Class of 2015 Applicants

Home State: Texas
GPA: 3.91 Unweighted
Rank: School does not rank
SAT: 2000
Accepted: Late November
Scholarship Notification: This week (Dean’s scholarship, very pleased)
Intended major: Theatre (BFA Acting)<br>
Other schools considering: Texas State, Otterbein, Webster, Coastal Carolina (nice merit aid from the last three)
Decision: Going crazy while auditioning for BFA programs and awaiting program acceptance(s) (hopefully) Two auditions down, four to go.</p>

<p>Home state: Connecticut
GPA: 3.7
SAT/ACT: 1600
Rank: not ranked
Major: political science/ communications
EC: Sports/ 5 clubs/ community service</p>

<p>I applied in October. I checked a lot. When I randomly checked it the homepage said “An admission decision has been mailed to your address.” A few days later it said Congratulations on your admission. I received an acceptance letter a few days after that.</p>

<p>CTxx2015 - I am from Connecticut also! Is tcu your top choice? </p>

<p>Congrats on admission, and to everyone else too!
There is a “TCU Class of 2015” group that I just found on facebook if anyone who plans on going wants to join and meet others</p>

<p>Kmarie84: i’m not sure yet… what area of CT are you from?</p>

<p>Act 32
Gpa 4.0
Rank 3/540
Major: nursing
Other schools: unc chapel hill, Vanderbilt, Emory, Baylor, tcu</p>

<p>I Recently received the chancellors scholarship to tcu and cannot wait to go there! Tcu is my number one choice and this offer was such a blessing to me</p>

<p>ACT: 33
GPA: 4.0
Rank: 1/260
Home state: Kansas
E.C’s: 5 summers volunteering at hospital plus 100’s for GS Gold Award. Student Body Secretary, FCA Pres, Varsity Cheer, Varsity Soccer, NHS, Model UN, Yearbook Editor</p>

<p>I received notification of my Chancellors scholarship around Dec 20th. I’m assuming if you receive this you are probably going to get into the Honors College. Is that a safe assumption?</p>

<p>State: MI
GPA 4.0/4.7
Rank 1/340
AP’s 18 all A’s
SAT 780 M/780 R
NMSF/Good Rec’s & EC’s
I applied in Oct and haven’t heard a word except a Christmas postcard (generic). I thought I’d be accepted. Accepted at Baylor (17k), Tulane (25K), TX Tech, U Maine (23k), Auburn & Bama both full tuition). Doesn’t feel like TCU is interested at all. I did tour this summer and last year. Sure makes you feel like they are not interested compared to the way the other schools call, mail and send emails. I wonder why they are so quiet? I hear more from Dartmouth and Yale than TCU where I applied early. What’s up?</p>

<p>snowbound… I’ll bet you that your file is either misplaced or incomplete… I’d call them to verify.</p>

<p>snowbound17, I would for sure give them a call. I had done early admission and did not end up hearing anything from them by Jan. 1 so I decided to call. Turns out they had sent me a letter at the beginning of december and it somehow got lost in the mail :/</p>

<p>GrdnL: I would assume yes, you will get into their Honors College. S received the Dean’s Scholarship and was invited in. Did you receive your invitation yet?</p>


<p>State- CA
ACT- 30
GPA- 3.86
APs- Chem, Econ, Gov, Spanish, Calculus AB
EC’s- atleast ten clubs organizations, 100s of hours of community service
Rank- top 15 percent
major- Business/Finance</p>

<p>Snowbound- I was in the same situation as you were, but I called back in November. They had lost my transcripts. Luckily, they still put me in for scholarship notification and I got a Deans.</p>

<p>Rice1961: Yes I did a while back. Super excited. Still not sure If i’m going but I’m really considering it</p>

<p>Thought I’d bump this for more admitted students to participate! Congratulations class of 2015? ^^ bump^^</p>

<p>ACCEPTED (For spring semester :confused: --Jan. 2012)</p>

600 Writing
520 Math
550 Reading</p>

<p>1670 Comp. </p>

3.0-3.3 depending on how you calculate it</p>

<p>Junior year: 3.0 UW
3.4 W</p>

<p>Senior Year: 3.5 UW
3.8 W</p>

<p>AP’s: 2
Honor’s: 3</p>

<p>-4 Years Language
-3 Years Lab Science
-3 Years Math</p>

<p>-Good amount of Community Service and Extra Curriculars </p>

<p>-Out of State: CA
-Female/ Caucasian</p>

GPA: 4.0
SAT: 2140
ACT: 32
Major: psych
Applied to SMU, Santa Clara, CalPoly San Luis Obispo, Boston College, University of Notre Dame
Will accept TCU Honors College invitation</p>