Class of 2020 application questions

Hi everyone! Alabama has been on my radar since freshman year and having done extensive research on scholarships this past month, I’m fairly certain it’s my top choice. I’m from Florida and qualify for an OOS scholarship, the Presidential, with a 3.57 GPA (UW) and 33 ACT. My one question is Alabama’s GPA recalculations. I’ve heard some people say they use your weighted GPA, especially for scholarships, but is that really true?

I’m also looking into CBH and UFE programs as well as STEM to MBA. Can anyone provide some first-hand details on the applications/requirements for these programs in terms of GPA and essays?

Alabama accepted whatever the highest GPA that is on your school’s transcripts. If your school does weighted, they take that as is, no recalculations. That’s what I’ve been told, multiple times, at least.

UA does not recalculate GPA. If you HS sends a weighted GPA on its transcripts that is what will count toward your scholarship. The honors college is the same way. If your stats are at or above the requirements you are in the HC. Though for HC there is a separate application and short essay to fill out after you have been admitted to UA.

Now, UFE and CBH are very different. You will have additional applications and essays involved for UFE and CBH. As well as very stiff competition. Those programs accept very few applicants and are some of the most highly sought after groups at UA.

Please understand, while some highly qualified applicants do not make it into UFE or CBH, there are many other research and service opportunities at UA.

@2015pop If the transcript has both UW and W they’ll just look at the higher one, correct? And thanks for the information on the other programs, I am applying to the HC and am pretty sure I’ll get in. UFE looked appealing because of all the extra scholarship $$ and CBH’s research component really speaks to me.

I’m definitely also interested in other service opportunities and will be seeking them out at whichever college I end up going to!

No one knows yet what the rising 2016 scholarship GPA reqs will be. Keep that in mind…

@aeromom I’ve heard they shouldn’t change too much. My weighted GPA is at a level where even a slight change in scholarship reqs won’t hurt!

@aeromom I’m concerned about the scholarships possibly changing. No scholarship=no BAMA for us. S has stellar GPA but only a 32 on the ACT. S would be crushed if it does change. Half of his t-shirts are UA.

@therealdeal19 You have a stellar opportunity by attending The University of Alabama with a scholarship.

Don’t forget to fill in all applications and meet all the deadlines to get accepted, qualify for scholarships, and apply to the Honors College. All transcripts and test data (AP & CLEP) have to be sent to admissions. Don’t let your guidance office lag, there are some students who almost missed getting scholarships, because the transcripts were not received on time. The same with the ACT/SAT scores. Keep on top of all the details.

In addition, please note that the CBH Program Only takes 40 students per year. That is 40 students out of a freshmen class of over 6,000 students. I am not exactly sure how many students apply, but it is a large number and growing each year. The applicants who apply to this program go through a thorough vetting starting with an extra application, extra essay, extra review of credentials, an interview weekend for the finalists, which is then followed by a peer/professor/staff review of these finalists, then the final selection is made for the year. This program also requires a four credit class for each of the two freshman semesters, and then a three credit class for each of four additional semesters (year 2 -year 3). There are projects and presentations that are required, and this is in addition to the research component of the program. This is a time consuming, credit consuming course of study.


Students eligible to apply for the Honors College (28 ACT or 1250 SAT and 3.5 High School GPA) are eligible to apply for the Computer-Based Honors Program (CBHP). On average, the 2012 entering class had above a 33 ACT or 1480 SAT and 4.35 GPA.

@robotbldmom thanks for all the information! just getting into UA with a decent scholarship would be amazing, anything extra is just a cherry on top of the generous ice cream sundae! I plan on getting my transcript sent as soon as I finish the application (end of July) since my guidance office is open for the summer.

Do you have any more information on CBH, like how the program works? I know it’s research heavy but are you able to pick what you want to research (eg. lab work or field studies)?

@therealdeal19 You’re welcome for the info. I just wanted to give you a concise and realistic view of CBH. As I said, many students apply, but few get invited to join. However, there are many, many other great opportunities at UA, that can easily get overlooked. The top students hone in and focus on CBH & UFE. Don’t be disappointed if you apply, and are not accepted to either program. Look at Emerging Scholars which is another research based program without taking as many course credits.

See here:

CBH is course heavy with a strong emphasis on projects and programming the first year. Years two and three also require course work, presentations, peer review and critiques along with a research component. Your research will depend on your major. What major were you thinking about?

@robotbldmom I’m interested in either a biology degree or something in the Culverhouse business college. I didn’t know about the emerging scholars program, Bama is just surprising me each day with how much they provide in terms of networking opportunities for their students!

For CBH and UFE - if you are rejected from those your honors college acceptance is still valid, correct?

@therealdeal19 Yes, you need to do a short application/essay for the Honors College, however applying to other programs like UFE and CBH will have no effect on your Honors College status. The Honors College acceptance is based solely on your statistics.

Those are two very different prospective majors. Have you heard of or looked into the STEM to MBA program?

@robotbldmom I had always dreamed of going to medical school until I realized business interests me a lot more and can be applied to a wide variety of things! I have looked into STEM to MBA and am on the fence about it. I do plan on applying to either UFE, CBH, or STEM to MBA but just have to see which one I can gain the most out of in terms of future plans!

Just an update for all the parents out there who have been mildly anxious about scholarships for 2016-17… the web page has been updated, and I don’t see any significant changes except in the cash value represented.

I can’t guarantee this for anything but the specific demographic my son is in, though, so I encourage everyone go and check for themselves.

It’s interesting, seems like the cutoff scores have remained the same for a few cycles now. I assume that if current trends continue then the generous amount of merit aid being offered will mean that the next incoming class will continue to have a larger number of OOS students in comparison to in-state students, and the class will also continue the trend of being the most academically competitive class (in terms of SAT/ACT scores) in Bama’s history.

@therealdeal19 If indeed business is your true interest and passion, they why even consider biology as a major? You should not take a biology major, just because you once thought of going to med school. First, med schools do not require a student to be a bio major, the student just needs to do the premed requirements, which does require certain bio classes. However, you should pursue a major couse of study, which will lead to fulfillment of your future goals.

@robotbldmom I’ve taken 3 consecutive years of bio from middle school to high school (life science, bio honors, AP bio) and greatly enjoy the subject as well as research associated with it. I’m a senior in high school, I don’t have my passions and interests completely figured out. However, I have focused on a lot of medical related clubs and ECs throughout high school (HOSA, biology/medicine club, Anatomy Bowl, hospital shadowing) because that was my first and only career interest for a long time. As I started my college search, I realized there is more than one path I want to pursue.

I know the med school application process, have had several close friends go through it successfully. I know you can major in anything as long as you take the required classes. You seem to think I’m taking my major lightly, as if I casually choose biology because it sounds fun. Alabama is new to me, the programs they offer allow me to expand my field of study more than other schools. All I wanted was information on the programs I specified, not advice on what to major in.

Anther option for you is to major in biology and be in the STEM path to MBA program. You’d be able to get some exposure to business and biology. If you like business you can get your mba, if you like bio or medical stuff you can go to med school.

@therealdeal19 Gosh, I wasn’t trying to give you any direct advice about which major you Should take. I was just following your lead (from post #12) about the fact that you had now found business to be more interesting than med school. However, I was trying to help you, but I will now stop here, since you seem to know all you need about the med school process. I don’t think you will need my advice or anyone else’s.

@bamagirl18 yes that is the option I seem to like the most. Thank you!