Class of 2018 (Class of 2014) Regular Decision Results

<p>So when am I going to hear back?</p>

<p>I applied regular decision and I too have yet to hear back… Are the trickling them out as they go to committee? Decisions started going out 2 weeks ago and I am beginning to get worried… </p>

<p>Hi everyone,
I’m in the same boat as those of you who have been deferred and are waiting for a final decision. After speaking to an Admissions Counselor in late Feb when I visited last, he told me that most deferrals get put on the wait list. I’m going back to Miami this Friday so I will revisit the Office of Undergrad Admissions again then to check. I’d hate to be the bearer of bad news, but all we can do is hope at this point. I don’t anticipate results coming to us until April at the very latest. :frowning: Good luck to all, and congrats to those who got in!</p>

<p>UPDATE: I just got off the phone with admissions and they said all RD applicants (whether you were deferred from EA or not) SHOULD have their decision by the end of the month. So we should all be hearing something “fairly soon”.</p>

<p>I was accepted to College of arts and sciences! Took me long enough to receive it. </p>

<p>when do we hear back about financial aid</p>

<p>^^^^ when do we hear back about financial aid</p>

<p>Finally received a scholarship notice (communication center) today. Stress level down now, although I still can’t view my FA package when I click on the online link.</p>

<p>I applied RD and I still haven’t received a decision yet. Does this mean I’ve been rejected or wait listed? Do I still have some shot at receiving an acceptance at this point? </p>

<p>@GTOWN1 I haven’t heard back either I am so nervous… OMG it’s my number 1 school…so fingers crossed. :-/ </p>

<p>Does anyone know when they send out the estimated financial aid package? Like, with grants, scholarships, direct and indirect unsubsidized loans, all that stuff? I know my scholarships, but I need the rest of that before I make my decision. </p>

<p>My decision letter was put up on canelink today!</p>

<p>@bexclarerose did you get in? </p>

<p>Just clicked on the FA Package link and it is complete. Wow an additional scholarship, I’m hyped although my parents will be paying a good portion of my tuition and fees.</p>

<p>Still haven’t gotten a decision. :-< </p>

<p>@HBombJT what are your stats?</p>


<p>SAT I (breakdown): None
ACT: 27 don’t ask
SAT II: Math 1: 680 Biology M: 700
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): None
AP (place score in parenthesis): AP Calculus AB: 4 taking 5 this year
IB (place score in parenthesis):
Senior Year Course Load:
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): None
Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Officer at many clubs, tennis, starting tutoring group in Cameroon.
Job/Work Experience: Too young
Volunteer/Community service: Too young
Summer Activities: Traveling
Essays: Pretty good
Teacher Recommendation: 10/10 physic teacher who loves me did not read. AP English teacher 7/10
Counselor Rec: 10/10 much like my physics teacher
Additional Rec: None
Interview: None
Intended Major: Biomedical Engineering
State (if domestic applicant): FL
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Black
Gender: M
Income Bracket: $40000 yeah I know
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): URM, parents from Cameroon, 13 years old</p>

<p>I’m a transfer student and I still haven’t gotten a decision. I have A in all my classes, my GPA is 4.0/4.0 :(( </p>

<p>@4Duflboiy what did you get?
I got my scholarship notification but no news from financial aid. I filed the CSS Profile</p>

<p>I thought I should bump this post for those of you who have not gotten your decisions; including myself.</p>