Class of 2018 Parents Support Thread

<p>Move-in day will be here before we know it! Support and hand-holding available here! </p>

<p>My D will be in honors college and housing, has found a great roommate through relationships she and I formed here and in other forums, and plans to go through recruitment. Major is undecided at this point, lol.</p>

<p>If this is your first time moving a student in to housing at UA, be prepared to be impressed. You literally drive up and suddenly your student’s items are in their room Thanks to the amazing Move-In Team! :)</p>

<p>My daughter will be joining my son at UA in the fall. She will be in engineering and honors housing. She does not plan to rush. She plans to be active in church and intramurals, and wants to attend lots of sporting events. She has found what seem to be wonderful roommates from PA, AL and NC.</p>

<p>D2 will be joining D1 at UA this fall. Right now she doesn’t plan to rush. She will be majoring in Food & Nutrition. She will be in honors housing and she hasn’t started to look for roommates yet :confused: </p>

<p>We’ll be going to Capstone Scholars Day next weekend! I’m hoping she’ll meet some other students and maybe a roommate or two. She really wants to room with OS girls :)</p>

<p>My son will be going in the fall, Engineering, Honors, MBA Stem path, rooming in Burke (Are the beds really twins!) Can not go to Scholars day. He has to swim that weekend. We as a family are learning all about what to do to get ready together. He will be a first generation college student. I am a sponge, I am ready to learn all there is to know from all the mighty wise Bama moms and dads that have done this before. Thank you so much for every little parcel of information. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>DD is already gathering things for their “home”. DH thinks we are insane for starting so early!</p>

<p>It’s never too early, NC Mom! :)</p>

<p>Our oldest will be majoring in civil engineering and is leaning towards traditional housing (Burke) although she will be in the Honors college. She has not connected with a roommate yet. She is relatively sure she will rush and we will attend Preview Day weekend.</p>

<p>We are looking forward to meeting other parents! Our son will be an Electrical Engineering major and in the Honors college. He is our oldest so we are new to all of this. I am so thankful for this forum as I have learned so much!</p>

<p>My oldest son is heading to UA in the fall. He will be a CS major (may double major in Business) in the Honors College. He doesn’t plan to rush, and hasn’t started looking for a roommate. I love the supportive 'Bama community on CC!</p>

<p>i have a daughter who is a junior and my son will be a freshman next year. He and a high school friend are looking for 2 more roommates for honors college housing. Both boys have the Presidential scholarship and the engineering scholarship and will be CS majors. They will not rush even though my D is in a sorority. We are from the Atlanta area. My son will have a car on campus. If you have sons who might be interested just PM me! They’re nice nerdy boys!</p>

<p>When I was preparing to send my DD last year, I actually read every single page of this forum…took me a couple of days, BUT there is a TON of info and LOTS of OPPORTUNITIES mentioned Of which we might never had heard.</p>

<p>Hello and thanks for starting this thread! My son plans to major in engineering (mostly likely electrical) and is in the Honors College. He is leaning towards Burke Hall and has started casually looking for a roommate via the UA Housing app. Plans to be involved a lot with intramurals and will attend many sporting events. Hopes to become involved with a Christian student organization / local church and will probably not rush. Loves video gaming also. We are from central Illinois (fairly small HS) and are not sure at this point if he will be taking a car to campus his first year. Feel free to PM me for more information. Looking forward to learning more about UA via the CC forums!</p>

<p>Hello amy9998</p>

<p>You need to find your way over to the FB page for the parents of the class of 2018.</p>

<p>Hello Amy,
My son will be majoring in Electrical also and he is in honors and the Stem path to MBA. He too will be living in Burke. He will be on the swim team so the coach will assign him a room mate from the team however with all the similar tastes between our to sons maybe they will end up in a couple of classes together and can study from time to time. We are from North Texas. A lot of this years incoming class for male swimmers will be in the school of engineering and they all will be living in Burke. My son meet the paster(if that is what he is called) for the fellowship of Christian athletes from Bama and really liked him. Turns out he is friends with our Paster here at home.
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Our daughter is heading to UA this Fall. We visited campus the first week in January and fell in love with the facilities, the programs, and the people! (It was a whopping 17 degrees at the start of our tour, which we heard was not typical :slight_smile: But it was better than the -8 degrees back home.)</p>

<p>I have to say Alabama has been #1 in communication of all the colleges we’ve looked at. They really go out of their way to make sure we get the right information.</p>

<p>She’s in the Honors College, will begin her studies for a Physical Therapy degree, and is leaning towards RidgeCrest South. She really likes the options for service projects, international travel, running and church activities. </p>

<p>Very grateful for this forum (and the Facebook groups), as she is our youngest (our oldest didn’t choose a 4-year college), so this is all new and quite overwhelming. Not to mention the Empty Nest challenges already starting!</p>

<p>My DD also heading to UA this Fall. She is looking for roommates in the FB 2018 group. Honors College, would like Ridgecrest South. Thank you to all for your info - invaluable and frankly made her decision to go to UA very easy for me since there is so much support out there. Definitely NOT the same with other schools. ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>Welcome CBF1968. I too have a DS who will be in the class of 2018. Honors College, Electrical engineering. I have found this site very helpful and continues to help make me feel very comfortable and even excited to be sending my son 600 miles away for college ( I never would have dreamed of that) Roll Tide Roll!</p>

<p>It is now March and we are that much closer to move in! How is everybody doing? Students and parents alike! :)</p>

<p>The experience on move in day sounds similar to DD1’s experience at UAB. DD2 will most likely be a move in early for new MDB members, but will be confirmed after her April audition (she chose to take a later audition slot, because her life was hectic and wanted more focus time). DD is pretty well put-together about getting what she needs for her college room, etc.</p>

<p>I’ve tried to catch up on the UA CC threads and discussions since first logging on in Dec. Also joining the facebook parents’ page for 2018 and other fb parents’ page today. Thanks again mom2ck (Joan) for all the valuable communications and friendship!</p>
