Class of 2019 Decisions

<p>Got an acceptance letter in the mail 20 minutes ago!!! So happy!
Stats: 95.57 unweighted GPA, 2060 SAT. </p>

<p>@ncccc1701 @jaredstone4‌
Was financial aid/merit aid included?</p>

<p>@nymom64‌ </p>

<p>-34 ACT (34 English, 35 Math, 35 Reading, 33 Science)
-750 Math I, 740 Math II, 730 Bio (M)
-Decent-good ECs (biomed engineering internship, co-editor in chief of a literary magazine, officer of school’s computer/tech club, teach religion at my local church even though I’m an atheist, and a few other minor things)
-Good Common App Essay in my opinion
-Rank 26/417 in my class
-School doesn’t offer APs but is probably the best Catholic high school on Long Island (if you’re from around here it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out where I go)</p>

<p>Hope this helps! Good luck to other applicants who had their status change – I kind of need to get into Binghamton so that I know for a fact a school I’m applying to will be affordable.</p>

<p>Admission letter to Harpur in the mail yesterday. His stats are:
GPA: 95.0 UW, 98.6 W
all Honors/college/AP core classes
SAT: 570CR/730M/690W
Rank: 24/455</p>

<p>In-state, from Syracuse area, and, if it counts for anything, legacy.</p>

<p>My application is still “complete and ready for review.” I’m from NJ, and all of my friends have the same status. Is anyone else in the same boat? Is this a bad sign? Binghamton is one of my top schools :-(</p>

<p>@Brookegre‌ it depends. When did you submit everything for your application?</p>

<p>@jamesjunkers‌ Nope! The letter said we’ll get an email sometime in early March.</p>

<p>@bmw6569 I sent it in around Nov. 3rd, but my transcripts were not received until the 18th. My GC told me that all decisions would be out today… I’m getting worried :(</p>

<p>My brother just received his acceptance letter to Binghamton.</p>

<p>Maybe since you submitted transcripts a bit later, that’s why you didn’t get a decision yet. I was told that I would be getting a decision from there today as well but I still haven’t. @Brookegre‌ </p>

<p>@tshillz‌ did he receive it in email or in the postal mail?</p>

<p>So it seems that this year Binghamton is on notifying EA applicants on a rolling decision basis. Any clue how they are determining who is being notified when? Daughter’s application is still listed as complete and waiting for review, though she did submit her November SAT scores.</p>

<p>@bmw6597‌ if you don’t mind me asking, what are your stats? Also, are you in-state, or out-of-state? </p>

<p>I got my acceptance package today.</p>

<p>31 ACT
98.3 W GPA
Leadership/lots of ECs
Ranked 6/305</p>

<p>Also in-state if that’s being considered/mentioned</p>

<p>@Pianissimo1‌ did you get an email or postal mail? And which major did you designate? Also what time if it was email?</p>

<p>@Pianissimo1‌ do you live upstate, city, or Long Island?</p>

<p>you can send in the CSS, and it helps them a little bit though most people use the CSS for ED</p>

<p>i am able to pay the deposit but have not received anything in the mail</p>

<p>Accepted into Harpur!!! Now just waiting to see if I get into Scholars</p>

<p>My brother attends Binghamton and is currently a freshman. He was deffered last year and said that if you weren’t told when the first group was, you were either wait listed or deferred. I am thinking that that is the case for everyone who still has the “complete ready for review” status. Then again, the first acceptances were given out much later last year, so it may just be on a rolling basis this year.</p>