Class of 2015 Applicants

<p>Wow I didn’t realize there were such a small amount of chancellors offered so far. I think I meet most of those criteria except a relatively low gpa but I wouldn’t really expect an offer if they are only offering that small of an amount. Even within my school there are probably 5 or so students who are better qualified than me that have applied to TCU, not many have even found out if they have been accepted yet though.</p>

<p>I just applied and I was hoping for the chancellors also…meet all the requirements but this makes me nervous :frowning: ahh</p>

<p>hey guys- i got my acceptance letter in the mail today :smiley:
kind of before jan 1 so i was pretty surprised to receive it so soon…
with that said, start to expect yours now!!</p>

<p>Ok, since most of you are very analytical - let’s analyze this (or, to go 'ole school - let’s break it down)</p>

<li><p>TCU is going to <offer> ~70 Chancellor’s Schollies this year as in previous years.</offer></p></li>
<li><p>It is a numbers game and we know most/many of those offered Chancellor’s already last week won’t accept because they will pick another university - TCU also knows this, hence the high number initially offered.</p></li>
<li><p>Not all apps are in because the last deadline for Scholly consideration was “postmarked by Dec. 15th” - last Wed. So, they are opening most of those apps Friday and today as they should have been able to make it to Fort Worth from most anywhere by at least today.</p></li>
<li><p>I do know there is another round of Scholly meetings either today or tomorrow - probably to review those apps postmarked by Dec. 15 to see where the school stands today on new apps received.</p></li>
<li><p>My gut tells me (and this is a wild, out of the blue guess) that TCU started out offering the first wave of 20 Chancellors of which maybe 5-7 have or will accept after getting their letter this week and making the required deposits, etc. After Jan 1, they will go back and do another 20 and try to get a few more commitments. They will keep going until they have offered approximately 70 total Chancellor’s knowing full well that only a few students (~20 or so) will actually make the leap - mainly because other universities are playing this same numbers game. Does that make sense?</p></li>
<li><p>I could be COMPLETELY wrong and the 5 points above are absolutely worthless…hehe - but I bet I’m not too far off.</p></li>

that helps. I submitted my online app around the 10th, and postmarked rec letters and stuff the 14th I believe. so surely there are some out there like me, a bit of a procrastinator hehe :)</p>

<p>ok, unless i am dead wrong - these first letters being sent out with these amazing stats being posted by the students are starting to show a pattern on the tcu/smu boards. </p>

<p>i have yet to see one full ride (tcu=chancellors, smu=not sure what its called) posted and i know that at least ONE of the posts here would have received a full ride from one of these schools.</p>

<p>SOOO, i am betting that full rides (a.k.a. upgrades) will come after the first of the year sometime. all of you who applied and got accepted with provost at smu or deans at tcu should be EXTREMELY EXCITED! you worked hard and deserve the best. Congratulations!!!</p>

<p>What does it mean if on it says “an admission decision has been sent to your mailing address.” Did anyone else have the online status checker say this?</p>

<p>Yes, several have gotten that same message and then 3 or 4 days later it changed to something like “You have been accepted”. I guess it could go the other way also but haven’t seen that yet.</p>

<p>My daughter’s changed to “Accepted” quite a while before she ever got the welcome package. </p>

<p>Don’t worry about the wording on the website.</p>

<p>4tran4: Thanks so much that helps a ton!!! I was really worried when I saw this.</p>

<p>Thanks for giving me some hope northtexas. TCU is definitely my top choice, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to go there due to financial reasons.</p>

<p>Home state: Texas
GPA: 105
SAT/ACT: 1980
Rank: Top 6%
Major: Biology (Pre-Med)
EC: Student government all years and over 300 community service hours at a hospital all years
Where else are you applying? SMU, UT, Baylor, Texas Tech, Vanderbilt, Notre Dame, University of Virginia<br>
TCU is by far my top choice, but waiting to hear on scholarships. Applied in October, but still has not heard back on even admission. :frowning:
so cool that TCU is going to rosebowl but I have a feeling thats why so many scholarships
Do I have a chance at chancelor scholarship??</p>

<p>*so many applications</p>

<p>Northtexas theory may be confirmed!</p>

<p>“For my older son, scholarships came in two parts. There was a large one that came with his acceptance letter, and then another came a little later (can’t remember when) that brought it up to full tuition. He was an EA applicant.”</p>

<p>this is what someone posted here:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>post #3</p>

<p>North Texas… as the sister of a former chancellor’s scholar, it’s about 20 offered, not 70. With how competetive it is now, I’m happy with my Dean’s, and can’t wait to be a frog!</p>

<p>Oh runner girl… it said sent to house, and then admitted, before i ever got the letter. I was so mad I called the post office (before I saw accepted) because it had been that way for a week and they said things might be crazy in the mail.</p>

<p>Dean’s scholarship arrived in the mail today for S. YAY!</p>

<p>ilovemyblacklab, as a clarification, each year there are approximately 70 Chancellor’s schollies “offered” of which approximately 20 students will accept the offer extended by TCU. that’s why i said in an earlier post that it is a “numbers” game. the students who do not accept the chancellor’s schollies are those who select another university as their top choice, defer not going to a college next year, etc.</p>

<p>My d recd her first acceptance letter yesterday and it was so exciting to see that purple envelope with the ‘Congratulation’ on the outside! </p>

<p>TCU is the first college app she submitted (applied EA). She is thrilled since it’s one of her top choices. TCU seems like such a great fit with the ‘small school with a big school feel’.</p>

<p>However, the Financial Aid will play a big part in her decision of where to attend.</p>

<p>Not to go into too many specifics on her stats since I do guard her privacy, she doesn’t test well but has a high GPA. Her EC’s are solid, she has a lot of leadership and she works part-time. Her relationship with her counselor and teachers is great so we’re assuming the recommendation letters are all positive.</p>

<p>Her dream is to spread her wings and leave Calif but I don’t want her graduating with a big student loan debt so she’s also applied to 4 Univ of Calif schools and 2 Calif state schools since tuition is a lot less with her being a Calif resident but we won’t hear back from them until April.</p>

<p>Wishing the best for her socalmother. We, too are will have to wait for the FA information to arrive. Nice merit aid offers, but not enough to ensure that we can pay for it.</p>

<p>Is she finished applying? If she’s really wanting to branch out, there are a lot of other similar out-of-state schools that might offer her better merit aid. I’d have her hit the guide books again. Good luck.</p>

RANK: 3/473
SAT: 2070 (CR:610, M:660, W:800, ESSSAY:12)

<p>I was accepted about a month ago, and I opened my Deans scholarship notification today! Good Luck/Congratulations to everyone in the process!</p>