<p>Any acceptances?</p>
<p>i was just about to start one of these lol…i applied too, are you a intl applicant or domestic</p>
<p>I’m an international applicant. Which course are you applying for?</p>
<p>me too, im a us applicant. i’m applying for Life Sciences. has your status changed? mine is weird. they have the stuff i sent, they have the requirements for documents…but havent matched it up. i hope i get in.</p>
<p>Accepted for mechanical engineering… wud like to know classmates…</p>
<p>I got in too…for life sciences. The st George campus is downtown right? I still get confused…lol. But excited!!</p>
<p>Hi. ya it is the down town one… [info frm da website] Congo!</p>
<p>OMGoshh it says my app is finally under review now, im SCARED, my dad really wants me to get in even though UBC’s my top choice…and i do too. Did anyone have this happen, and how long from it being under review to them making a decision??</p>
<p>Can I have stats please…i was told my sat was too low <em>sigh</em>?, and esha and kmtayal, when did you guys get in if i may ask…thanks…</p>
<p>Took me less than 1-2 working days after that status.</p>
<p>Anyone else get into univeristy of toronto scarborough?</p>
<p>I’m US Too.
I applied for Trinity for Life Science, but I feel like University College is better for it.
<p>Which one are you guys</p>
<p>New college here</p>
<p>it took you to working days…? maynn whyd mine change before easter and spring break and all that…i hope it changes this coming week.! and how did you know which college fit you, I chose trinity as top choice, cause i read somewhere it as best, and that university was second and soo on, i doubt ill get into trinity, but whatever lol. </p>
<p>i applied to utsg and utm as a backup…</p>
<p>Yay I got in Admitted to University of Toronto St George…
Feels good to get in, though its like my second choice after UBC…it really is up to my dad as to where we can afford more…but YEAH, always feels good getting in places.</p>
<p>I swear, if U Toronto doesn’t process my application by this week, I will call them and cuss them out.</p>
<p>It’s been 4 weeks since I’ve applied. THey’ve mishandled my predicted grades, and damn bureaucratic idiots in that office have delayed processing of predicted grades. Furthermore, they’ve gotten other classmate’s predicted grades who’ve JUST applied.</p>
<p>This is ridiculous. If I don’t get accepted to Innis (I have a 39/45 which SHOULD be good enough for Innis), I will be freaking ****ed off, and cuss them out. </p>
<p>Then I’ll go to McGill.</p>
<p>If you cuss them out, the admit people will likely hit the “reject” button immediately.</p>
<p>Yea, this is annoying me too. I applied from the US in January and still havn’t got word of my decision. They have lost my school transcript,and everything else my hs sent them… twice. I really want to go there, but man… that admissions system isn’t impressive.</p>
<p>Really genius? You’d think I’d give them my name and UT applicant number? No. I’m just going to cuss them out WITHOUT any preamble.</p>
<p>If you go to McGill, you will likely flunk out after first semester. Hope you phone has caller ID blocked.</p>
<p>I’d forgotten how creepy high school kids can be.</p>
<p>i applied in january and sent all my docs day after. did you put your ouac or uoft app number on EVERY document you sent</p>