Class of 2019 Decisions

Does binghamton offer any scholarships?

@airspirit‌ yes, son offered $8k /yr merit scholarship. Full tuition, we’d pay room and boRd.

How were you notified of merit? Was it at same time as other financial aid?

Got a letter in the mail about the merit aid award. Then a few days later he got an email with instructions on how to log in to BU Brain for financial aid package, and the package also includes the scholarship, plus a small amount for TAP, and the rest the usual combo of loans etc. We don’t really qualify for financial aid/federal grants because income too high. .

@Sapphire50‌ wow that’s great! Thanks for the reply and congrats!

I was also deferred and havent heard back, haven’t heard from syracuse either.

@Sapphire50, Thanks for the details. One last clarification question: what school did you apply to?

Harpur (it’s my son). He’s majoring in physics.

@Sapphire50‌, thx. In state or out of state?

I was just told that their status checker isn’t even working. So that is a waste of time.

migold22, just curious who told you that.

Does anyone know when the final decisions are going out?

@Scaffold33 I was told by admissions this morning that they are working on them now and to just keep checking my email, because that’s how we’ll be notified, all by April 1st. My guess is that they’ll (hopefully) be churning them out as they make them to get them all out by the deadline, but I guess we’ll see! Fingers crossed!

@emilymcg, thanks. Good luck to all of you. Whatever Binghamton decides, I’m sure you’ll all do great in college.

@Scaffold33‌ thank you, and the same to you!

I just received an email stating that I was rejected to SOM but I was offered a spot in Harpur. I applied RD

@ebod75‌ did your status change to “decision made”? Congrats!

@nattyirie no it actually still says “complete ready for review”, I was surprised that they even emailed me. Thank you :slight_smile:

Me either. I have been wait for so long.!!!

Complete ready for review.

I was the fourth poster on this thread on November 10 and have waited (im)patiently for over four months. Son applied EA, was deferred to RD. Finally got the admission email tonight! Accepted to Watson Engineering. No word on merit aid yet. He’s very excited as Bing is his first choice. Hoping for the best for all of you still waiting.

------------------- (10 November 2014) --------------------

My son applied EA. 3.6GPA, SAT Read 650, Math 690, Writ 600, ACT 30 (34 Science). 3-sport athlete, National Honor Society, volunteer/service probably pretty standard. Applying as Engineering major, Computer or Electrical. Weighted 98 average 1Q senior year including AP Physics and AP Calc. He’s at a pretty competitive high school and only ranks 65 out of 175 due to 90 average as a freshman and soph. Binghamton is his first choice. I thought his chances were good, but last year’s EA class had a lot of candidates with pretty good stats that wound up deferred.