<p>Startin Early is one of the most important Factors in Getting into The colleges of our choice WITH ADEQUATE FINANCIAL AID.. And doin a Detailed analysis n research is another.. So, I hereby, post this THREAD with a view to start discussions among the "CLASS OF 2017" applicants from Nepal..
Matters like -help choosing university, confusions, SAT, TOEFL, SAT II, math, critical reading, writing, improving scores, early admission, Early action admission, regular admission, financial aid, scholarships, admission essays, common app issues ET CETERA. . .</p>
<p>Lets Make Our dream Come True, N Help each other for Dat..</p>
<p>With regards..
E-jaY Viveckh V-Seven Beatz</p>
wow, thanks for creating the thread…
So, how do you think should we get started?</p>
<p>So did you just pass ur High school this year or have u already taken a gap year??</p>
<p>aah,I am a plus two student…just finished the exams of grade 12 … wbu?</p>
<p>I started stuffs late coz of which i missed the deadlines of good colleges…so, I 'm takin this gap year… i dint apply to any colleges this year… I’ve given my SATs and Toefl already…now preparin fo SAT SUBJECT TESTS and APP essays…sO started preparin fo standarized tests??</p>
<p>kinda, I should say…I will be taking SAT I in october and SAT II in december. So, what did you do? plus 2 or A levels?</p>
<p>I did +2 from Bernhardt College (Science Faculty) … N u?</p>
<p>Ey!! Btw y dont u add me to ur facebook … It’d be easy fo conversations…Just search for “Viveckh” …u’D COME across E-jay Viveckh V-Seven Beatz. … :-)</p>
<p>And where are the other guys? the total views are around 470,are only two of us who are going to apply for the 2017 classes ?? 
please guys, be active, join the thread!!
<p>Hey guys,</p>
<p>Its been some time since I last came around here. Nice to know that people are already active regarding their future :D</p>
<p>I took a gap year too. Yet to appear for the standardized tests. And sure thing, starting early definitely helps one’s application. So, cheers and lets help each other achieve our common dream!</p>
<p>@Viveckh - would you mind revealing your stats (grades, scores n stuff) :D</p>
<p>holy crap. it’s time for the class of 2017 already! Just seemed like I posted my acceptance a short while ago…damn…I’m getting old.</p>
<p>Good luck Class of 2017.</p>
<p>@mac …Welcome to the thread 
@ sixstringsrocker : wow great to see you again !! ,
Yeah you are gettind old 
Hope you will help newbies like us ( as you always do.)</p>
<p>My grades n scores are smwhat awkward. . Startin wid Class 8::
Grade 8 DistricT Level>> 90%
Grade 9>> 91.9%
SLC >> 80.75% (Messed up badly)
Grade 11 (Science)>> 64.2% (My worst percentage ever, I’ve earned just 28/75 in physics theory n the pass marks is 27…52/100 in maths, etc n this is wat my drawback is fo gettin into a gud college)
& GRADE 12 > 84.8% yes its 84.8%…
SAT SCORE ::2100 (710M, 600CR, 790W) …I’ve again given SAT yesterday on JUNE 2nd.
TOEFL :::110 (Simultaneously, 29 SPEAKING, 28 LISTENING, 27 WRITING N 26 READING)</p>
<p>Besides a student, I’ve been actively engaged as an Underground R&B Singer, Rapper, dIGITAL Hiphop Music Producer and Songwriter since I was around 13…Dats all Bout meh!!!</p>
<p>Hey guys! Thanks for creating this thread! :)</p>
<p>any people interested in civil engineering?</p>
<p>Not Meh!!anyone else?</p>
<p>Not a lot of us here this year huh? Hopefully things pick up as we get closer to application time.</p>
<p>Hello Everybody. I have taken a gap year too. My first post will show that I applied to a University in Germany, namely Jacobs University Bremen, this year. I started pretty later after trying for IOE, pulchowk.
I got rejected by Jacobs and now thinking of applying to other US colleges for the class of 2017. Right now, I am in India working as a salesman. ( Menial, isn’t it? Please, don’t judge me)…</p>
<p>hello guys,
Its nice to see applicants for class of 2017, in this thread.
we will keep in touch…</p>