Class of 2019 Waitlist

Yes. This happened last year too. After the May 1st deadline, everyone’s page “reset” so that new status’ could be updated if needed.

I have a silly question. As I understand it, most (if not all) schools require you make a decision by May 1st. If you are on the waitlist at VT and are notified after May 1st, aren’t you missing out on other opportunities?


This year they had so many applicants. Hopefully there is some space left for us

well, a student can pay the deposit for another school and then later on, call admissions office saying you got accepted somewhere else and they’ll let you go to the other school but you won’t get the money back from the deposit.

I just called the admissions office… Nobody is getting accepted from the waitlist this year…

is this a 100% fact?

Just letting you guys know what they told me

what did they exactly say?

I hope this isn’t true for those on the waiting list. I cannot imagine that everyone who got in will actually attend. Surely, there have to be a few spots for those waiting.

an admissions officer that I’ve been speaking to emailed me today: they will NOT be taking students from off of the wait list, sad news :frowning: