Class of 2020 Nursing admissions

What terrific accomplishments @FutureNurse2020! I sure hope you get to go into your number one school. My daughter just received her acceptance to Seattle U today with a scholarship. We love the Nursing lab and look forward to touring it. Congrats to @RN2be2016 on your pre-nursing acceptance. And thanks so much for the great information everyone. Good luck to you too @Lovemyjob - sorry your daughter didn’t get into SCSU, but hopefully more doors will open for her.

It seems like many of you applied to UCI 's direct entry nursing, as did my daughter. Good luck to you all. I think the begin notifying soon.

I’m admitted to SDSU, U of Portland, USF, Case Western Reserve (all direct entry), as well as CSULB and Sonoma State, but I’m still waiting on UCLA and UCI. UCLA is my top choice but we’ll see…

@Juliannie that is awesome! Out of the schools you were admitted to what is your top choice?
You have great choices- what were your stats??

Congratulations @Juliannie! I agree with @Lovemyjob that you have wonderful choices already! Best of luck to you as you await the other schools admission decisions :slight_smile:

Daughter is an upcoming Nursing major, however she applied to a few science majors at some of her top choices for that did not offer nursing, in case she changed her mind or at least would have another option if not accepted to a nursing direct entry undergraduate- accepted bio CAL Poly SLO, and Tulane)-awaiting UCLA

She’s been accepted to San Diego State( my nursing degree from), NorthEastern, Boston College and U Mich direct entry nursing- super proud of her! We’re visiting NE and U Mich in April as she received some scholarship money from them so makes the out of state at least affordable ( or at least better) Boston College way out our league financially. Hoping she chooses SDSU as close to home, but of course she has other ambitions to be further from home…LOVES Cal Poly SLO as far enough, great school, but no Nursing :frowning: . Still waiting UCs( so I am sure that will hopefully add to them of choices at least for a science undergrad ( did not like UCI ) so did not apply).

I am sooo ready for this to be over too! Makes the empty nest syndrome look promising (LOL!)

Would love nay ones input on U Mich or NE

Wow, those are some really fantastic acceptances, @Corner for you daughter, you should be really proud! I too can’t wait until this is finally over and my daughter makes a decision, one way or the other! She is still waiting on three reach schools that will decide around April for direct admit, so we won’t probably have a decision until May 1st --hopefully there is no waiting list issue… Keep us posted!

@Juliannie you also have some wonderful choices of schools even without UCLA and UCI. Wish you all the best and keep us posted about where you end up!

I’ve been accepted into Rutgers, TCNJ, Case Western Reserve University, UPitt, and UMich so far. I’m still waiting on UCLA, UCI, and UPenn (I was deferred from ED). I received scholarship money from Rutgers, UPitt, and Case Western. I’m really happy because I already have some great options, but I’m kinda hoping for UCLA because of the weather in Cali haha! All of these schools are direct entry 4-year BSN programs.

Thanks @lovemyjob , @negirl508 , and @netter11 ! My top choice as of right now is SDSU because in state tuition is a much more affordable than the privates, even with $20,000/yr merit scholarships. My UC/CSU GPA is 4.21, but my 9-12 weighted is 4.36.

I am into Azusa Pacific University nursing, and UC Berkeley (no nursing there though), and I got a likely letter from UPenn nursing, though from talking to nursing admissions it sounds like that is as good as an acceptance. I’m waiting on UCI and UCLA for nursing, UW for pre-nursing, and UCSD for kicks and giggles. :slight_smile: so excited to see so many others pursuing such an awesome career!

I think at this point we are all waiting on UCI and UCLA!!
Nursing is a fabulous profession- you won’t be disappointed - hence my user name-LOL
DD is doing a much better job being patient than I am - so ready to be done with this process.
Good luck to everyone and I can’t wait to heat everyone’s final choice :slight_smile:

Nice choice @Julianna I graduated SDSU , although many years ago, I was very happy with the program and my education. I have worked in the local area as a nurse educator for years and love the New Grads that we get from SDSU…They are always well prepared to begin their Nursing Career…Good Luck to you! excited for you to enter the Nursing profession! Good Luck to everyone!!! Cant wait to have to join the profession!

My daughter was wait listed at SDSU for nursing. Any suggestions on anything she can do to increase her chances of acceptance. I know they basically just use EI for admission, but didn’t know if they consider extra curricular, volunteer experience, recommendations for wait listed students.

I don’t know anything specific about SDSU, but at other colleges, students on wait list have been encouraged to provide a single submittal with information on their updated accomplishments and their interest in the program. If later grades are favorable, they can be sent in by the guidance counselor. However, people recommend to not overdo it with a submittal every week.

Thanks @Charliesch.

I was just looking at UCI’s nursing program and classes. I have to say I was quite surprised to see that you have to take 5 quarters of Chemistry!!! That is crazy- IMO. Did anyone else notice this??

Now that you mentioned it @lovemyjob, I’ve noticed that both the curriculums at UCI and UCLA for nursing look very heavily science oriented (as you say.) In addition, the admission rates for last year were approximately 3.5% for UCI and 2.5% for UCLA. In contrast, the SDSU and USF curriculums look much less harrowing. I wish everyone who is on a waitlist or who is awaiting a decision, the best of luck! Nurses are beyond awesome and it is one of the most highly respected professions out there! Again, good luck to all!

@Erikacharm I agree- USF and U of Portland look much more realistic -Nurses really don’t need such a heavy science focus- again IMO. UCI says they expect to graduate only 30 Freshman and 20 transfers for a grand total of 50!! That is a pretty small class- oh well.
Good luck to everyone waiting for the last few programs :slight_smile:

@Lovemyjob - Yes, I agree too much chemistry in the nursing curriculum at UCI - not necessary. That was a total turnoff for my daughter who wants to be a nurse and not a chemist. Maybe a reason why UCI & UCLA’s NCLEX scores aren’t as high as one would expect - they may need to place more emphasis on nursing & not so much chemistry. In fact, my daughter made a list of schools that she was interested in and if their curriculums required 1 or 2 semesters of chemistry and on school tours she always asked if the chemistry class was with the premed, only nursing or a mix of allied health majors. I believe UCLA had 3 quarters & UCI 5 quarters of chemistry. Also, UCLA & UCI are on quarter systems & not a semester system which can be pretty rigorous wth midterms & finals 3 times in a year & 2 quarters [winter & spring] are after the December holiday break with one week off in between the quarters. I believe each quarter is 10 weeks long as opposed to a semester that usually runs 14-15 weeks. I have read on other threads on CC that some students have alot of difficulty adjusting to the quarter system because it goes so fast and from the get-go one must keep on top of their work or fall quickly behind.

I totally agree with everything you guys have mentioned above. Hopefully our daughters are aware of this. The above needs to be considered if our kids some how get “holistically” admitted to UCI or UCLA.