Class of 2015 Applicants

<p>Accepted- EA.
GPA: 3.9/5.0
SAT: 1680 590 writing 570 reading 520 math.
ACT: 24.
So as you can see I’m not the brightest student, I’m in the top 19th percent. However, I have tons of EC’s, a few leadership positions, and I studied abroad this past summer.
Colleges applied to: TCU (accepted), Baylor (accepted), Ole Miss (accepted), Georgia (deferred to regular admission), and I haven’t heard back from Texas and SMU.</p>

<p>Thanks to aes1313 for posting his/her stats. It’s nice to see a regular student show stats on these type of threads. Sometimes only the best and brightest are brave enough to post their stats, which gives a skewed perspective of what certain schools will accept. Being accepted to TCU, Baylor, and Ole Miss already allows for some great options.</p>

<p>Son was accepted to TCU! First admit out of three early actions…</p>

<p>hey aes1313, back in my day i was referred to by some as a “diamond in the rough - emphasis on rough”… you are heads and shoulders above where i was at you age. i made it through TCU (barely due to extra non-school related currics) and i loved every minute of it! my son is very bright (that recessive excessive gene skips a generation apparently) and i have told him he won’t be the brightest nor the slowest at TCU, but he will meet some great friends he will cherish for life. by the way, ever heard of a DOS prompt or a bag phone - man, enjoy it guys, time flies!</p>

<p>when did y’all submit your EA apps? I sent mine in September 28th and haven’t heard back yet. nothing on the site either.</p>

<p>Any chance they are going in alphabetical order?? My son has a last name starting with a letter very late in the alphabet, and the TCU website still says that they just have all his info and are considering his application.</p>

<p>No I doubt they are going in alphabetical order, about 50 people out of my senior class have applied and maybe 6 or 7 have been notified. So far they have been from different places in the alphabet, different majors, and different times of submitting the app. Not really sure what the order is.</p>

<p>My friend applied before school started in august. She said she received her acceptance letter last week but hasn’t seen anything about her status change online…</p>

<p>I just wanted to follow up. One thing that really helped my application was that I am an IB Diploma Candidate, which means that I have been enrolled in the most challenging classes at my school (and colleges love to see that). I applied on October 31, received my letter this past Saturday, and my online admission status was updated 3 days before my letter came. To those who have not heard back from EA- Have Faith! Your letter will be on its way any day now!</p>

<p>i don’t think alphabetical order has anything to do with it. there are close to 17,000 apps this year according to what i have heard which is up from a normal of 4,500 back in early to mid 2000’s. TCU is now the 2nd or 3rd most selective school in Texas behind Rice according to a few sources with out of state apps skyrocketing. i bet everyone will hear something before end of december. this alumni wishes all of you the best of luck - be extremely proud of yoursleves!</p>

<p>Rice1961, to follow up on the honors program thing…one very nice thing is honors students get first crack at classes, even as freshman. a freshman honors kid will get classes ahead of a second sem senior. other perks, certain facilities on campus can only be accessed by honors students with a swipe card and i have heard that some honors kids hate this because it makes them feel a little snobby…sort of like the “let them eat cake” analogy…hehe. hey, i never had those smarts, but i say if you have worked hard for your academics, let the school give you to a little champagne treatment!</p>

<p>Hopefully we will get in. TCU is my first choice! :)</p>

<p>NorthTexas, do you believe TCU is now more selective than SMU and UT Austin? My son has applied to SMU and TCU (we recently visited both) and the most recent stats I could find show SMU as the more selective school (e.g., acceptance rate, median SAT score, Princeton Review, etc.). Not sure about UT Austin, cause not on our radar.</p>

<p>The notification process is strange. My friend and I recieved letters 3 weeks ago but another friend didn’t hear back until late last week. Same region and different areas in alphabet. It could have something to do with stats? Maybe people that meet a certain criteria hear first? I have no idea just spitballing.
Comment on the Honors College- Sounds awesome!
Comment on reputation/selective- It is the definition of up and coming! My Biology teacher told me the reputation of their pre-med and bio programs is nationally recognized as being one of the best. With that comes a lower acceptance rate. But, for a private school of that caliber it is quite reasonable.</p>


<p>My comment on selectivity actually came from this article from Ray Brown of TCU from October 2010 [TCU</a> Magazine : Magazine Article](<a href=“]TCU”></p>

<p>Under his picture is the statement: Admission dean Ray Brown: “As recently as a decade ago, TCU was about the ninth most selective school in Texas. Three years ago, we moved into the number two spot, second after Rice, in terms of selectivity.”</p>

<p>I know people can use different metrics to achieve higher or lower “selectivity” criteria and I am not sure what metrics are being applied in this case, most probably ratio of applicants to acceptance rates. Either way, as in college football rankings and AP vs. BCS etc., TCU is definitely in the top 5 - at least in my honest opinion.</p>

<p>By the way, everyone check their accounts under financial aid for 2011-2012 - might find some interesting info. posted there today.</p>

<p>My daughter was accepted.
So far she’s been accepted to Balyor also.
Still waiting for SMU, Trinity, UT, A&M.</p>

<p>Acceptance packet had separate letter saying academic scholarships will be awarded by March. I like the way Baylor does it better, right up front so we know right away.</p>

<p>check your under financial aid. son found out today he got dean’s at 14K per year. that is a bummer - not to sound ungreatful, but i have to wonder what it takes to get the chancellor’s scholly at tcu these days.</p>



<p>I just checked and was also given the 14k (half tuition) Dean’s Scholarship. I was maybe hoping for the full ride but this is definitely awesome and TCU is one of my top backups if I’m not able to get any money at a few of my others.</p>

<p>congrats tfm2011! we too were hoping for the chancellor’s scholly and i was hoping my alumni status thingy would help - apparently my $20 contribution to the Annual Fund wasn’t impressive to them…LOL! however, we are very greatful for dean’s!</p>

<p>i did call and talk to our admission counselor yesterday about this. he said out of 14,000+ apps they culled about 200 to consider for chancellors and offered around 20 so far. criteria: all A’s in most difficult courses, demonstrated leadership in high school, loads of EC’s, and very strong letters of recommendation plus 32+ on ACT.</p>

<p>hang in there because 1) they have not awarded all of the chancellor’s schollies they are going to this year and 2) some of those that were awarded chancellor’s will end up not going to tcu.</p>

<p>Just checked online and I received the deans scholarship (14k) as well. Pretty bummed but still hoping for the chancellors.</p>