Class of 2018 offers of admission breakdown

<p>Happened to see this online, thought it might help the current applicants to see what was offered last year's applicants. <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Here’s some analysis of the above (aka why so many people advise applicants to keep testing to get to the academic admit threshold):
Total apps : 35667
Full Admissions: 17076 (48% of total apps)
Guaranteed Admissions (top 10% + Acad) 14276 (84% of full admissions)
Review Applicants Full Admissions: 2800 (16% of full admissions)</p>

<p>Numbers used for admission profiles (on college search boards) include Blinn Team & Gateway for total admits:
21676 (61% of all apps)</p>

<p>Number of review applicants: 21391 (13% of review apps gain full admission)</p>

<p>@AGmomx2 Good stuff!.</p>

<p>So only 48% of applicants are admitted? College board reports it as 69%, which seems a little high. </p>

<p>College Board numbers are for 2013 and include Blinn Team & Gateway.</p>

<p>This is the first time I’ve seen the info presented so transparent (usually you have to find various reports & piece it together to try to figure it out). I personally think the number listed in college board & other ‘chance’ sites is very deceptive. At least when we were looking I did not consider feeder school admissions (like Blinn Team) nor provisional (like Gateway) would be in the acceptance numbers. Given the hardline guaranteed admission criteria, the real number I think people would like to see are :</p>

<pre><code> 40% of the total applicants (guaranteed admits) had 100% full acceptance rate
60% of total applicants (review admits) had 13% full acceptance rate

<p>Here’s the Review Admit category breakdown:</p>

<p>13% Full admission
19% Blinn Team
3% Gateway
42% offered PSA ( 38% qualified)
23% no offer of admission ( 27% after PSA non-qualifiers added)</p>

<p>Thanks for the clarification! I have so many friends go “A&M accepts 69% of applicants. It’s an easy school to get into!” to which I think uhhh, not so much….</p>

<p>Try getting in from OOS! The student basically must be an academic admit. The minimum requirements are high enough for a pretty good shot at Cal or Michigan and would be in the upper half of students admitted to Wisconsin.</p>

<p>What kind of applicants get full admission as a review candidate?</p>

<p>Shivayan, I think it varies. You are considered if you are in the top 25%, and your chances are improved if your application is submitted early, since it is a “rolling admit” process. In other words, if another candidate had the exact same qualifications as you and submitted her application August 1st and yours was received, say, on November 15th, her chances of being accepted to one of the 2800 remaining remaining spots would be much higher. It is helpful if your test scores are fairly high - last year the “average” accepted scores for holistic review admitted students were 1230 SAT & 27 ACT. Also taken into consideration are your essays (write all 3) , extracurriculars, employment, community service, and what classes you took in high school - how many advanced? Control what you can at this point (essays, scores) and hopefully your extracurriculars and classes will be a positive.
My daughter was a review applicant accepted to the Class of 2018 with a 92 average, 1230 SAT & a 28 ACT. She applied on August 1st. Best of luck to you! </p>