Class of 2019 Decisions

I called the office of admissions recently and they said that most likely deferred students will start to hear back in march…

@simuni‌ my brother was deferred last year and I remember he heard back on valentines day. Perhaps some decisions are being released tomorrow?

@nj1818 Hmm, I’m not sure. I guess it is possible. Looking at last years threads the first people to find out said they heard back in mid march though.

Accepted! I heard back in November.
2240 SAT, 9 AP classes including this year, all 5s on tests taken
dispatcher with ambulance agency (sounds cool but really is easy), active in youth group and speech and debate, play piano, work at library, did an internship at a genetics lab

There’s another kid at my school who was deferred and is at about the same level as I am academically

When should I expect to hear back for RD? I applied to Jan 1st, overqualified applicant (CR + M 1460) 97 GPA

@Patty29‌ I think we’re looking at mid march as the timeline.

It’s super annoying because Stonybrook, which is arguably a better school, has more applicants, and a lower acceptance rate, has a turnaround of 2 weeks.

@assume Ayy, you accepted to SBU early too?
A lot of overqualified people at my school who applied to University at Buffalo got their decisions too (many with 5000$ scholarships!)… Regretting not applying there :frowning:

I don’t know about SBU being better though. It destroys Bing in rankings and its SAT range is almost identical to Bing’s, but it has a high FOB presence (25% asian presence, pretty much what you will get at UC schools)
Not trying to offend the FOBs out there, it’s just that they seem to be very exclusive socially.
Look up Stony Brook on Urban Dictionary for a laugh.

Either way, both schools will give you the best bang for your buck
(unless you’re low income and get accepted to a college that claims to meet 100% demonstrated need.)


I applied the 13th of January and was accepted the first week of February.

My high school (in Southern California) is 90% international so the high international presence at SBU doesn’t bother me. I just don’t want to attend. I applied to it just 'cus.

Assume, I can certainly understand not wanting to attend but why the application? Where do you want to attend?

Bloomberg’s ratings place (undergraduate ) SOM at 54th which is pretty good. US World report puts the undergrad business program at 113-hardly elite but nearer to the top than bottom.


I applied as I wanted one more backup in New York. Most of my applications hang on my essay as my GPA isn’t overly competitive when applying as a computer science major. My first choice at this point is Binghamton.

I was deferred and just got accepted today!!! AH SO HAPPY :slight_smile:

@nj1818 congratulations! Which school within Binghamton were you accepted to?

@rgr717‌ Harpur. I applied as a Political Science major

Thanks, we’re still waiting on SOM. Curious if anyone deferred from SOM has received an acceptance or rejection yet.

@rgr717 congrats and how were you notified? how did u find out today? thanks

sorry i meant nj1818 congrats and how were you notified? how did u find out today? thanks

sorry i meant @nj1818 congrats and how were you notified? how did u find out today? thanks

Thank you! My status changed to “accepted. Congratulations!” I still haven’t been notified by email. I’m also out of state (not sure if that makes a difference).

I applied on 12/15 for RD to SOM and still haven’t received a decision yet…anyone else waiting for their decision?