Class of 2019 Decisions

<p>@lulu2015‌ I didn’t get anything either so I guess we just have to wait :(</p>

<p>@bmw6597‌ what college did you get accepted to?</p>

<p>@anonye‌ Binghamton</p>

<p>@bmw6597‌ no, I’m almost about engineering school, business, cas, etc</p>

<p>@anonye‌ Oh I see what you’re asking now. I got into the School of Management to major in business management and marketing</p>

<p>I just got my acceptance letter to Decker school of Nursing and I’m so happy! It wasn’t much of a surprise though since I checked to see if I could pay the deposit earlier today :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway, here are some of my stats:
SAT: 680 CR, 680 M, 690 Writing (1360/2050)
ACT: 30
APs: Euro (4) Music (4) English Lit (3) Physics (3) English lang, Bio, Stats (taking now)
ECs: established violinist within my district - played in pit orchestra for 4 years, induction ceremony quartet performances, and county-wide festivals. also a face painter for various community events, volunteered at library, camp counselor, NHS, NEHS, Music Honor Society, philosophy club. Member of Long Island Youth Orchestra, toured in Europe over the summer
Essay: about a performance in France! strong
Recommendations: I haven’t seen them, but I would guess they were great
Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>No Decision Yet, says Decision Made</p>

34 ACT (33 English, 35 Math, 34 Reading, 35 Science)
2120 SAT
94.8 GPA UW, 99.05 W
10 APs (Human Geography (4), World History (5), U.S. History (4), Chemistry (5), Language and Composition (5), Currently Taking: Literature and Composition, Physics 1, Biology, US Government and Politics, and Calculus AB)
Lots of EC’s including 200+ hours of volunteering and 300+ hours of research at a laboratory</p>

<p>idk why it is not telling me :(</p>

<p>@anonye‌: I clicked on your user id and from your stats in a chance me post I have to think you’re an extremely strong candidate for Bing. Hopefully they’re just plowing through the pile. My last name starts with W and all my friends who got in are early in the alphabet. I’m going to hold on to hope that that is the reason.</p>

<p>@lulu2015‌ same! My last name starts with a y. Hopefully, that’s the case. I hope we don’t get our decision in the middle of January </p>

<p>@lulu2015 Your SAT scores and gpa are terrific and coupled with Naviance projection it seems like you are a definite shoo-in as long as you took a rigorous course load and have no blemishes on your record. The timing of receiving a decision likely depends on the school you applied to–Harpur College, Watson College of Engineering, School of Management. SOM and Engineering are more difficult to get into than Harpur. And with the tens of thousands of applications Binghamton receives it probably will take them some more time to complete reviewing all the Early Action applications. This appears to be the first year that Binghamton has released decisions so early and in batches (on a rolling basis) as opposed to all at once in mid-January. </p>

<p>@rgr717 - Thanks for the encouragement. I applied to Harpur and undeclared so I also could see that playing a role as that’s probably the largest batch of applicants and it may take longer to get through them.</p>

<p>@lulu2015 @anonye‌ I’m pretty sure it’s not because of your last name because my last name starts with a W also and I got mine today. However, it could be delayed depending on where you live.</p>

<p>Accepted today to Watson School of Engineering!</p>

<p>ACT: 32
GPA: UW: 4.0/4.0 W: 101.6
AP Scholar With Distinction
With Senior Schedule 10 AP Classes Taken During HS</p>

<p>Good luck to anyone waiting and congrats to those that got in!</p>

<p>@bmw6597 - I was mostly joking…but thanks for bursting my bubble! (kidding). My mail hasn’t come yet, but I’m in NYC and friends got letters yesterday. I’m not expecting anything since my status checker still says, “application complete and ready for review” as it has since early November. </p>

<p>Accepted School of Management
31 ACT
97 Weighted GPA
Strong leadership/ECs
Strong essay (I believe)
Congratulations to those accepted, and good luck to those patiently waiting!</p>

<p>Is it possible that if your status is still “ready for review” that you’ve been deferred?</p>

<p>@qrstuv‌ - I saw someone say last year that was the case after the first batch went out, but they started sending out acceptances much earlier this year on a rolling basis, so hopefully they’re still not done yet. I was so excited to hear that notices were going out early this year. It would be so great to be all set before the holidays (and be able to avoid relatives’ annoying questions!)</p>

<p>@qrstuv I think that yesterday and today is just the first batch of releases.I don’t think it indicates anything about students who have not yet heard. My daughter and several of her friends who applied Early Action have not received word yet and their status on the application status checker was still “ready for review” as of this afternoon. A lot of them, including my daughter, have very high stats. I’d be surprised if all of them were deferred. Hopefully we will hear soon. </p>

<p>Accepted to Harpur! Last part of application received November 13. 3.1 UW GPA, 34 ACT, OOS, meh extracurriculars, solid essay. :smile: </p>

<p>where do i check my admission decision or how would i know if a decision has been made? </p>