<p>Alright guys less than a week now till the big day, hope everyone hears good news from admissions I am sure everyone is as nervous as I :S
Good luck!</p>
should we consider ourselves the first wave or is there only one wave of acceptances? x]</p>
<p>ACCEPTED! Happy! Even though I will probably choose Pitt over Babson but its nice to have options.</p>
<p>did anyone receive merit scholarships along with their online acceptance letters just now?</p>
Wow, only 470; smaller than my HS class :P</p>
<p>Also awarded Presidential Scholarship!! :)</p>
<p>collegebound111, bkim92</p>
<p>what were your SAT scores?</p>
<p>accepted : D</p>
<p>Submitted ACT; 33</p>
<p>Act 29
<p>Accepted :D</p>
<p>Wait-listed with 2090 on SAT. </p>
<p>Bit Disappointed.</p>
<p>ACCEPTED and relieved! =]</p>
<p>i was waitlisted, was anyone rejected at all?</p>
<p>rejected xP</p>
<p>After careful consideration of a qualified group of applicants, the Regular Decision review process at Babson College has come to an end. While the Admission Committee was impressed with many aspects of your application, I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you admission to Babson. </p>
<p>The admission process was extremely competitive with many talented candidates applying for only a small number of available spaces. I can tell you with assurance that your application and credentials were carefully reviewed. Given the selective nature of our process and the quality of those who honored us with their applications, however, we were forced to turn away some very desirable candidates.</p>
<p>Many students receiving disappointing news in the college application process often question our belief in their potential or ability to succeed in college. The reality is that each year there are many qualified applicants whom we would like to admit, but simply do not have the space to do so. I am confident that your credentials will earn you admission to some of the other fine colleges you are considering.</p>
<p>On behalf of the Office of Undergraduate Admission, I thank you for your interest in Babson College and appreciate your understanding of the difficult decision we were forced to make. I wish you much success in the remainder of your academic year and beyond.</p>
<p>Grant M. Gosselin
Dean, Undergraduate Admission</p>
<p>Accepted! Was awarded the Presidential scholarship Does anyone know if they notify for the Weissman online or is that only sent in the mail package?</p>
<p>accepted with presidential scholarshipp</p>
<p>@Levan_k: i got a 2220 SAT superscore</p>
<p>Can I get the Womans leadership one too? when/where would i find out?</p>
<p>Omg I just found out that I got the Presidential Scholarship as well =D
I forgot to check the “Award Summary” tab next to the Requirements one.
My bad 0=) But yayy!</p>
<p>I also got a Federal Work Study thing, but I thought that comes later =/</p>