Class of 2017

<p>Anyone know how many incoming freshmen there are supposed to be this year? I know it’s supposed to be the largest in history.</p>

<p>There were just under 6400 last fall (which was the largest), so anything more than that would be the largest.</p>

<p>They told us we doubled last year’s class…</p>

<p>nicoleh395, perhaps they meant within your department alone? Or within CIS? A doubling of the overall freshman enrollment doesn’t really fit with the vision for UA that I’ve heard.</p>

<p>I think I read 7000 somewhere.</p>

<p>What’s the “vision” for UA?</p>

<p>We were told this week at BB that this incoming class has the highest stats for incoming freshmen. :slight_smile: That does not tell us how many students are coming in this year but it does say a lot about the caliber of students coming to UA.</p>

<p>If they wanted the largest incoming freshman class then they would just accept everyone who applied. I would agree that that is not the vision that UA has.</p>

<p>If you’re in aero eng’g, then they are most definitely on track to double enrollment! :slight_smile:
In some previous years, there have been as few as 12 aerospace graduates. The current 2015 graduating class has 32 in its senior seminar. FLY Tide!</p>

<p>The plan for the past decade or so has been to expand to an enrollment of about 35,000, as far as I’ve heard. It’s my understanding that the university is reaching a peak in class size. Of course, the emphasis is on quality of education over quantity of students. :)</p>

<p>I thought that the growth to 35000 from this point was going to be mostly through increases in graduate school enrollment. Anyone know the undergrad goal?</p>

<p>From an unofficial (but in-the-know) source -“For 2013 - so far 31,014 applications received, which is an increase of 4,739 from 2012. The number of incoming are still TBD, no official # has been given yet.”</p>

<p>This is NOT an official number as they are still working through the apps.</p>

<p>For comparison, 2012 class had 26,408 applications received. Last year (class of 2016) saw 6,397 freshmen, 28,026 Undergrads, and 33,602 total overall students.</p>

<p>The REAL question is, when the heck are they going to update the scholarship page?</p>

<p>I received word yesterday confirming (again) that there will be no change in the Presidential, but that unfortunately, the scholarship information has not been finalized at this time which is causing the delay. They had hoped to have the page updated on July 15 once the tuition increase was approved. Although I have only asked specifically about the Presidential, it sounded as if any potential changes to the other levels might be positive.</p>

<p>If you don’t mind me asking, who is your source?</p>

<p>I have several, but I’ll be happy to share one, Amber Capell.</p>

<p>I also contacted the scholarship office this week and they told me they don’t expect a change and the the website should be updated by early August. We are waiting online and needles as well!</p>

<p>Alright, thank you so much! I’m applying to two other schools, but once the presidential is confirmed I will be 'bama bound, so I’m eager for the announcement!</p>

<p>DD is also Bama Bound as soon as the scholarship is confirmed! Where are you from Edjumacation?</p>

<p>North Carolina! Really looking forward to living in another state for the first time!</p>