Class of 2019

Thanks :slight_smile: I got it based on my status as a National Hispanic Scholar

I’ve visited and spent the night at the honors dorm. The campus is beautiful in my opinion

Good to know, @alord1234!

I’ll probably spend time touring around on orientation day.

@emfalla‌ Awesome! Congrats to you!

Hey guys, I’m currently considering University of Arizona because it looks I didn’t get admitted into my first choice school unfortunately. I have not applied yet, but I have been considering this school for a while now.
I was wondering how the MIS program was, and what the acceptance rate is for that program. Also, I was curious about the weather and the dorm situation. I am from Southern California, so I’m accustomed to some heat (around 90-100 during summer), but I heard that Arizona is unbearable. I’m going to visit the campus over spring break in April, but just want to get the opinion of other prospective/admitted students.


I don’t know much about the MIS program or the dorm situation, but I can say that from my research UA is a very well-rounded public university. Also, it’s ranked #1 in the state of Arizona for best colleges, both private and public.

For the weather, you probably won’t experience much of a change if average heat is 95 in California during the summer. I moved from Michigan to Arizona and had little trouble adjusting to the heat after a week. Michigan, as you may or may not know, is cold a lot during the year and the highest it reached in terms of degrees Fahrenheit was ~80.

@stugace Is MIS or even the business program in general pretty competitive? I want to book airfare to visit the campus, but I haven’t submitted my app yet. I’m going to submit it this weekend along with my SAT and ACT scores. Do you know about how long it will take before I receive a decision?


MIS at UA is ranked #5 by USNews, a few numbers away from MIT and Carnegie. I personally had no clue it was that competitive.

As for your decision, it should come in 2-4 weeks; mine came in 1 week, though.

Ok, thanks for the input @stugace‌, I appreciate it. I’ll let you know my stats after I submit my app.

Submitted my application yesterday along with my ACT and SAT scores. I just found out that the WUE tuition isn’t applicable to my major since I’m out of state (California). Does UA give out a lot of merit based scholarships? It looks it will cost me about 45k a year to attend, which is pretty high.

@Sirlaz, I believe UA is generous when it comes to merit aid. Off the top of my head, I know of one which requires only a 3.0 UW and >29 ACT, but the amount of money is lower for ooss. I know UA is a strong school academically, but I wouldn’t pay more than 10k a year (with dorm) after including scholarships, financial aid, etc. even if I were oos.

I personally am dealing with oos issues because of the date I came to Arizona. Fortunately, I’m getting it resolved and will most likely receive in-state status!

@Sirlaz‌ The highest scholarship for OOS is 14,000 per year I believe. Other potential Financial aid will depend on your EFC. When you add in housing with tuition and all fees and expenses totals about 45,000. For my son, it will be LESS expensive for him to go to Loyola Marymount University than U of A. Hope this helps.

Thanks guys. I’m in a pickle right now because I didn’t apply to many schools; I applied to UC Santa Cruz, UC Riverside, Cal Poly SLO, and UA. CP SLO was my #1, but it looks like I didn’t get in, so now I’m falling back onto my last 3 options. I still haven’t received admission into UCR or UCSC, but I’m pretty confident I’ll get in. I looking for a school with a strong MIS program or Business Administration with a concentration in Information Systems. It kinda sucks now because most deadlines are past, and I can’t apply to other schools. I don’t really want to have to stay at a community college for 2 years and transfer, but it is an option I’m looking into.

A 1300 CR/M gets guaranteed annual merit scholarship of $12k a year for OOS according to their website.

Any possible Arizona Assurance Scholars on here?

I will most likely be one once I can settle my residency so I’m considered in-state.

In terms of scholarships, my daughter was initially offered 16K annually OOS 35 ACT, 2200 SAT, 4.0 UW GPA.

@stugace‌ What do you mean settle your residency? Is it true you can pay OOS tuition for the first year, but then switch to in-state tuition the following years?

@Sirlaz, yes, I believe you do pay oos first year then in-state the next. However, I think you must stay in Arizona for the full year with your family and not leave.

The problem for me is that we came on June 13, 2014, so I haven’t technically been here for 1 year.

Hey guys,

So I just got accepted into Pre-Business (MIS major) and I received the Arizona Excellence Award for $12k a year.

How do I find out what other financial aid I will receive? Will I find this out before I commit?

Also, can I self-assign into dorm w/o committing because I know most of the good dorms are already full, and I want to get a spot.

Additionally, I applied for the Honors college, but I didn’t see anywhere on the Next Steps Center as to whether I got in or not. How do I check if I did or not?

@Sirlaz‌ You will receive a financial aid letter in the mail. Don’t know if you will receive before you are required to commit. I can tell you, my son received the Arizona excellence award 14,000 per year for oos, and that was all. All he received in his FA letter was loans. You can sign up for housing and put down a 150$ deposit to get the opportunity(takes a few days to get the email to self assign), but to do this you have to pay an additional 300$. Don’t know about the Honors College, Sorry.