Class of 2014 National Hispanic Recognition Program Mailing

<p>^Thanks for posting this information, I’m going to transfer it to the Main NHRP thread as we start to compile the Regional cutoffs. Other members that have cutoffs to add, please post them here:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I received a few e-mails hinting that I will be a future NHS this upcoming year (AZ, 195 PSAT, 4.0 unweighted GPA). </p>

<p>Does anyone know when NHRP sends out paperwork to high school counselors?</p>

<p>I am a current junior in Texas took the PSAT fall of 2012, and got a 195. Does this mean I met the Texas cutoff?</p>

<p>GC called me into the office 183 cutoff for Texas!! I made it!</p>

<p>I have a daughter in Colorado who checked Hispanic on the form. She hasn’t received any information from counselors or colleges about being in the running, but her score was high. Some people here have mentioned a “sticky thread.” I have no idea what this means and have spent about a half-hour searching. Does anybody know the regional cutoff score for CO? And/or can someone give more exact instructions on how to find the thread? Please help! Thank you!</p>

<p>Start with post #643 for NHRP cutoffs for this year:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Then start reading about FutbolDad on the following post. His son wasn’t notified this spring but now has recognition. Follow the directions I gave him about contacting NHRP.</p>

<p>Note: sticky threads are the ones marked ‘Important’ and are stuck at the top of each forum; the main NHRP thread and the NHRP scholarship thread are not sticky, but they are linked to in the Resources sticky thread.</p>

<p>MODERATOR NOTE: This thread is about college mailings students have received as a result of qualifying for NHRP, please only post regarding this specific topic. If you have a general question/comment about NHRP, please post it on the main NHRP forum:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks for your assistance, OT posts will be deleted in the future to try to maintain the integrity of this thread.</p>

<p>Thank goodness for this thread. We had never heard of NHRP until yesterday when we received a congrats from a college in Texas. Today my S got the letter from CB. I guess he remembered to check that box.</p>

<p>We received the letter from the College Board this past Sat. My D is NHRP Scholar, hooray!!! I had previously asked the CB, when they sent me an email that my daughter qualified and would get her cerificate, if they update the lists that then send out to the colleges and universities who pay for them. They said they would send an updated list in November. Hopefully, my D’s name is on it. </p>

<p>Since I’m still new to CC where is the thread that had the names to the colleges and universities that offer scholarships to NHRP Scholars? Wanted to check if there were any new updates? Looking for CA, MA, East Coast schools.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone!</p>

<p>If you look about midway down the first page of threads, you’ll see it. Even better, go to the Resources sticky thread at the top of this forum and it’s the first thread under the Scholarships section. While you’re there, be sure to look at some of the other threads on diversity flyins, etc.</p>