Male</p>


<p>College: Architecture
Major: Architecture</p>


<p>SAT: 720M, 690CR, 680W, 10E, 2090 Total
SAT II’s: Math II: 750, US History 760.
AP: Calc AB, Gov and Politics, Environmental.
GPA: 3.92 W
Rank: 9%</p>

-Essays: Good
-Teacher Recs: Amazing
-Counselor Rec: Great
-Hook (if any): Taken 3 years of CADD and digital design. </p>

<p>Location: North Jersey
School Type: Top 6% Public High School
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male</p>

<p>Instate, SAT 1200/1600, GPA 3.53, 9 APs lots of extra curriculars & volunteer</p>

<p>guillaume- does that mean you’ll have two Hokie fellas in Bburg? :slight_smile: Congratulations everyone!</p>

<p>Does anyone else remember being sent by e-mail for an application for an instate tuition scholarship for OOS students. D has applied to a number of colleges and I think it was VT but can’t remember for sure. They seem to have scholarships that you are invited to apply for. But may be hard to find if not invited. Has anyone else found this?</p>


<p>1970 SAT 3.25 W GPA</p>


<p>Liberal Arts- French</p>

<p>Accepted: School of Business</p>

ACT: 27 Composite
GPA: 4.25 weighted/3.49 unweighted</p>

<p>Already paid my deposit.</p>

Lol, DD is graduating in May. So yes it looks like another 4 years of Hokies madness! go Hokies!! Maybe we’ll make it to a football game this time around.</p>

<p>Accepted :)</p>

<p>College: Architecture
Major: Science of Architecture</p>


<p>SAT: 650M, 660CR, 660W, 1970 Total
ACT: 29 Composite (27 M 31CR)
SAT II’s: Didn’t take any
AP: European History, Calc AB, Eng lang&comp, Eng lit&comp, Statistics, Government, Psychlogy<br>
GPA: 3.903 Weighted
Rank: 65/576</p>

-Essays: Did all 3 and worked hard on them
-Teacher Recs: None
-Counselor Rec: Pretty good I think

  • Additional Info:Magnet Math and Science Program at high school, took basic tech classes teaching Autocad, Senior mentorship with Residential designer 100 hours
  • I also have been interning with the designer and working in aspects of residential arhitecture since last summer </p>

<p>Location: Hampton Roads
School Type: Public school
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Female</p>

<p>Accepted :)</p>

<p>ACT: 28 (Comp); 28 Eng, 28 Math, 25 Reading, 31 Science
GPA: 4.72 Unweighed
Class Ranking: 12/265</p>

<p>Ton of Extracurriculars, Eagle Scout, Student Council
Essays were good. </p>

<p>Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
State: South Carolina</p>

<p>I am thinking about applying to Residential Leadership Community. Anyone else in Architecture thinking about applying RLC?</p>

<p>Decision: ACCEPTED University Studies</p>

-ACT: 31 Composite, 28 Math, 33 Reading, 28 Science, 33 English
-GPA: 3.1 UW
-Rank: 210/542
-Other stats: Good ECs</p>

-Essays: Great essays
-Teacher Recs: Didn’t send
-Counselor Rec: Good
-Hook (if any): Upward grade trend, 4.0 senior year with a rough course load.</p>

<p>Location/Person: State or Country: Pennsylvania
-School Type: Public
-Ethnicity: White
-Gender: Male</p>

<p>Accepted (In State)

<p>W GPA: 4.63 UW GPA 4.12
SAT: CR:590 M:690 W:590
AP’s Chem, Calc AB, US History, Eng Comp, Biology
Ranking: 18 out of 410 (top 5%)</p>

<p>No school sports; eight years soccer in city leagues.
National Honor Society; Student Government (jr and sr years), 5+ years heavy volunteer work, international exchange in summer '08, host to 7 exchange students</p>

-Essays: Great essays
-Teacher Recs: Two sent
-Counselor Rec: Fabulous
-Hook (if any): My DD is a smart girl (?). LOL</p>

<p>These stats are as close I can get being the parent. I did finally look at best of SAT scores so those are exact. GPA and ranking as of January mid-year and I also checked that on paper. VA Tech is a great school but she is waiting on a few other decisions before making her final decision.</p>

<p>D1 Accepted for Engineering</p>

<p>Out of State
top 5% class
4.2 gpa w
29 ACT
1910 SAT
all honors or AP courses
11 varsity letters in 3 sports
captain of 2 teams
all star honors in 3 sports
founder of latin club</p>

<p>Also accepted to Penn State,RPI, CUA, UMass,UH,Tulane</p>

<p>accepted to biological sciences </p>

<p>IS. 4.1 GPA,</p>

<p>Also accepted to: GMU, VCU, Pitt, Georgia Tech (prolly where i will go)</p>

<p>Applied Computer Science, accepted University Studies</p>

<p>ACT- 30 (31 math 32 English 29 reading 27 science 30 essay)
GPA- Ummm…3.7…8? I think?
School doesn’t rank
AP English lit, APUSH, AP Euro
Summer courses at BU for CS111 and UA301
Heavily involved with music, FIRST robotics, and other stuff
2 Teacher recs and guidance councilor
I’m not going to judge my essays that seems pretentious</p>

<p>Also accepted: FSU Purdue UNR Pitt Colorado Boulder Syracuse</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted University Studies </p>


<p>SAT: 620/650/630 (CR/M/W)
AP: World, US, Psychology, Chemistry, Government, Language/Comp, Calculus AB
GPA: 3.74
Rank: 157/570</p>

-Essays: Pretty Good
-Teacher Recs: Awesome
-Counselor Rec: She loves me
-Hook (if any): First generation college student, Ec’s</p>

<p>EC’s: Equestrian (9 years), lacrosse, field hockey (4 years, two as captain), NHS, volunteer with therapeutic riding (3 years), part- time job (at the same job since august 2009), among others</p>

<p>Location: Northern Virginia
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female</p>

<p>Accepted to Auburn and South Carolina, waiting on Boston U, UVa, and James Madison.</p>