Class of 2016 Early Action Decisions Thread

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Scholarships offered: 11k</p>

SAT I (breakdown): did not send
ACT: 31
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): UW-3.29 W-4.33
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): school doesn’t rank
AP (place score in parenthesis): Psychology (4), Language and Composition (4), French (4), Physics B (n.a), Statistics (n.a.)
IB (place score in parenthesis): n/a
Senior Year Course Load:
AP Statistics
Honors Anatomy & Physiology
Honors World Literature-Sacred Texts
Honors Spanish III
Honors Pre-Calc B.C.
AP Physics B
AP Physics B Lab
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Posse Finalist</p>

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Environmental Club (Treasurer), Alliance of Latin American Students (Officer), Acolyte and Choir Member of Good News Community Church, Soccer (9th-11th)
Job/Work Experience: Internship at CPS Technology Department, Internship at I.H.D.A, Internship at the Field Museum, Internship at Interfaith Worker Justice, translated documents for Crate and Barrel into French.
Volunteer/Community service: I work at a soup kitchen every friday
Summer Activities: Internships every summer look above
Essays: excellent.
Common App Main: good and checked over
Teacher Recommendation: one good, one great.
Counselor Rec: above average
Additional Rec: none
Interview: did not interview
Applied for Financial Aid?: yes
Intended Major: Physics
State (if domestic applicant): Illinois
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Public Magnet
Ethnicity: Latino
Gender: male
Income Bracket: 30,000-40,000.
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): first generation, minority, religious background.
Strengths: Consistent across my activities.
Weaknesses: poor freshman and sophomore year grades.
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Good uptrend in grades, and I was what they were looking for.
General Comments: I’m taking my talents to South Beach.</p>

<p>My D got accepted, 32 ACT (33 super), 4.5 gpa, $16k scholarship.</p>

<p>Hey guys, I know it’s not really a big deal, but does anyone have an idea as to why I wouldn’t have been invited to the stamps/singer instead of only the singer? My stats are on pg 3, and I had a really good ACT score and gpa; better than some of the people who did get invited to the first weekend. I’m just really bummed because now I have to cancel my senior year marine biology trip to camp in the everglades and scuba dive in the bahamas to go the weekend of the 23rd and 24th instead of the first weekend. I know that sounds indulged or whatever, but I’ve been saving for this trip for a really long time, and I probably won’t get a refund, and it doesn’t make sense that everyone else with my stats got invited to the 1st weekend. Insight?</p>

<p>Don’t forget it’s not just test scores, they look at every element of your app for the scholarships.</p>

<p>@musical: Hm, that is odd… I honestly can’t come up with a possible answer because your stats in some areas are somewhat better than mine, and I got the Singer/Stamps invite. You said yourself your essay may have been one of your weaknesses, and that’s probably an important factor for the scholarship invites because it’s one of the few things that gives direct insight into who you are, how you come across, etc.</p>

<p>The fact is they can’t invite everybody who meets a certain threshold with academic statistics, but I still don’t know why you wouldn’t get the invite.</p>

<p>**Decision: Accepted **
Scholarships offered: Dickinson 20k</p>

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): 4th National Ocean Sciences Bowl, Best Delegation Model UN</p>

Extracurriculars (NOSB Captain, MUN President, Honor Society, Student Council President):
Job/Work Experience: Sea Food Market Worker.
Volunteer/Community service: Lots, mostly from a congressional campaign
Summer Activities: Campaigning, Working, “Leader In Training” Program at a YMCA Camp
Essays: Strong
Teacher Recommendation: Three Submitted, Strong
Counselor Rec: Good
Additional Rec: Personal Letter from a US Congressman
Interview: None</p>

Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Marine Science
School Type: Public High School
Ethnicity: White

Strengths: Essays, Extra Curriculars
Weaknesses: SAT Scores
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: My Extra Curricular background in the marine sciences
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Accepted so far to SUNY Binghamton and SUNY Stony Brook </p>

<p>General Comments: Excited :)</p>

<p>Decision: Rejected
SAT I (breakdown): 1850 (650 M, 650 CR, 550 W)
ACT: 31 (30 M, 32 E, 31 S, 31 R)
GPA (UW/W): 3.8 UW, 4.5 W
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 42/135
AP (place score in parenthesis): NA
AP Pending: NA
Senior Year Course Load: All IB classes
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): An array of awards but nothing major</p>

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Swim team (varsity), Key Club (committee chair), Robotics team (designer), NHS, SHS, etc
Job/Work Experience: Cashier and Customer support at retail store, Lifeguard, Swim Instructor
Volunteer/Community service: Hospital, other miscellaneous
Summer Activities: work
Essays: I thought they were good, but I guess they weren’t what UM was looking for.
Teacher Recommendation: Good
Counselor Rec:Good
Additional Rec: NA
Interview: NA</p>

Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Engineering
State (if domestic applicant): FL
Country (if international applicant): US
School Type:Completely IB public school, very competitive
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: $30,000-40,000
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): NA</p>

Strengths: Rigor of course work, decent test scores/gpa
Weaknesses: rank, lack of extracurriculars due to work
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: no clue
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: this was my first decision</p>

<p>General Comments:I hope these stats help future applicants, and I congratulate everyone whose going received acceptances.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted
Scholarship: University, 24,000, plus invite to Singer/Stamps</p>

SAT I (breakdown): did not send
ACT:34 superscore
SAT II: did not send
GPA (UW/W): 4.0/4.83
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 2/300 Salutatorian, top 1%
AP (place score in parenthesis): Eng Lang (3), World History (4), Human Geog. (5)
AP Pending: AP Eng Lit, AP Spanish Lang, Ap Spanish Lit
Senior Year Course Load: all AP and Honors
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): none</p>

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Lots of E.C.'s
Job/Work Experience: babysitting, tutoring
Volunteer/Community service: almost 500 hours in various places
Summer Activities:
Essays: writing is my strong suit
Teacher Recommendation: I think great.
Counselor Rec: I think great.
Additional Rec: I think great.
Interview: no</p>

Applied for Financial Aid?: yes
Intended Major:education
State (if domestic applicant):FL
Country (if international applicant):
School Type:public
Ethnicity: white
Income Bracket: 20,000-30,000
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.):brother is a student at UMiami</p>

Strengths:writing, volunteerism, e.c.'s, gpa, rank
Weaknesses: SAT, which is why I didn’t send
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: accepted at UCF honors, UGA honors</p>

<p>General Comments: It is a blessing that the waiting is over and I feel very lucky.</p>

<p>DinDune, congratulations! :D</p>

<p>Thanks Rankinr, we can’t wait to come back to campus on March 2/3.</p>

<p>Objective: Accepted with 16k
SAT I (breakdown): 760 Math, 650 Reading
SAT II: 720 Math Level 1, 600 Bio
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.95
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 1/38
AP (place score in parenthesis): No APs offered until Senior Year (Small Private School). Did dual enrollment instead.
IB (place score in parenthesis):
Dual Enrollment (Done at a state university): ENC1101(A),ENC1102(A), AST2003(A),AST2003L(A),CHM1045(B+),CHM1045L(A),PHY 2053(A),MUH1011(A),GEA2000(ASOP3015(B),ECO 2013(B). Total of 30 credits.
Senior Year Course Load: Toughest Course Load available.
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): President’s Gold volunteer service award (Grades: 9,10,11).
Excellent rating in State Solo Ensemble.
Bausch and Lomb Science Scholarship award from University of Rochester.
Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
Music E.C: All State Percussionist, Section Leader in my school band (9,10,11), Participated in Solo Ensemble every year and scored well, etc.
Medical E.C: Did a research project at Bascom Palmer (Junior year), did a NIH sponsored Internship (Senior year), Volunteered at a Hospital.
Other: National Honors Society president, started a shoe drive and collected 1000 shoes, participated in Indian dances for four years in a row. </p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: NIH Internship for my senior summer. Worked for my parents in their retail stores.
Volunteer/Community service: 1200 Hours. 400 Hours from one research lab, 400 hours for an indian association. Other 400 were scattered, but most of my volunteer hours aren’t scattered.
Summer Activities: NIH Internship (Senior), HHMI Summer Scholars program at Bascom (Junior) Palmer, Dual Enrollment (Sophomore), Volunteer at Hospital (Freshman).
Essays: Very poignant, it will make the reader cry.
Teacher Recommendation: Great, going to a small school helped a lot.
Counselor Rec: Great, she loves me and really wants me to get into a great school since not many go. The last kid who got into a top school (Cornell) graduated 5 years ago.
Additional Rec: LOR from a prestigious doctor (wrote some really good things about me)
State (if domestic applicant): FL
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Small Private
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: 90k
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.):
Strengths: E.C, Rank
Weaknesses: SAT. </p>

<p>I posted this in the other thread but i’m kind of disappointed with the amount I was offered. I’ve done two summer internships at the University of Miami and was invited for an HPME interview. My SATs and class rank are good; I was expecting to recieve a 20k scholarship at least. Is there any way I can appeal this? UMs been my first choice since I was in the 4th grade lol. As of now, UM won’t be financially feasible for my family with the amount that I was offered.</p>

<p>3176401 - I’m also a bit surprised, especially with your class rank. I don’t think there’s an appeal process, but it couldn’t hurt to give the office of admission a call and ask.</p>

<p>Hmmm, do you know of anyone who’s actually been able to increase their scholarship amount?</p>

<p>Once the base scholarships are decided, that’s pretty much it, however there are additional merit based awards that may be granted to boost the package - Gables scholarship is an additional 4k per year and the Miami Grant (new last year) is a variable amount at the discretion of the financial aid office. Both of these are merit based and added to the base scholarship during the months of March (at least they were for us). You need to touch base with an admissions officer (better if you have already established a relationship with one) to let them know that UM is your only choice, etc, etc.</p>

<p>Congrats DinDune!!!</p>

<p>I did not realize you were going to have two at the U!!</p>

<p>It is always tough figuring out how acceptance and scholarship decisions are arrived at. We are not seeing the whole picture like they are. Their main objective is building a diverse class. They are trying to attract students from different geographical areas and backgrounds with their scholarships. They are also spreading out scholarships based on declared majors. So you are really competing against those in your same sub-set. The scholarship guidelines are just that, guidelines, not guarantees. It is hard to accept, but that is how most Universities operate.</p>

<p>SVMMom, I think it will work out that way…I hope so. Still waiting on decision from UF, but I think UM will win. DD would like to hang with DS for a year! I would be thrilled!
UM has been amazing for DS and he has taken advantage of so many opportunities! Best decision he ever made! I know that you agree with me. The U can create so many wonderful opportunities and experiences!</p>


<p>I agree totally. As you know (but I will post this for others) my daughter is on a semester abroad from Miami where she is a Marine Science/Biology double major. RSMAS has an amazing prgram and she is in the Galapagos Islands! The pictures she has posted are simple incredible, it is the adventure of a lifetime!</p>

<p>Decision: [ size=+2][ color=green][ b]Decision: Accepted[ /b][ /color][ /size]
Scholarship: 24k a year; Singer Scholarship Finalist</p>

<p>[ b]Objective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] SAT I (breakdown): N/A
[ *] ACT: 33
[ *] SAT II: N/A
[ *] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.9
[ *] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 5/600
[ *] AP (place score in parenthesis): AP Psych (5), AP Lang (5), AP US (4),
[ *] IB (place score in parenthesis):
[ *] Senior Year Course Load: AP Lit, AP Bio, Health, AP Euro, Honors 4th year Spanish, Advanced Choir, AP Calc AB,
[ *] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):</p>

<p>[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Thespian Troop 1714 (President), extensive involvement in theater (involved in over 18 theatrical productions), improv troop, Female a capella group (sophomore year), NHS, Maxwell Street Junior Klezmer orchestra (community service and volunteer performances), Ecology and Marine Biology programs through the Shedd Aquarium (will travel to the Bahamas over spring break to do marine biology research aboard a vessel).
[ *] Job/Work Experience: Overnight camp counselor
[ *] Volunteer/Community service: Klezmer band
[ *] Summer Activities: Overnight camp (camper and counselor), youth trip to Israel
[ *] Essays: UofMiami didn’t have any supplement essays
[ *] Common App Main:About how I can’t dance; I thought it was cute, nothing amazing
[ *] EC Short Answer: About my Klezmer band
[ *] Teacher Recommendation: Strong
[ *] Counselor Rec: Didn’t read
[ *] Additional Rec: none
[ *] Interview: none</p>

<p>[ /list][ b]Other[ /b][ list]
[ *] Applied for Financial Aid?: no
[ *] Intended Major: Marine Biology
[ *] State (if domestic applicant):
[ *] School Type: Public
[ *] Ethnicity: White
[ *] Gender: Female
[ *] Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): none</p>

<p>[ /list][ b]Reflection[ /b][ list]
[ *] Strengths: Strong extra curriculars, strong grades
[ *] Weaknesses: Not enough academic extra curriculars
[ *] Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected:Good GPA and scores; devotion to extra curriculars
[ /list][ b]General Comments:[ /b] I was invited to the Singer Scholarship Weekend, but unfortunately it’s over the weekends that I’ll be in the Bahamas for the marine biology program. Does anybody know if I can still be eligible for the scholarship if I can’t attend the weekend??</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted
Scholarship: Dickinson - 20k</p>

SAT I (breakdown): 1960 (680 CR, 640 Math, 640 Writing)
ACT: n/a
SAT II: n/a
GPA (UW/W): 3.9 (W)
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): n/a
AP (place score in parenthesis): n/a
AP Pending: Calculus BC, Environmental Science
Senior Year Course Load: 2 APs
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National Society of High School Scholars, National Student Leadership Conference</p>

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Technical Theater (stage management), International Thespian Society (Officer), Liturgical Band
Job/Work Experience: n/a
Volunteer/Community service: Peer co-counselor, once per week
Summer Activities: 2 summers of theater, National Student Leadership Conference on Forensic Science, SEACAMP San Diego
Essays: overcoming personal struggles
Teacher Recommendation: H. Alg II/AP Calc BC teacher
Counselor Rec: n/a
Additional Rec: Peer co-counseling moderator
Interview: n/a</p>

Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Marine Science/Biology
State (if domestic applicant): California
School Type: Private, Catholic, all female
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): First generation </p>

Strengths: Extracurriculars, life experience
Weaknesses: grades
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Accepted to U San Diego, U Oregon, U Tampa, Florida Tech</p>

<p>General Comments: It will be a tough choice between USD and Miami. I can’t wait to visit both soon!</p>