Class of 2014 Nursing - Final Decision

<p>D has finally decided. After the Preview Day at University of Scranton she decided she would be very happy there! ( They also gave her a partial scholarship. ;))</p>

<p>It would be interesting to see everyone's final choice.</p>

<p>Final Choice: University of Scranton</p>

<p>Other Options: Fairfield, Quinnipiac, Seton Hall (big merit $$$), URI, U Maine, Colby Sawyer</p>

<p>Deposit in at Villanova</p>

<p>Also-rans: Fairfield,Dusquesne(Merit $$$$), U Mass-Amherst,Drexel (Merit $$$)</p>

<p>D going to University of Pittsburgh. </p>

<p>Also accepted at Penn State, Delaware, and Bloomsburg (but Pitt had her at “hello”).</p>

<p>OK, we don’t have a final decision yet. All acceptances are finally in but D1 still has to choose between:</p>

<p>Elmira (big merit $$$), Hartwick (big merit$$$), Shepherd, Sacred Heart, Towson, and Birmingham-Southern (big merit $$$).</p>

<p>She’s only eliminated Stevenson (merit$$)</p>

<p>Daughter also going to the University of Pittsburgh.</p>

<p>Accepted at about 7 other colleges but it came down to Pitt and Case. Pitt won in a photo finish.</p>

<p>I’ll be attending UCLA! (: Dream school and a great program, I can’t wait to start!</p>

<p>Other options: UC Irvine, Azusa Pacific, Point Loma Nazarene, and CSU Long Beach.</p>

<p>Daughter is going to University of San Francisco.</p>

<p>Those going to Pitt:: What sold you?</p>

<p>In my daughter’s case it came down to these:

  1. The relationship between Pitt and UPMC. Hospitals and clinical’s right on campus. Great research opportunities. Great reputation and future employment possibilities.
  2. Her mother (my wife) and aunt both received their BSN & MSNs from Pitt
  3. Cost was more reasonable than her other top choice (CWRU)
  4. Location. Originally she wanted to go farther from home but decided having her “staff” within a relatively short driving distance might have some advantages.
  5. 1300+ clinical hours
  6. Nursing Living Learning experience.</p>

<p>There are probably more, but those are all that I can remember from the seemingly endless debate. I’m just glad this one has decided and I only have one more to go (current HS junior).</p>

<p>I’d love to hear more about the Living Learning Community. Can you tell me where your daughter lived as a freshman?</p>

<p>Considering applying this summer (probably end of July) in person. Any big advantage to doing this? Any idea how we go about doing this?</p>

<p>Thanks for all the great responses–you’ve been a great help!</p>

<p>My daughter will begin her freshman year at Pitt this Fall (2010)
The following links might be provide the information you’re interested in concerning the Nursing Living Learning program.
[General</a> Information – Prospective Students – School of Nursing – University of Pittsburgh](<a href=“]General”>
[School</a> of Nursing | Undergraduate Bulletin | University of Pittsburgh](<a href=“]School”>
Also the following link is to a post put together by a prospective Pitt nursing student and contains some interesting (IMHO) information:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’ll be attending University of Pennsylvania. I had no idea I’d get in, still in shock! It was my dream school, but one of those dreams that seemed unattainable.
My other options were: University of Delaware, TCNJ, UVA, Villanova, Rutgers - NB</p>

<p>Congrats rainbowdazzle!!! Penn is a great school with a top nursing program. Good luck.</p>

<p>Congrats!!! great program at U Penn…I need to mention i don’t think i’ve EVER seen U Penn and Rutgers mentioned in the same post regarding schools one has been accepted to ;)</p>

<p>D enrolled in the Duquesne School of Nursing.</p>

<p>Her other options were Drexel, Pitt, U-Maine, Gannon, UCF, U-Vt, SUNY Buffalo, Ohio U. </p>

<p>D eliminated the 2+2 programs and decided to stick with a 0-4 school. Of the 0-4 programs, her choice came down to where she felt the best “fit,” financially and otherwise.</p>

Congrats to you and your daughter Neonzeus! Did your daughter eventually get accepted to Pitt from being deferred?</p>

<p>neonzeus congrats…my son going there also.</p>

<p>Aglages: Thanks! Yes, D got into all of the schools that I listed (she heard from Pitt recently), and believes Duquesne is the best fit. She’s still on one wait-list but will be withdrawing.</p>

<p>Dman3121: Congrats to you too! We did a lot of research as we went through this process, and only heard positives about the Duquesne program from every nurse and medical professional we spoke to. The students were also really enthusiastic about their training, and D liked the facilities and the Professors that she met. There seemed to be a higher percentage of guys at Duq too, so it looks like your son will have a lot of company.</p>

<p>I was very impressed by the commitment and enthusiasm of the nursing students we met at open houses. I think the future of the profession will be in very good hands.</p>

<p>neonzeus, we were sold on the same things you mentioned. the preview day was impressive, the curent students we spoke with were all very engaging in conversation. facilities were better than other schools we visited. professors knowledgeable and answered every question thrown at them in a manner that was easily understood. immediate student involement in the community. simply, we felt very welcome. </p>

<p>from speaking to the other fall 2010 students at the preview day Duquesne does a great job selecting engaging involved students and doesn’t judge potential students purely from a test score result but a full body of work and character. after going through the waitlist process with two other large schools it was obvious their decision of admittance was weighted heavily on scores and not necessarily the body of work.</p>

<p>son met another male nursing at preview day and has the roommate lined up…can’t come soon enough for him. good luck</p>

<p>Congrats, rainbowdazzle! Penn has a fantastic program. It was our daughter’s first look at a nursing program and Marianne Smith was so enthusiastic with her about nursing. From then on, she was sold on becoming a nurse! We took her to many schools and she would have been happy at any one of her choices. (SLU, Villanova, UNC, Georgetown, BC, UVA, & Penn). At the end, she felt like UVA would be the best fit for her. As parents we tried to “steer the boat” but soon stopped and listened to her. We had to remind ourselves just who would be attending college! :slight_smile: Congratulations to the 2010 graduates and I hope you will all become fantastic nurses!</p>