Class of 2014 National Hispanic Recognition Program Mailing

<p>I am finishing up with my students but wanted to give people on cc a heads up. My DD who is just a junior received her first NHRP mailing today. It was from Carleton College and said the following:</p>

<p>"Nice work! Your PSAT scores and high school record are impressive; strong enough to make a contender in teh national Hispanic Recognition Program. Congratulations ....Carleton awards National Hispanic Scholars $2000 annual scholarships and preferential financial aid over all four years."</p>

<p>The mailing then gave her a special link to click on to indicate whether she wanted to learn more about Carleton. </p>

<p>If I remember correctly this is much earlier than when my son who is now a junior in college received his NHRP mailings. Plus my DD has a ton of new emails which also look like they are the result of her PSAT score. I am surprised that the mailing is so early since her counselor has not even received notification from college board which usually happens in the Spring. </p>

<p>I just want to make sure students/parents are on the lookout for NHRP mailing since it appears to be coming earlier this year.</p>

<p>Congratulations to your D, itsv! How exciting to start getting the mail (at least it is to me!). :-)</p>

<p>Excellent news, congrats to your D!</p>

<p>Hope all NHRP Scholars continue to get encouraging news!</p>

<p>My 2010 NHRP is a junior at Carleton and loves it. :)</p>

<p>our daughter also received the mailing from Carleton College, but that is the only one we have seen that references NHRP</p>

<p>We got the same mailing for national achievement honors from Carleton. No other mail or e-mails have referenced it. Sorry to creep on this forum. : ).</p>

<p>^Not a problem, many of the programs, scholarships, etc. are open to all URMs, so it’s great to hear from everybody and to share information with all!</p>

<p>To this the received the Carleton mailings: what were your kiddos PSAT scores?? We received one as well, but my son received a 176. From what I’ve read the cutoff has been around six points higher the last few years. Do colleges send these mailings to students that haven’t necessarily qualified yet?</p>

<p>My D also received multiple emails already referencing the NHRP.
Texas A&M sent out invites to a special Junior National Merit event on their campus too.
So, yes they are starting out early this time.</p>

<p>My DD scored 209 in Oklahoma.</p>

<p>That’s great! </p>

<p>176 seems too low compared to the other scores I’ve heard about. I was hoping that the fact that he had already received a mailing referencing NHRP meant maybe the cutoffs had already been decided and he had squeaked by. I had never even heard of NHRP until I received the mailing from Carleton and looked it up.</p>

<p>I have a question if someone would be kind enough to help me out. I’m a junior in the West region who scored a 195 on the PSAT and I haven’t received any emails. I’m sure that I marked the Hispanic section. Does anyone know if 195 didn’t make the cutoff scores, or am I just being too impatient?</p>

<p>See post #583:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Give NHRP a call and ask them, sometimes things fall between the cracks.</p>

<p>Diego C- Sometimes certain factors vary why one student gets an email and others do not. For example my DD did not get the Texas A&M email but received some from other colleges. The reason behind my posting is because I was seeing NHRP’s mailings much earlier than I did for my son 4 years ago. The real mailings begin over the course of the summer so I would not worry just yet. Also you have to have a 3.5 gpa so make sure you have that; but as entomom suggested call up college board to make sure you checked the box and game an accurate email address. My DD has an email address she uses only for college admissions so of course on the Oct PSAT she put her personal one and now that is getting flooded with college admission emails. She was “why did I do that ugh” so sometimes you may have thought you did something and it turns out to be just a simple mistake. Plus sometimes these things fall through the cracks as suggested so always follow-up.</p>

<p>Itsv- thank you so much for responding. I’ve received numerous emails from other colleges via the email I provided on the PSAT, and I have an unweighted 4.0 GPA, so that shouldn’t be a problem. Would you recommend I email the college board to reaffirm I checked the right box, and possibly ask for the cutoff scores? Again, thank you so much for your time and response, it has already proven helpful.</p>

<p>DiegoC-just saw your posting. Yes contact collegeboard to confirm you checked the right box. See the sticky thread on nhrp which gives the regional cutoffs. </p>

<p>DD today received a nice mailing from University of New Mexico with a “fancy certificate of merit” inside and the words “Congratulations” across the front of the envelope. Inside was an NHRP scholarship offer of up to $100K. Language was “could be awarded”. I checked my son’s mailings from 4 years ago and this mailing is much earlier than what UNM did at that time. </p>

<p>In a month or two I will update my research. So sophomores be sure to prep for the PSAT since it could lead to some nice scholarships.</p>

<p>Congradulations to all of you. Daughter for some reason didn’t do well on the PSAT (171) but took the ACT and did good. Shes just an average kid but has a lot of non-ivy choices, just has to find the right fit. Shes visiting Iowa State today and I hope she’ll like it enough to apply. As of now she wants to study psychology but who knows what she will actually end up doing.</p>

<p>My son has a 192 (on 2012 PSAT) as a present Junior in Texas-- does this make the cut?
Any info appreciated!</p>

<p>^Please go to the Resources sticky thread at the top of this forum. There is a link for the Regional cutoff scores and a map to the Regions. The thread it takes you to is the main NHRP thread, where you can post additional questions (this thread is more for people to report NHRP mailings they have received from various schools).</p>

<p>We also live in Texas and our son is a Junior as well. Just received an email reply from the NHRP program that the cutoff score for Texas (tests taken in the fall of 2012) was 183. Our son scored a 198 and has a 3.65 GPA; needless to say we are very hopeful that everything works out and he becomes a National Hispanic Scholar through this program! Hope all goes well for your son too!</p>